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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzerman: Max stop now. Why do you wine about anything that anyone but you wants to do. So just don't type one of you total dum response.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Rob, you're talking about MY dumb responses??? They sure beat your " :cool:" responses.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by phil stanbridge: Whilst we're on the subject of terrain, is there a mod out there that can be used throughout all seasons and look equally good? The magua stuff is damn nice for June-August but the tree bases look off for the later months? I've gone back to using Kump and Gunslinger combined.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I've made some tree bases for Magua's grass for fall use. I took Magua's scattered tree bases and given them the "withered grass" filter. They look a bit orangish. Fits rather well with his grass. As for woods bases, I use Juju's bases for both summer and fall. But again I browned them using the same filter and lightened them up. Looks fairly decent.
  3. Yeah I agree. Even though 28 rounds does sound scanty, I suppose that for an average length game it should be adequate. Especially given that we're talking about a 122mm shell here. That's almost like a Hummel except in a full blown MBT. But as for its HE and AP load-out, I'm not so sure as to the Soft and Hard Target ratings it has in East Front. It is definately used in a Hard Target roll. The Su-122 is what is used for Soft Targets while the Su-152 seems to have decent values for both. Speaking of the Campaign series though, has anyone made any CM scenarios from West Front scenarios? I attempted to, but I found it difficult to convert the hex grid into the square grid of CM.
  4. Candyland Mod? I think someone is either has way too much time on their hands, lost his mind, or has let his kids get the best of him. But seriously, the figures that are carrying Bazookas, 'Shrecks are the same as the regular infanty. And for the last time, PROJECTILES of every kind are HARD-CODED!
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzerman: Hum he sounds more like you Max. [ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: Panzerman ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Do you always have to edit your one-liners, Rob?
  6. From Talonsoft's East Front II, it reports that a IS-2 Stalin only had the ammo capacity for 28 rounds. Is this true and will it be that way in CMBB?
  7. Well the way I have learned to deal with strange behavior is to learn what does what under certain circumstances and then just don't do things which would invoke such behavior. But sometimes you can't help it anyway. So basically just learn the game and how things work then you'll know what to do and what not to do.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzerman: Thats really sad. :eek: [ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: Panzerman ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Rob? Why is it that you have to edit a message that just says, "Thats really sad."? Besides you need an apostrophe in "Thats". It should be "That's" for "That is".
  9. Isn't a "Steiner" some kind of wrestling move? STEINERIZE!!!
  10. Com'on Shatter. Get with the program. But everytime I get with the program, someone changes the channel.
  11. The phenomenom of tanks firing smoke instead of HE is a very complex algorithm in the Tac AI. It only happens under certain circumstances. If conditions are right it will, if they are not it won't. Most of the time it won't. It only happens when those units are causing harm to other units but aren't a real threat to the tank. However the tank might do this if there is a more important target for the tank itself. The whole circumstance is very rare. In 9 out of 10 games, I'll bet it will only happen once or twice.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fieldmarshall: Sorry to disapoint you but I am not Rob/1 who ever he is I am not him...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You know...Rob/1, the guy that goes by the name of Panzerman now. You and him seem to be drawing from the same gene pool.
  13. I usually go to the General Forum first when I go the Forum. As like Jarmo said, it's nice to see threads stay active for more than 3 hours. Besides, if you've been around here since the Beta Days, then you've pretty much heard everything about the game that we care to. So yeah as The Commissar said, the threads on the Combat Mission forum are basically boring to us board veterans.
  14. I/O Error, I just gotta ask. Please tell me that you are still not playing CM with stock graphics. If you're worried about using hi-res graphics, try Magua's Normandy set. It's all low-res. And if it's because you play on a Mac, then thank God I have a PC. [ 07-20-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  15. The hard-coded images in the game are as follows: <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Tracers <LI>Tank Projectiles <LI>Hand/Rifle Grenades <LI>Satchel Charges <LI>Gammon Bombs <LI>Panzerschrecks <LI>Bazookas <LI>Piats <LI>Pistols <LI>Airborne Berets <LI>Explosion Shockwaves <LI>'Zook, 'Schreck, 'Faust, & 'Piat projectiles. There may be one or two that I missed, but I think that's all of them.
  16. For those that want a white jacket for the winter troops, I'm thinking of doing them up that way, of course I'll mask around all web gear and Andrew's scarf. Just yesterday, I applied the crumpled look to all the summer uniforms and arms. Today I may try the white jacket look.
  17. I was just playing a game where I had an enemy KT that was immobilized on a previous shot to continuously shoot HE at my advancing Sherman 75. The Sherman ended up surviving many HE hits and I ended up moving it to get a flank shot on the KT and it got in a killing shot just as the KT was rotating its turret toward the Sherman. Also the KT didn't shoot as often as it could have. At times I thought I had got in a "Gun Damaged" hit, but nonetheless, it continued to track my tanks but shooting HE instead of AP. Strangest behavior I have ever seen in a KT, especially a crack KT. If it had shot AP, my tanks would have surely been burning hulks long before they had a change to close within point blank range to get the flank shot.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys: Getting a urine sample might be a mite tricky, don't you think? I don't know how to break this to you gently, Rex, but when a person dies, all the body's sphincters relax releasing whatever they were holding back. By the time the battle was over and the FO came out to inspect the bodies, all the urine would have long since soaked into the ground. So sorry. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well thanks for the graphic depiction.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tom: P.S.: I apologize to all folks who use older Netscape versions. TCMHQ is designed for MS IE and for NETSCAPE 6. Older versions may not work properly. I will have a look at that issue later.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah I use Netscape 4.77. I haven't taken the plunge to 6.0 yet.
  20. IIRC, Gary Kump did some darker snow roads which can be found at the CM Outpost.
  21. Tom, Your links are all messed up in the Netscape version. The picture (download) link goes to the preview pic of the German Uniforms.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann: Sounds like the sort of thing Bill would do, but Fionn?!!! Regards Jim R.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That was a Mr. Scott Clinton. Besides, Shandorf has pretty much got it right. Also I as I understand, Fionn was also undergoing a painful separation/divorce at the time all this happened. I know this 'cause he and I went round and round via email for a while about some stupid stuff as well. Fionn was very unstable at the time in question.
  23. As far as terrain mods, Magua has made that easy with his Normandy set. Basically just install those and you're set.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AndrewTF: And yes, they are deliberately weathered-looking. The us uniforms tend to lend themselves to that more easily, for some reason. I'm still undecided how I like the crumple filter--it kinda makes it look like the unforms are made out of marble or something...I see what you're trying to do, though. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes I agree. However that was the only thing that I could come up with to give the German uniforms a worn look instead of that straight from the dry cleaners look. As far as the marble look, yeah they do, but I was trying to give them a fabricy look. If you know what I mean.
  25. Umm, just noticed something. Doesn't the tank crews use some shared files from the '44 Infantry? Namely the arm. Oh wait nevermind. I see what you did, you just did the winter files up like the '45 pattern. Cool idea. No pum intended.
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