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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. How about CM dildos, er...ummm, to screw over your PBEM opponent, that is, so you don't have to get your own pecker dirty. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  2. These new buildings do not "quite" match up to even Gunslinger's color pallete. Guess we'll just have to wait till he releases the terrain. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  3. Doesn't everybody use the Velvet grass? Especially Gunslinger's toned-down version? In alot of these mod screenshots, I see the stock grass tiles. BTW, downloading the new buildings now. According to the screenshots they finally look as realistic as possible. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  4. IIRC, the reason they did this "Operation" first is because it incorporated a lot of the basic models already so they wouldn't have that many more to do for the rest of the series. Think about it. All versions of the PzIV are already done except making new gun barrel polygons for the shorter guns of the PzIV A's to E's. PzIII's aren't that much different from PzIVs The basic PzII is done, just gotta redo the turret models for the earlier PzIIs. The major work for CM2 is gonna be the Russian equipment. And for CM3, all is left is the Italian and Greek equipment. The going word about upgrading early versions of CM with later versions was "YES" prior to release. If it holds as time goes on, we'll see. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 10-22-2000).]
  5. Well hopefully soon there will be.... [signature] The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. [End Signature] Where you can send me your mods and I'll get'em posted. And I promise not to glorify my unholiness. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 10-22-2000).]
  6. Has it not sunk in yet, Rob? Learn how to freakin' spell, man!!!!! And why only one rule now, Rob? Couldn't figure out how to spell the rest without consulting the other side of your brain? [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 10-22-2000).]
  7. It's real easy man, just grab your favorite peace pipe and smoke a few drags (oops, wrong war) and look at the pretty pictures of the new mods and download/install the one you want. Just install the new BMPs in the Bmp folder inside your CM folder. Be fore-warned man, you MAY have to make a decision. Something alot of people have a hard time doing. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 10-22-2000).] [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 10-22-2000).]
  8. Yes, there will be a new vehicle expansion pack. It will contain the following: T-34s KVs PzIIs PzIIIs etc..... It will be called CM2:The Ost Front. Look for it in about 12 months from this past July. Or maybe later if you guys continue to bug BTS about this stupid freakin' idea! The fact is that the ORIGINAL vehicle list WAS bigger than what we've got now and the reasons why vehicles were deleted is because their functions didn't support CM's scale. For example, they didn't put in the rocket firing halftracks because their minium effective firing range was just barely the distance across a LARGE map. A lot of thought and consideration went into the vehicle selection. Another example of a "cut" vehicle was the Brummbar--again for the same reason. So I'm telling you guys, screamin' "Vehicle Expansion Pack" is really falling on deaf ears. As Madmatt continues to say about new "total conversion" mods, BTS is not interested at this time. I've been around for almost a year now and have witnessed these discussions even before the Gold Demo came out back in May. So I know what I'm talking about. Now if you're talking about some new terrain tiles, all you have to do is find the one that you want to change and do artwork on it. Like changing the 0 to 3 or 4 level grass tiles and making them sand to create desert scenarios or whatever. Making new stuff like damaged buildings or "Arnhem-style" bridges requires a whole new 3D model. Again something that BTS is not gonna do for CM1. I know, I asked that question before the game came out and Steve answered me with the above explanation that the whole 3D model would have to be rebuilt. Same thing for partially demolished buildings--all new 3D model. BTS has said that they will look into all of this for CM2. They aren't going to patch in this stuff for CM1. Hell, I even asked about factory-style buildings, because after all the industrial Rhineland had many factories located within it. Again, I got the same answer: CM2 Let BTS get to work on CM2 and take CM1 for what it's worth. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 10-21-2000).]
  9. But first, I'll think I'll updgrade my system to a screamin' 700MHz AMD Duron for around $350. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  10. I just bought Baldur's Gate II, and it's pretty fun, once you start getting into the game, (past the First Chapter). There are some familiar voice-overs in the game, like David Warner (Chancellor Gorkon,ST:VI) does the voice of the evil wizard. I'm waiting for Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor coming out around Christmas, I think. It's the first computer game to use the new 3rd Edition AD&D rules. But what makes it different than the Bioware Infinity Engine of the BG series is that all of the characters/monsters are rendered by 3D models with a 2D background but rendered over a 3D mesh. Basically the game will look like you're playing with painted D&D miniatures. The models are that detailed! Check out this screenshot of PoRII: http://www.rpgplanet.com/poolofradiance/screenshot.asp?picture=102 from the PoRII fansite, The Scrying Room I thought I needed a break from CM and started looking for a good RPG. After the disappointment of DiabloII, of which thankfully I never wasted my $62 on, I looked elsewhere and found a good site that covers RPGs called Ironworks There's a fully 3D RPG coming out late next year called Dungeon Seige. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  11. I'll add to this when I get the time. I've got several series memorized. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  12. *** SPOILER *** I played the "Going to Town" scenario, the Alpha AAR one, as the Americans, I totally destroyed the German armored column (minus some tanks) in a small bottle neck area between some trees with an initial bombardment of "spotted" 81mm mortars. I think I destroyed at least four SPW251/1 halftracks in one turn with those mortars. So if you're complaining about losing open topped armored vehicles or cars with mortars, well yeah, it's gonna happen. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  13. OK, imagine this.. You're playing a multiplayer game, hopefully over TCP, and you have a King Tiger. The King Tiger sees a US M8 Greyhound topping a hill. The King Tiger shoots at the Greyhound and the shot ricochets off the side armor! What the Hell! Then the Greyhound turns and shoots at the King Tiger. BOOM, the King Tiger violently erupts after a front turret penetration by the Greyhound's 125mm gun! Now insert any type of modded vehicle in place of the King Tiger and Greyhound. What you you have here is a poorly researched mod. BTS had deliberately made CM's core engine and unit statistics unmoddable for this very reason. An extensive amount of research was put into creating each and every unit in the the game. BTS even did live-firings of small arms to get accurate data. CM was in development for over three years for a very good reason. And for a customer to whip out a half-baked mod in a couple days is not going to work well with the core modules. As a modder myself, I am perfectly happy to just beable to work on the textures. Just a few words to say about the exclusion of community core modding....... Historical Accuracy & Proper Balancing. BTS worked long and hard to do this and there is simply no way for a half-baked FPS freak to whip up a mod for a ganme that is as complex as CM. Hell, even Fionn would have a difficult time. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  14. I don't know, it seems to me that Madmatt is starting to turn into a weenie! Hahaha! He's lost his sense of humor. One of the funniest threads I have read in a long time was locked up by yours truly. Slack off on the padlocks, ol' buddy. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  15. I've hi-res'ed all of the small arms, minus the forementioned, of course. They look pretty cool. They'll be available on my webiste whenever the hell I get in on-line. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  16. "The Winter War" was great also. It was a "foreign-made" film that was obviously about the Finnish-Russo conflict. Lots of good battle sequences, down in the trenches, good violent family fun! And just to back it up, the exerpt from the above mentioned site. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>VHS­032. THE WINTER WAR. (1990) This is the best war film we have ever seen, bar none! Based on Antti Tuuri's book Talvisota, this is a dignified tribute to the tenacious Finnish heroes who preserved their country's independence as the Soviet army ceaselessly stormed tiny Finland's borders with massive artillery, a powerful air force and well­armed infantry for 105 days during the Soviet invasion of 1939­40. Finnish language, English subtitles. 125 min. $ 30<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 10-11-2000).]
  17. I always found it funny that the final tank battle took place out in the desert. Wasn't there supposed to be snow everywhere? ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  18. Pillar, The characters in Saving Private Ryan were members of the 2nd Ranger Battalion ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aussie Smith: Maximus Bloody hell mate - you have earned my respect - your post was the most insightful in this thread to date. Craig<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> See, I can be something other than a "Butticus" But I usually post to other stupid threads because I think they're hilarious. I don't think the world's face is gonna change over what is said on a lonely ol' wargame forum. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by wwb_99: And while we are talking about mods, what about the Canadian/Polish/Free French forces in CM. I just played Meyers revenge, and it was striking how ugly the turd brown polacks are. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but I have not yet seen a single mod for any of the above mentioned forces. WWB<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well since the Polish and Canadians share the same infantry uniforms and the French share the same uniform as the US '44 pattern uniform, AND the Polish, Canadian, and French use the same AFVs as the British, I don't see your point.
  21. I think we may need to look at this perspective from a broader aspect. For one, since the US was not directly in the "front lines", there was no impedance in its industrial strength and build-up. Secondly, in conjunture with the US's industrial might, the US was able to build a HUGE amount of tanks, planes, and ships. Man-power came through patriotism and honor. Thirdly, a lot of how the war concluded came through the massive bombing campaigns of the 8th Air Force. With less and less of Germany's production facilities, it would be only a matter of time before the German war machine would stutter to a halt. On the seas, the ALLIED fleets were slowly, but gradually eliminating the German fleets of surface ships and most importantly, the U-Boats. Again, shrinking the man-power of Germany. Now on the battelfield, I would have to agree that yes, the US had more aggressive leaders because we weren't as cautious towards casualties as the British were, due to one doctrine known as, "The faster we get this war over, the better." This could also explain the use of A-Bombs on Japan. It was estimated that the US would have suffered over ONE MILLION casualties in a homeland invasion of Japan. Japanese casualties would have been total. So you destroy two cities killing several hundred thousand people. But look how many you saved. And for the battlefield equipment such as tanks. So what if you lose a gaboon of tanks, we'll make more. A majority of tank crews survived and came back for new tanks. By the end of the war, as German man-power got thin, is when you started seeing a lot of Volksturm Divisions. So in summary, a combination of sheer manpower and industrial might dictated the combat doctrine of the US over Germany. Along with relatively fresh commanders that knew how to kick ass and do it quickly.
  22. Well, to add one to the list. Brandenburg Commandos. I remember playing Three Sixty's series "V for Victory" and several of those modules had Brandenburgs in them. ------------------ Coming soon to a web near you... The Maximus CM Mod HQ This site will be host to a plethera of mods from myself and others. Please send questions and comments to: davem@shawneelink.net
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