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Everything posted by Pzman

  1. Because 90-95% of Mac users have PPC computers which means that they cannot use Boot camp, thus no Windows without Virtual PC.
  2. Its just the current beta (multi-player version) that is currently available that is PPC only then?
  3. Non universal games will not run very well, and would take a major performance hit under Rosetta so it would hard/impossible to play them on an Intel Mac.
  4. As far as I know the Radeon 9200 is only enabled in OSX.
  5. I've never been a big fan of console gaming, but its a matter of reality. That said, why keep upgrading your video card every two or three years to just play the next big game when the console with indistry leading gaming technology costs the same price or less? It also means no more battles with drivers, wanting that game you cannot play because its only for Windows etc.
  6. I know a few fokes you tried this on their intel based iMacs, no good.
  7. Some people believe even the PC gaming market will die off in the next five to ten years in favor of X-box, PS, etc anyway, so I don't see why people care so much.
  8. For the time being Windows still will not run on a Mac, Intel or otherwise without an emulator. Why? the Intel Macs have a new chip (cannot recall the name) which will be on most future Intel chips, which will not allow it to run XP or earlier (so you would need the unreleased Vista to do it). So the problem of PC gamings running on the Mac is currently a dead issue. I don't think things will change much, there will be enough of the market (90% of it) which will not waste there money getting Vista just to play games.
  9. Hi, BirdGunner. I made a number of those CSDT battles, I'll look to see if I still have the ones that haven't been sent already.
  10. Thats normal, even 2.0Ghz Machines can take over a minute on some turns in larger battles. A about a year ago a lot of forum memebers tested one sceanrio with a set of in game settings and that is how we found this to be true.
  11. It does look good, but again you have to remember that BFC is not making DropTeam, just working with the devolper.
  12. I doubt the CPU change will srew things up. It just means they have more to use, since IBM and Freescale could never make enough to meet the demand. Current waiting lists for G5 PowerMacs are a joke. 5-6+ weeks for a BTO, or 2-3 weeks for standard. Apple is a hardware company MikeyD, although the OS is great too, ipod is just another piece of a hardware company. I think the idea is similar to companies like Sony which make a lot of different products, although I don't see Apple making CD players or DVD players. At least half of the sales Apple made this last year have been iPods. That said, I doubt Apple will ever stop making its computer hardware since the OS they make is optimized to run on hardware they make.
  13. Are we talking about the US market or world wide? I believe the world wide figure is closer t 6%. Maybe its 3% in the US, I don't know.
  14. I hear that this Friday all Apple Stores (online included) are having a "sale", in the US anyway. The Machines are shipping, and it may depend on if you got a stock machine or a Built to order machine. Stock ships way faster than BTO.
  15. Good luck with that, there are a lot of back orders on the current Dual-Core Machines, some people have to wait till January to get theirs!
  16. Lets put it this way, unless I see Steve Jobs running Windows nativily without emulation/virual machine technology (basicly the same thing) on a Mac at MWSF 06, or Mac Expo 06, I wont believe it.
  17. Don't send the Democrates to Canada, we already have enough of our own nutters, let alone being sent American ones.
  18. You still wouldn't be able to play PC games. The ROMs on the graphics cards will not allow it. Since all the new Macs are using PCI-E cards there is no malti-purpose chips for them. Regular PCI cards, like those of old Macs can take the one daul ROM ATI 9600 cards, but not the new ones as far as I know.
  19. Apple has put patents on many things they have never used, just like many other companies. The day you can boot Windows on a Mac will be the death of Macs.
  20. All I can say is, its unlikely Apple will support Windows installs on their machines without emulation like Virtual PC. Doing so would kill some major Mac application companies, and most likely wouldn't go over too well with many users who left the Windows world (or care not to use it) for a reason. As for the Intel ibook, its sounds good, but the current ibook isn't that far along in its production cycle, not to meantion that having an ibook more Powerful than the Powerbook would be bad business for Apple. So if they do come out with new Intel Mac's in January I think the Mac Mini would be the first to go.
  21. Core programs like iTunes, and other "i" programs would run nativly on Intel Chips thanks to Xcode. There is a type which allows the app to run on PPC and X86 without need for the emulation on X86. The current tests you are speaking of are based on a hacked version of OSX develper code. Which means that A) Its not even close to its final stage, Slower than the release version and C) the portable in question had only 512MB RAM. OSX loves RAM, more the better. I would suggest any user getting a new machine to have at least 768MB RAM, and 1GB for any users who are preforming anything short of simple everyday home use.
  22. The 17" iMac has the ATI Radeon X600 Pro with 128MB, the 20" has the ATI Radeon X600 XT with 128MB. I think that both of those should run CMx2 fine. Now that the G5s have PCI-E graphics chips we should see a lot of improved preformance in that regard.
  23. Only the 2.5Ghz it Quad Cored. But for most people, unless you are doing heavy duty work on your machine the 20" with 2.1Ghz G5 iMac is more than enough.
  24. I think the 7800 GT a lot faster and has better frame rates, since its one of/or the newest graphics engine from NVIDIA. The card that comes standard is fine for most users, IMO the others are for pro app users such as those doing heavy duty Photoshoping etc. I'd say the default one would be good for CMSF, but who can say without knowing what kind of specs are requried.
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