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Everything posted by Blackhorse

  1. Thanks Sergei! Impressive undertaking by our friend Neutrino!!
  2. It's a good thing you don't have a cat!! By the Way, that looks totally AWESOME!! Thanks for the AAR. Also, please clarify the game being played. I've looked through the consim folder and cannot find "Der Weltkrieg". What other name does it go by? Storm of Steel perhaps?
  3. I checked it out. I must say, I am quite impressed. It's a large multi-player wargame, with timed turns. Each game can last as long as the scenario designer wants it to last. The beta games are going 3 hours each and then resetting, meaning you can join any time, but the game will start fresh at some point. It's a wargame. Players have roles such as Bn Cdr, or Regt Cdr,or Division Cdr, or Army/Corps Cdr. The higher eceholn Cdrs will eventually be able to pass orders to subordinates, etc. Right now everyone is a Bn Cdr, so missions are entirely cooperative, with nobody really in charge. In the final version, players can join one of the many planned perpetual games, or a smaller scenario, or they will be able to design their own scenarios and invite up to 19 of their friends to participate. This is pretty cool, in my opinion. It's all browser based. It has in game email, chat, and the ability to put graphics on the map. All good stuff really. 4 out of 5 stars as an early rating.
  4. Three that come to mind are: The Blond Knight of Germany about Erich Hartmann (top ace of all time). http://www.amazon.com/Blond-Knight-Germany-Raymond-Toliver/dp/0830681892 and Stuka Pilot by Hans-Ulrich Rudel http://www.amazon.com/Stuka-Pilot-Hans-Ulrich-Rudel-Schiffer/dp/0887402526/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1252001898&sr=1-1 and The Man Who Flew the Memphis Belle http://www.amazon.com/Man-Who-Flew-Memphis-Belle/dp/0451205944/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1252002057&sr=1-1
  5. ABSTRACT Full Report here: http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/content/full/76/5/911 Great thread! HFCS is friggin everywhere these days (Can anyone tell me why it's in things like English Muffins?). I look at ingredients nowadays and try as much as possible to avoid it. from: http://www.examiner.com/x-19969-Cleveland-Green-Parenting-Examiner~y2009m8d28-HFCS
  6. Better than pictures, we have video... There is but one response to this:
  7. Although this book doesn't fit the mold of the books for which you request recommendations, no reading lists on the war in the Pacific should be complete without including EB Sledge's With the Old Breed http://www.amazon.com/Old-Breed-At-Peleliu-Okinawa/dp/0891419195/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1243076610&sr=8-1
  8. Brilliant! What the hell ever happened to Wincape anyway?
  9. Dude, it's the gf...every thread is pointless
  10. Not to pile on too much here, but I believe there is a difference between say "the bloodiest Day in American History" and the "Bloodiest Small Arms battle in American History." Antietam may have been the bloodiest 24 hour period in American hostory, but surely the Gettysburg Battle was bloodier despite being spread out over three days as opposed to just one. Total % of Total Union 23,040 27% Confederate 20,650-25,000 30%-34% Then there is also Cold Harbor with many claiming it as the bloodiest hour in American History. If we decide to factor in the differences between Battles, engagements, and fire fights, then we make it a little easier to discern, provided we agree on the classification of a particular action.
  11. Add to that the classic tank crew film Sahara starring Humphrey Bogart. http://www.amazon.com/Sahara-Humphrey-Bogart/dp/B00005R23T/ref=pd_bbs_sr_2?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1234559371&sr=8-2
  12. Thanks for the tip(s)... As for TRL....I, for one, liked it as well.
  13. The Tanks Are Coming is, IMO, a great tanker movie, that few know about. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/630343102X/sr=8-3/qid=1234553322/ref=olp_product_details?ie=UTF8&me=&qid=1234553322&sr=8-3&seller=
  14. Dunno about "after effects". I'd say more "during effects". For after effects, I'd say "Born on the 4th of July" is closer to that than others.
  15. Hmm..why hide behind a new name? Just use the one by which we all know you. I agree that good story-telling and movie-making go far to reduce over-exposure of a certain era/genre, although I would hardly call Tropic Thunder a "Viet Nam" Movie in the same sense as other movies about the Viet Nam War (Apocalypse Now, Deer Hunter, etc etc).
  16. GJK, That's good intel ref Vista. Thanks.
  17. The latest regarding little Adolph http://news.aol.com/article/kids-with-nazi-names-taken-from-home/306100
  18. Not sure who here may even know what character you're talking about...is the spelling correct? No idea..anyway.. Who is that? And who is the character supposedly based upon?
  19. Checked the Wargamer site and Eric is correct it is Battle Command, and Moon is incorrect..it is indeed free. I looked at this a year or two ago. It's ambitious. There was an AI, so I played single player. It was very resource/graphics intensive. I was looking to use it in a classroom environment, but found the learning curve too steep and the speed of execution too slow. I ended up giving it a pass. Since it is free, you should go over to wargamer and follow the link and download and try for yourselves.
  20. you got a red card for THAT?? Geez...that seems a bit heavy handed.. I didn't think yours was blatant, just an honest question...more in line with ..so what is the simulation already..just a name, no link please.
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