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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. Gustav, check the latest incarnation of the FAQ. It was in fact I who just said a day or two ago that it was about time Gustav showed back up.
  2. Here's the new Churchill on it way from Feldgrau.
  3. Makjager, I like #4 and #5. #1 is a little too "dirty" I guess. #2 ain't bad either. #3's camo pattern is a little blah #6 is a wee bit too dark, if ya know what I mean
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hoopenfaust 101: When will the churchill be released for the public?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's gonna be a while yet. Feldgrau has just got its basic structure. He needs to fine tune the details, shadows, 'n stuff. Then he's gonna add the kit and markings. You all are gonna wanna use the Churchill more often once this baby comes out. I think Gordon's chompin' at the bit to do camo versions 'n stuff. Here's the Churchill compared next to his Sexton. [ 08-26-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker: ...FAQ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...by a storyless post, but then again so was the...
  6. So the question is, do you actually pronounce the extra "u", or is it silent? If so, then why have it? I (k)no(w) I wood never spell color with a "u".
  7. Feldgrau has supplied Gordon and I with his Alpha Churchill. It's looking pretty darn good. With only the basic paint job and hi-res detail in and even with some rough edges, it looks on par with his previous Sexton mod.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by modrnangel: Yeah, I found it... thought it was for switching between Ops and Battles. I do have another question... I DLed a couple scenarios last night, saving them in my scenarios folder. Can't access them in-game. I do have 1.12, so I'm not sure what's up<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> First make sure you unzip them. The game doesn't know what a zip file is. Also scenarios and mods may contain other files within their zips, so the best advice is to extract all zips into temporary folders first and then manually copy over the necessary files to their respective folders. <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI> .cmb and .cmc files (Battles and Operations) go to "Scenarios" folder <LI> .bmp files (Graphic Mods) go to "Bmp" folder <LI> .wav files (Sound Mods) go to "Wav" folder
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dogface: Since im moving you cant beat the price... i.e. free so i might just do it ... I was just wondering if its gonna be worth the hassle of installing a new card and getting used to new drivers and tools thanks for the imput guys<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nah, shouldn't be any hassle. Just plop in the TNT2 car load the Driver CD and then grab the latest Diamond drivers. 3.86 I beleive they were.
  10. PawBroon did the Humber SC. Find it on Tom's CMHQ.
  11. Oh boy yet another MG thread. The MG42 does in fact hit stuff. It just hardly ever shows any casualties because they have to be confirmed kills to be credited. But trust me, they do work. Just be on the receiving end of MG fire. You'll hear your men scream. The MP44 is probably over-rated in terms of just how good it was. All of the firepower values in CM have been highly researched and cross-compared to other weapons.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Peter Cairns: Are their any plans to put Ski's in the Russian front winter scenarios ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Most probable. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>and while I am on has anyone ever done any landing craft or more flexible boat or pontoon barge models.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You mean, different boats for CMBO? No. All models are compiled into the executable to maintain authenticity. Only textures can be modified.
  13. I had the very card in question. It was a good card for its time. However I now have a 64MB Geforce 2 GTS Pro coupled with a 1.2GHz Athlon as opposed to a Celeron-433. If possible, I'd go with a Geforce card at this time. You can get a low end 32MB Geforce card for a pretty cheap price. But if price is not an obstacle, better get yourself at least a Geforce 2.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Richard Morgan: Some stuff.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My friend for future referrence, let's drop the "."'s in BTS and the like. Also CM3 is going to be the Mediterranean Theater, ie North Africa, Italy/Sicily, and perhaps the Balkans (Greece, Yugoslavia) Furthermore CM4 will be the Early War such as Poland, Finland, France and the Low Countries. But back on the "English" stuff...dropping those unnecessary u's in words ending in o..r would be a great start. [ 08-24-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Snake Eyes: Ah, actually he was born in Peekskill, N.Y., mate. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes and also his brother?, Charles Gibson, works in the US news industry.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Kettler: Panther G, I might win that contest. Gen One iMac, 233 MHz G3 64 MB RAM (added 32), 2 MB VRAM ATI Rage Pro 6 GB HD, OS 8.6 If you check the official BTS recommended minimum specs, you'll find my rig doesn't meet them. Happily, it still runs CM at 640 x 480 with full smoke but no fog visuals. Haven't run the time-to-compile test you describe, though. Regards, John Kettler [ 08-24-2001: Message edited by: John Kettler ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No wonder you don't use mods. :eek: You're still trying to live with a what, I'm guessing here, a 4 year old machine? Why don't you go spend $1000 and get you a 1+GHz PC and get into real gaming.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: ..MrSpkr who never likes to use vowels in his on-line names, but once learning what those vowels would be, one cannot blame him for keeping those secret. But as Mannheim Golfcartdriver was coming out of his hybernation, the boat suddenly jerked about when the FAQ'ers noticed that....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...the FAQ had fallen down to the 2nd page again but not before the boat was hit by a tremendous wave of selfishness from MrSpkr when Gustav showed up in his trauler.
  18. 500 MHz G3? I thought that G4's were 400 MHz and higher.
  19. Well Marco is updating his British Shermans then he's supposed to work on the Chaffee.
  20. But just on a shopping note, when I was shopping for my first 3D card. The 16MB AGP Voodoo 3 3000 was the top in the Voodoo line and the 32MB AGP TNT2 was the top in the Nvidia line. The store clerks told me to avoid the Voodoo cards for their inherant problems with compatibility.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wolfe: Turning things up to 1600x1200 doesn't even come close to the image quality you get with the V5 at 1024x768 w/ 4xFSAA (or even at 800x600x16x4). Believe me, I tried.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Maybe this is just a case of the generally poor image quality of Voodoo cards in general. Voodoo cards generally had better frame rates than Nvidia based cards because they simply didn't support the features that Nvidia cards had. But with better image quality, FSAA wasn't really an issue. My old TNT2 didn't have FSAA and yet, from what I understand, had actual better image quality than a Voodoo 3 3500. Not to mention that it could handle textures larger than 256x256 pixels. In comparison, I always compared Voodoo image quality to Nvidia image quality as like to the original 32-bit Playstation to the N64. Speaking of which, I can't believe that they still make games for the PSX. Geez, talk about an out-of-date system when the PS2 is a 128-bit system.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rat: Nope , not that the tree images changed but that the mapping is wrong, there are a lot of pink/purple' dots in it that shouldnt be in it at all.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh OK, you mean the transparency masking. Yeah there were a few of those, however, those are easily fixed. Just open up the infected file in your paint program and select the "color replacement tool" if you have one and select the bad color and then select pure pink R=255, G=0, B=255. Then paint across the infected area.
  23. No, but I found a topo map of an area I wanted to make a CM map for, printed it out and drew a square grid over it and proceeded to transfer it over tho the CM Map Editor.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: fall to the third page, when it was expertly rescued by . . .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ..MrSpkr who never likes to use vowels in his on-line names, but once learning what those vowels would be, one cannot blame him for keeping those secret. But as Mannheim Golfcartdriver was coming out of his hybernation, the boat suddenly jerked about when the FAQ'ers noticed that....
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzerman: Hi mom! [ 08-23-2001: Message edited by: Panzerman ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now there's a classic. Panzerman editing a "Hi Mom!" post.
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