I have started working at home lately (as you can probably tell from the number of posts froM me!) and therefore having a bit more lesuire time, thought I would do some modelling. Seeing as I don't like spending money I usually buy figures from ebay which are badly painted, strip them and re-paint. I have been doing this with plastic figures for some time. You bascially use an oven cleaner in a bag with the figs and leave it to strip the paint.
I recently bought some metal figures and tried this, which was partially successful. So I thought I would try putting them in a bag of paint stripper (Nitromors?) and being tight I also put in the plastic bases...first mistake..
After 20 min or so I could see things happening and thoughit time to clean off with water. Putting on my rubber gloves (being aware of saftey) I opened the bag. To my suprise the plastic bases had congelled into one blob, ok not too bad. I picked up a figure and began to wash it under cold water. The second I put it under cold water a reaction took place, a kind of fizz with lots of strong glue smell!! It took the paint off but also I started to realise a pain in my fingers...it had burnt through the gloves! I tried to get them off but they were stuck to my fingers! I was in real pain now. Luckily wifey to tghe rescue and all is ok. DONT MIX HOUSEHOLD CHEMICALS