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Everything posted by Pzman

  1. I doubt it. BFC, as far as I can see had nothing to do with the coding of either game. Those games were released by other developers with BFC as the publisher.
  2. Well if the file type BFC uses works with both Chips, I don't see why there would be a problem. Unless they do switch to the 64bit only, lets hope there are no issues.
  3. Oh no, not the shockwave arugement again... if you cannot see the artillery going off, its time get glasses you old men.
  4. This sounds great, everything I'm hearing today about CMx2 is just making my mouth water.
  5. As much as the 3D Editor would be nice/great, the thing that costs you guys less in that regard will always be best. After all the editor is a kind of freebie expansion pack.
  6. Its Apples inablity to stick with anything long term that seems to stab CM users time and time again.
  7. Steve the bit about known enemy fortifications sounds great; something I think we really missed in CMx1, that is without putting text on the pillboxs location, and padlocking it.
  8. Yeah, sounds like the G5 will be needed, since Steve made this comment, "If you have a system bought within the last year, and it was a decent system, I'd guess that you'd meet the minimum specs." (Quote from post on System specs). I'm looking at some of the newer G5s, and it sounds like the Dual 2Ghz G5 with the ATI Radeon 9650 (256MB VRAM) could make the cut. Now the question is, will CMx2 take advantage of Dual CPUs?
  9. Yes it does give the impression of more creative maps and terrian. Even if roads have to stick to the grid, that does not mean they cannot be more flexable than they are in CMx1 though. The thought of having to put entry + exit on houses does have its downs for the creator, but will create more challenges when playing. So a map will take a little longer to create than it is in CMx1, not a big deal in my books.
  10. Umm... NO. I could say something else, but I'll leave it at that.
  11. Sounds like BFC has some good news on the way for Battle designers in the way buildings/other terrain is handled, I'm looking forward to it.
  12. Its not so much of whether they will take PCI cards, both Intel PCs and G5 Macs have PCI slots, but if you can have a AGP card, which runs at 8x why would you want a slow 66hz PCI card?
  13. Ah, CDV must have picked them, j/k. Well I guess that happens. I just thought BFC might let you know considering that they asked for people to send them battles to look at this time around.
  14. That maybe so, but that does not solve the issue of how the OpenGL Drivers are read by the different chips. Also if you have a G5 or whatever they are going to call the Intel Macs, why would you waste your money on a PCI Graphics card?
  15. Or you could just burn it yourself for free... </font>
  16. I think this question falls more with the graphics card support/drivers issues. Will the Intel chips support the same drivers/cards? That may be where the trouble lies if CMX2 is a Universal Binaries.
  17. I gave this battle a go, its interesting. It was a good test for my upgraded video card, which preformed well considering the size of the map, which is well done for the most part.
  18. I think they would have contacted you if any of your battles made the cut.
  19. LOL I think most of us already have better than Special Edition stuff anyway. It will be good to suck i... I mean get more people playing CMAK who would not have otherwise looked at it though.
  20. Yeah and bumping the CM forums back to the top would be nice, all this scrolling...
  21. Keep: Anything that isn't broke, that isn't or cannot be improved upon. Add: Anything that makes the simulation more accurate, and easy to build battles in the editor.
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