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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. First off, did you read the manual? It's in there. Page 88 under Using HQs for Indirect Fire Basically what it says is to set up your mortars in cover-behind hills, buildings, woods, etc and then have your HQ in LOS of the target. Make sure that the mortars are in C&C of the HQ. Now if the HQ can see the Target Area, then you can issue Fire orders for your Mortars. Also, if you have a TRP (Target Reference Point-(the big bullseye looking thing in the Valley of Trouble scenario)), a mortar can target the TRP without having LOS--BUT ONLY IF THE MORTAR HASN'T MOVED. Hope this helps. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  2. I'll take a look see if you don't mind. davem@shawneelink.net As for posting mods, CM Outpost and Manx's COMBAT MISSIONS are good ones. They seem to get the mods up rather quickly. Most of the time in the same day or sometime shortly thereafter. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  3. In following with the hand grenades and halftracks thread...it seems as though the tanks aren't using their HE automatically on infantry as much anymore as was the case in v1.1. I for one liked that feature. It seems now that you have to manually select "use main gun" again.
  4. The Fallschrimjager uniform you speak of was nothing more than a cut and paste job on the BTS original. I had just cut the entire sleeve camo texture and pasted it over the pants texture for a full uniformed camo look. Nothing really special. But all that was before DD's uni's came out.
  5. Ok, before we get this kid totally confused, let me help'em out. I have a Celeron 433, 128MB RAM, 32MB TNT2 Ultra with DX 7.0a. OK, as far as your processor, adequate. It's a bit faster than mine even because a Celeron doesn't have 256K of Cache. 96MB of RAM isn't bad, 128 would be better, but 96 is plenty. Your video card altogether might be the problem. How much VRAM does it have? 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 MB? Anything less than 16MB needs upgrading. Simply draw a square around any number of troops you want to issue orders to. Do this by clicking somewhere and dragging the cursor across a group of troops. It high-lights them all. However, you can only issue one waypoint to them. BTS is gonna do the entire European Theater in CM games. CM2 is going to be the Eastern Front: 1941-1945. CM3 is going to be the Mediterranean Theater: 1941-1943 (North Africa, Sicily/Italy, Greece/Crete). CM4 will be the Early War: 1939-1940 (Poland, France, etc). Full TO&E will be made for these along with steady enhancements to the current game model. After CM4, BTS will do a total rewrite of the engine and make CMII. You can cycle through the units by pressing the + and - keys. Then to jump to a unit who's info is displayed in the bottom window, press Tab and the camera will "snap" to that unit. Actually all of this information (except for the CM2 question) is in the game's manual. When you get the game, I highly suggest reading the manual. For one, it will save you some embarrassmnet on this forum from asking gameplay questions that can be answered in the manual. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  6. What's a Mac again? Everything is Mac compatible now with the Mac Mod Manager which converts .bmps and .wavs to Mac format. Where you been?
  7. Not really. Hell, I'm using DD's and Magua's new Tommies myself. I'm waiting for Magua's US uni's as well as DD's winter ones. I might try doing a white jacket version of those if people want some.
  8. For those are have been around since the Beta Demo and have played the be-jesus out of the classic scenario "Last Defense", rune has come up with "Last Defense-revisited" scenario which includes an expanded map and several waves of reinforcements on both sides. I just played it and it was a nice refreshing twist on a scenario that all of us "Beta Junkies" have come to love/hate. All hail to the EVIL ONE! ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  9. Yeah, I use Kevin's watery marsh. It looks like a water tile with algea floating on it. As for a "ford" tile, you pretty much gotta use the same one that goes with your water, so you're limited there. I wish someone would make a real rocky ford with some added "rip-rap". That would really be cool.
  10. 200 MMX - Just barely. 4MB video card - not really. 32MB RAM - You got to be kidding, who runs just 32MB of RAM anymore? CM looks promising??? How's about the biggest understatement of the century. To say that CM looks promising is like saying, "I wonder if the sun will come up tomorrow." OR COUSE IT IS!!! CM has been out since last June and it has now just received its 7th and final patch, after a series of 6 official patches and 4 beta patches coming from a company that takes Customer Support to a whole new level. When people complain about a problem, it get's fixed. They don't get banned like they do over on the Talonsoft BBS's. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 02-10-2001).]
  11. OK, a broken down critique...here goes.... 1) Love the grass. Looks very realistic. Kinda like what you would see in a tank simulator. 2) The "clear" sky looks great, but doesn't it have a "wee bit" too many clouds in it? Not really complaining, but you know. 3) Tree coloring looks good as well, gives a nice contrast to the lighter grass. 4) Not real crazy about the overcast sky. Way too dark and gloomy. Also it doesn't convey the sense of depth as the "clear" sky .bmp does. 5) Boccage and wheat fields look adequate. 6) Not crazy at all about the building in "boccage pic". Although that may be work-in-progress. 7) Buildings in final pic are good. Like the look of the wooden shack looking thing. 8) US '44 Rifle Uniform looks good as well. There. Hope this helps out more than just your oridinary "Can I have it?" post. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 02-10-2001).]
  12. Uhmm, don't mean to be nit-picky, but why would you even listen to this particular type of music if you never intened to buy their albums?
  13. Huh? How could that be? How's printing a new manuel aid in software pirating? I, for one, wouldn't mind in ordering/buying a new manual with the latest functions of the game. Besides, I liked reading the little editorial comments out to the side of a questionable rule or function. Brings back Forum memories.
  14. Well well, if it isn't the ol' General Sosaboski himself! Been awhile hasn't it?
  15. Fellas, the Sd Kfz 7 is the Primary Mover. Meaning it is designated as the towed artillery mover. It does NOT have a gun, so therefore it CAN'T shoot at you. Question Tris, why would you have to sneak up on an unarmed vehicle? If you truely did use the SNEAK command, then it did EXACTLY what it was supposed to. The SNEAK command tells the infantry to move slowly towards its waypoints and to stop and fire IF FIRED UPON. <--Key to the whole thing. Since the Sd Kfz 7 never fired on you, that is why your infantry "snuck on past". If what you wanted to do was to fire on it an blow it up, I would have RAN my infantry up right next (ending waypoint) to the Sd Kfz 7 with TARGETING orders. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 02-09-2001).]
  16. Well yes, I'll drop it, but what a bunch of crock. I mean it sounds like they don't want free advertising. And then the whole thing about being teamed up with AH to do Computer ASL and then getting this shoved in our face is like pouring salt into old wounds. GEEZ, the nerve of the "BIG GUYS". I'll tell ya what, if I ran a site that contained ASL related material and was told to shut down because of "unlicensed" use of ASL material I would tell them to shove it. As long as I'm not claiming any material as my own, then there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong. But yeah, if I said ASL-24 by Dave Molinarolo, then yeah, but please!!! I still say, these big wigs are overstepping their boundaries. And even as mentioned above, the ASL 2 CM website was even featured in one of their reviews and now the same organization is making him shut down is a bunch of crap!
  17. Tom, scenarios have always been forward compatible. In other words a scenario designed with v1.03 is compatible with v1.12. Scenarios aren't backward compatible. A scenario designed on v1.12 is not playable by v1.03
  18. OK, but if it is truly a copyright issue, that would be like BTS doing the same regarding the letters "CM" or "CMBO". So any site that mentioned CM would be illegal. Sounds stupid doesn't it? If this is truly the case, I am hereby copyrighting the word "copyright". Anybody using the word "copyright" must immediately cease using the word under strict penalty of law. If one fails to cease, I shall rain down the ultimate hell of the legal system in getting every last penny you own.
  19. Nope sorry. What kind of video card do you have? You can get a 32MB TNT2 card for damn near nothing now.
  20. Ummm, correct me if I'm wrong, but... Weren't at least some of those scenarios on the TGN Scenario Depot anyway? This copyright infringement is the biggest bunch of BULL**** I have ever heard! So let me get this straight. No one other than whomever the hell is doing this can't use the term ASL in any of their references? What a bunch of BULL****, that's like copyrighting the word "bull****". Then how in the hell are you supposed to give proper reference to anything based on ASL? To me, this new development sounds awefully illegal in regards to international copyright laws. There should be no illegalities if you properly give credit for the name, etc. If HASBLO thinks different, then they are sadly mistaken and I would think seriously in taking this to court myself individually. As long as you correctly reference the material then there is nothing wrong with using the material. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 02-08-2001).]
  21. The pics don't do it justice. It looks a lot brighter and brilliant in-game. For some reason PhotoPoint.com darkens the pictures.
  22. Gary, How large of an attachment can your email handle? The grass zips are 2.5MB The other terrain elements are only ~750K each.
  23. OK, if I get time tomorrow, I'll go through and zip up the elements into emailable files and send them off to the Outpost. The mods I used were: Old Dogs's Velvet Grass, DD's tree bases, Kevin's Watery Marsh, R. Tremblet's Brush, and DesertFox's Hedge. I have added '_w' and '_s' suffixes to all of these to fit my Batch files. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  24. The Piats, 'Zooks, 'Schrecks, Mortars, Tracers, Grenades, Airborne Berrets, Pistols, and Projectiles are all hard-coded images. There is no .bmp for them, so they can't be changed.
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