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Everything posted by TexasToast

  1. You may want to also check out Previous Where Are You From Poll, there is a summary list on page 10, if you are into these kinds of statistics.
  2. I'm going to stick with Duke picks. I'm also going to throw a wrench into things by disappearing for a week starting Sunday - it's time for the family vacation. Hope I don't get docked 200 points a day...
  3. A 100 point limit seems like a good compromise. I was one who brought this up originally, although I doubt it would be much of a problem with this group. Better to spell it out explicitly though. Editing unit attributes should be out for sure.
  4. Glad I could be of some assistance, especially considering my extremely marginal status as a "Star". I am going to come stumbling out of the gate, due to the dreaded "family vacation" next week. I will be incommunicado from this Sunday through the following Sunday while I drag the wife and kids through our nation's capital and surrounding areas. I'll be happy to start negotiating with anyone who is eager to get going, but I probably won't dive in earnestly until I get back. Good luck to all.
  5. Hey Scipio, Are these sound mods the same as the ones on your old site? I got them a while back, I'm wondering if I need to update or not. Thanks, TT
  6. Another tough match with Claymore... My all-infantry force has prevailed in the battle for The Church. Some nice shooting by my bazooka teams got things going (I needed my four leaf clover, rabbit's foot, AND lucky underwear in this one). Then I just hunkered a few platoons down in the VL and moved everyone else in position to cover the approaches. The paras came in waves and were supported by devastating 150mm HE from Hummels, but the plucky GIs rebuffed all attacks. Here was the scene after a particularly intense firefight: So, on to Round Three! Duke-picks?
  7. I would be in favor of the "Duke-Pick" method. I get tired of selecting my own forces, and I don't really like trying to create mismatches with the force selections. I would rather not spend my valuable PBEM time on games that are lopsided from the start. Of course that doesn't hold me back from playing in crazy setups like this one! Claymore and I are still in the sparring stages, my latest strategy involves setting up my units in positions where they will ROUT into the VL when subjected to his plentiful 150mm HE. I should have most of my infantry assembled there before too long.
  8. toast: (n.) sliced bread browned on both sides by heat. Wow, doesn't sound like much of a match-up! Fear is not in my vocabulary (not when it comes to computer games anyway). Duke, my RPS email is en route. Let's find out if in this battle the toast is indeed mightier than the sword. Charles
  9. First I would like to give special thanks to the Duke for sticking me with Claymore (a top 10 player on the RD ladder) in the second round. So much for my #2 seed. But don't worry Claymore, even as I write this, engineers in my top secret lab are coming up with new and unusual strategies to combat your sneakiness and/or heavy-handed use of rickets and crack hetzers. I propose that Iron Duke flip a coin (heads = Allies) and notify us as to which side gets the rickets/hetzers. This might be a good time to mention that I played a quick TCP/IP probe against the Duke in between rounds, where I placed some hapless US airborne infantry in some completely indefensible terrain and allowed him to overrun me quite harshly. Just something to think about while making up the map...
  10. I think the thread you are thinking of is here. Don't even think about it.
  11. Here's another vote for Move It or Lose It. One of the most memorable PBEMs I have played. :eek: :confused: :mad: :cool:
  12. Excerpt from the latest e-mail news: I also spoke at length with Steve Grammont of Battlefront this week, when he dropped by the offices. We talked about the company, Combat Mission 2: Barbarossa to Berlin, and games in general. Expect a big preview of CM2 for our July issue of Computer Games Magazine. Alright then!
  13. I'm going to be on haitus for a week, so I thought I would provide a quick update, both games are a little past halfway: TBlaster has dumped an unholy amount of arty on our little town, at last count 25+ buildings were leveled. I think there was a mix-up in my purchases also, it seems I got the "Slightly Below Average" Pershings instead of the "Super" Pershings that I requested. Situation: grim. SuperSlug has also applied his arty liberally, and my poor use of armor has put me in a bit of a bind. He controls the VL but is exposed. However, I'm not sure I can mount a credible attack. Prognosis: poor. I'm hoping for the best, but it looks like the TBlaster/SuperSlug matchup could be very significant in determining the champion. Back in a week...
  14. I did notice something similar in a recent battle - did you have any infantry in an adjacent building? Once I cleared out of the building next door, the guns started blazing. At least I think that's what happened.
  15. Also, I propose that we settle this thing with the round robin. If someone wins both battles, that's it. Otherwise, we could use cumulative point totals for the two games to determine the champion. Since we could play the three final games at the same time, it would save having another round. Or we may have to change the name to AKotYear. Sound reasonable?
  16. Sorry Speedy, the least I could have done was throw a few Shermans out there for target practice, but I figured that would only entertain you for half a turn, so why bother? Of course it also helps when you get the other guy's air force to come over to your side! Good game.
  17. Oops, I stand corrected. Turn 18, Speedy's infantry has emerged. Come on down into the pit, boys!
  18. We should make it OK, I think we are at turn 17 (of 20). I've managed to take out 4 Hetzers and a Panther, with one more Panther immobilized - not bad considering I didn't buy any armor. My wide selection of AT, AA and howitzers has been working overtime though, and there are still a few big cats roaming around to make it interesting at the end.
  19. Michael: I did attempt to use trucks as a roadblock, trying to slow an armored advance down a wooded road. Didn't work: the drivers freak out and start reversing, moving around and generally panicking before they get gunned down. Later I figured that even if I shot them myself to disable them, the tanks would probably just push them out of the way without too much of a delay anyway. Might work for slowing them down for an ambush though.
  20. Texas Toast is a common side dish around here with your average chicken fried steak or BBQ, and it described pretty well how I felt trying to get my Shermans through the Valley of Trouble. Regional flair, alliteration, plus I couldn't really think of anything GOOD....
  21. I did run into the same problem, my Graphics 2 and 13 are both "full". Tomorrow I'll try to verify that this is a limitation of the resource files.
  22. 5, and bringing the totals to the new page. Seems surprisingly even. 1)4 2)6 3)40 4)21 5)16
  23. Answers: 1. Yes - When you are in the orders phase of your PBEM turn, do a save (Alt-s). Then go back to Play Game and bring up the saved game. Select the TCP/IP option and you are off and running. 2. Get to a good stopping point (say, shortly after a movie and when the opponent is ready), and save the game with Alt-s, then just abort the scenario with Alt-a. Resume as given in 1. I hope that is sufficiently clear...
  24. Finally something I am somewhat qualified to comment on! Ravens, 20-6.
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