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Everything posted by Pzman

  1. True, but thats what happens when you tell a dog its going to get a treat and you don't give it one for weeks.
  2. Its "Space Lobsters of Doom." They aren't ready to work on the moduels yet.
  3. They only affect what you see, and have no affect what so ever on game play.
  4. Nah, all we need to do is get someone to learn how to program new Rave drivers for OSX and its all good.
  5. Ok I'll give you a shot... HI MOM!!!!!
  6. LOL. Although it might be funny to see again, I don't think it really helps sales any.
  7. Dear freaking Australian lunatic: Did you not deign to notice that I said 25 copies had been sold, and that twenty-four copies had been returned? My gods! Must I do the thinking for the entire planet?! I'm not cut out for it! I'm insane, and not very bright! Why am I surrounded by fools?! </font>
  8. You may need more than that. I got a top of the line card with 128MB VRAM just so I could play CMBB and still had mediocre images. Michael </font>
  9. Indeed, and any self-respecting grog would also know that the PzKittengrenadier Division was destroyed in the Ukraine, after fighting in Odessa. Maybe this kitten was one of the few left behind to pick off Russian officers?
  10. MikeyD, you still don't seem to get the BFC did not design or make T-72. In any case I don't think a PIII 1Ghz PC will do it for CMx2. I'd stick by Steve comments of needed a computer made in the last year that is on the higher end of the spec charts.
  11. Silly thats not a German sniper, its American... the big star is a dead give away.
  12. Just add the 'ed' and drop an 'n' and you'll have it right.
  13. Thats what Volksturm normally did, so whats your point.
  14. Well when you find some logic in that, just let me know.
  15. LOL, no its, "CMx2:The Search for Space Lobsters"
  16. Sadly, I don't think our poor little G4s will make the cut. I hope so, but I'm guessing that the 64MB VRAM cards (8500 and 9000) wont do it.
  17. It could be the mod itself, which is highly likely, or depending on how much VRAM your video card has, you could have maxed it out. Both cases are possible. One other thing, have you looked at the BMP in your BMP folder? It may have white spots on it.
  18. Yes, that would be nice, but I bet crews used the turret based MG often to help get an idea of how far off enemy tanks were.
  19. Yeah, I would like to be able to play with tanks, but hey thats what the scenario editor is for right?
  20. I don't think having CMx2 as part of Apples system would work, the only "game" apple includes with its OS is chess. BFC would be wise to get as many of the Mac demo CD companies to put it out there though, that much would be enough to help boost sales IMO.
  21. Your not the Spanish Inqusition, I've yet to see you kill anyone...
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