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Everything posted by TexasToast

  1. Hi Phil, Running on a brand new MacBook Pro, mostly seems fine and looks like a great job. However I did have a crash at the end of calculating a turn - are you interested in crash reports? TT
  2. Mothers everywhere will appreciate this (even if they don't know it). Thanks for the update and good luck down the home stretch! TT
  3. I was 35 the last time I posted in one of these threads - we'll just leave it at that... Went through most of the AH catalog in my youth, but mostly SL/COI/COD and Third Reich. After college it all went by the wayside until CM:BO came out. TT
  4. Thanks for that info, the manual seems to imply otherwise (p49: "A Campaign is a single player game...") but it wasn't entirely clear to me.
  5. I'll make sure to keep that radio geek handy. Aside from different target types, I'm also interested in the options for preset intensities and durations. I recall a lot of short target shifts and other shenanigans to extend a fire mission in CMx1, not to mention accidentally running out the ammo for forgetting to call it off.
  6. Based on a first pass through the manual and the AARs, here is what I'm seeing as the big improvements in the game system, as someone who is coming from CMx1 with no CMSF experience: + more detailed infantry orders and team breakdowns + greatly enhanced artillery control + map resolution and detail (flavor objects!) + relative spotting and C2 improvements + new victory condition options + AI scripting with multiple possible plans + new campaign system + eye candy: 1-1 modeling, human and equipment animation improvements + improved PBEM exchanges And a few negatives: - campaigns are only single player (right?) - limited time frame and forces/equipment (pending modules) Am I missing anything? TT
  7. Agreed - when I went to OSX, CM couldn't come with me... TT
  8. Ordered - back in business after about 7 years! In 14-21 days, that is....
  9. I'm really excited about getting a usable Mac version again, and would like to be included if possible! I finished in the top half of the Invitational and also played in ROW III (although I think some of my matches stalled due to opponent dropouts?). I'm not sure why I'm not on the list, unless I did something disqualifying that I don't remember? If not the first one, hopefully something down the road. Looking forward to scrapping with the old crew and the new guys as well. TT
  10. Keep: 1) PBEM support - with reduced files per turn 2) (Relatively) stream-lined selection of orders -> playability 3) Turn-based WEGO system 4) Support for user mods and scenarios 5) Vision as tactical simulation versus "game" Change: 1) Mac OS X! 2) Campaign support, even if just import/export hooks for third party usage 3) AI scripting or other means to improve single player scenarios 4) More varied scoring-victory conditions 5) Liven up AAR screen by highlighting top performers for each side Looking forward to getting back into CM! TT
  11. You might also try Thoughthammer. Or http://www.playme.de/ in Europe... TT [ August 11, 2005, 09:22 PM: Message edited by: TexasToast ]
  12. I really enjoyed this battle, I have played it several times. I found it to be an ideal application of Shoot'n'Scoot for the slow reloading Russian armor. This allows them to get their shots off without being exposed to as many replies. This would have been a GREAT scenario for the demo, it kind of has that "Valley of Trouble" feel to it. As you might expect, this battle has been discussed before. A quick search in the Scenario Talk forum yielded the following links: Thread1 Thread2 Happy reading!
  13. Hey Ken, Try plotting a move ON the wall. Passable walls will allow it, impassable walls will show the red line. This works for boundaries between rubble and buildings, and also intact factories and buildings. TT
  14. Well done, Der Kessel. Thanks for a great site and some awesome scenarios. TT
  15. 1) I agree with the previous comment that the bottom area is already cluttered, and would only be in favor of more controls if they were optional. In fact, I would prefer an option that allows you to hide the whole interface bar for FULL SCREEN ACTION! 2) An option for transparent trees would be cool. Not sure that I would care as much about vehicles. 3) Sounds like a cheap way to check LOS from uncharted territory, definitely a no-no. 4) I haven't noticed vehicles moving in arcs at all - the only time the move orders are changed is when the path goes over impassible terrain. It could conceivably replot intermediate waypoints for you as you drop your waypoints, but considering that orders delay is affected by number of waypoints, that might introduce complications. 5) Interesting, but I still use the Shift key to toggle this most of the time, so I don't care so much. I'm just happy that you can see out of the inside of buildings now...
  16. Guess I forgot the smiley there... We only have a few turns left in ours, it could be finished in a matter of days somewhere down the road - I'm not worried about it. Not so sure about Frontovik though.
  17. I haven't had a turn from Frontovik since 29 Jan. I believe there was an apologetic email after that sometime and then nothing. I've finished all my other games except the one with (*ahem*) redwolf...
  18. Unfortunately, if they are in a "no man's land" zone, they can only be repositioned (teleported) back into a safe area or left exactly where they are. That makes it frustrating when you have a unit in an upper level that gets bumped down, or one that gets adjusted to a slightly different location (like out in the street). It would be really nice if you could reposition 5m or so, or if they would just be left where they were before. TT
  19. Excellent work - keep the whitewash flowing! TT
  20. Can't we get going if at least one of the scenarios are ready? Seems like it would be handy to get a headstart, and the deadline could kick in when the last battle is released. A staggered start on the battles might be nice anyway, since there is usually more time spent in the setup and first few turns' orders. Just wondering.
  21. I enjoyed: Saarburg - A Way Out Assenois Merry Xmas at Hemroulle Bure
  22. A few thoughts: 1) It helps to have the intended target already spotted by other units - preferably some infantry that can keep it buttoned and distracted in a different direction. 2) Try to hunt directly towards the target. Tanks seem to spot better in their frontal quadrant, and it saves time on turret traverse. 3) Plot only a hunt move, almost to the crest - not over, but farther that you will need to spot the target. When your tank sees the enemy it will stop and begin firing. This should leave you with a waypoint sitting there that you can drag around behind and change to a reverse if things get ugly. Otherwise you can stay in position to keep pumping the lead. Usually a Sherman will back off on it's own if it comes under fire from a Panther. 4) Finally - if it seems hopeless, find something else to do with that Sherman! Look for a spot where he can pummel enemy infantry without engaging enemy armor, that's what they are good at. If you can keep it alive long enough to fire all your HE at the enemy, you probably stand a good chance of winning the battle. TT
  23. Now that a few turns have elapsed, it is time to end the controversy. This screenshot shows an unspotted infantry unit attacking the halftrack in question from 31m. The grenade is in the air, and actually flies over the head of the liberated prisoners running for cover in the center. Just chalk it up to poor spotting by a buttoned up halftrack in the fog. P.S. Got him with a PIAT a few turns later...
  24. Hmmm, sounds familiar... Actually, I was surprised they surrendered so quickly with their HQ and other forces nearby. I made a concerted effort to bring more forces up to try to "liberate" them, and it worked. I have managed to pull it off a few other times, including once where I sent a A/C in to rescue a captured MG team. Something to tell the grandkids about, I guess. TT Oh, I forgot to add that prisoners count double, so shooting at your own prisoners is just going to cost you points. That's another reason why I wanted them back. [ August 19, 2002, 10:26 PM: Message edited by: TexasToast ]
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