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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. Old Dog's Subdued Velvet Grass shows elevations quite well. The low levels are a dark green while the high levels actually start turning brown near the top. The only time you get that "engine created" tile line is when you have a major change of elevation between two or more tiles. But gradual elevation changes are quite fluid.
  2. Yes, I understand the deal about using different ground conditions for different bogging probabilities, but what I was really asking is what set of .bmps did you modify for the sand look. What I was saying is that I was repainting and applying filters to the original BTS snow tiles and came up with a pretty good sand color. I then renamed them to the grass tiles (1550-1569) ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 02-21-2001).]
  3. What did you guys use for the sand? Did you use the original BTS snow files? I was playing around with them this evening and came up with a pretty good sand look. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  4. Umm, Tiger's Hi-Res stuff isn't really all that hi-res. Marco's stuff blows Tiger's "hi-res" away. Marco's plain pack is expected to be released this week. He sent the final preview of it to me this morning but it didn't go through. Old Dog was suppose to send it to me in pieces however and they could be sitting in my mailbox right now. This PLAIN pack is just the American Olive Drab versions with no optional options. Meaning that there won't be any variations of the same file. In other words, no files labeled ####_opt.bmp The FULL pack will have the US, FF, UK, CA, & PO variants. NOTE: There is a difference between the US M4A3 files and the UK Sherman III & V files. However, the US M4A1 and the UK Sherman II use the same files. So if you use the plain pack, UK Sherman IIs will always be US Olive Drab instead of UK Forest Green. IMHO, the FULL pack will be the way to go. It comes with full readmes on how to setup everything. So if you can "follow directions", I know that's hard for some people, you should be able to use the FULL pack without any problems. And as Jagdcarcajou said, it really adds a new dimension to the game. I especially like the FF versions.
  5. Gunny Bunny, Gunny Bunny...What are we going to do with you? There IS a grided DD grass somewhere, but I don't know right off hand where it is. So, you've figured out that if you download some mods, then the graphics aren't all that bad. Well welcome to the mod community. SHEESH! ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  6. Yep, spotted that irony in a milli-second. But it is a excellent point as to what version he's using.
  7. Me, trying to make up my mind while I'm standing in line at McDonald's. "Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, Big Mac, Quarter Pounder." "Frys, or no frys" ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  8. Oh you better watch it, Space Thing will have your hide if you keep making Michael Jackson jokes. Geez, what lame-ness
  9. For soldiers, I'd definately pick up DD's Uni Pack for it includes all new uniforms for every troop type in CM. Very nice mods there. For buildings, you'll probably want Panzertruppen's Buildings, these are the ones that are featured in about every screenshot you will see lately. For Terrain, I use DD's terrain elements (trees and tree bases) but I use a version of Velvet grass for grass, but DD's snow.
  10. You'll wanna pick up Marco Bergman's Shermans & Stuarts for sure. And check out Gordon Molek's camo versions for the British Sherman's as well. They put to shame what came with the game. But hold off on these for about a week or so. Marco is on the verge of releasing the total Sherman Pack. It will include many options for all of the US, Free French, British, Canadian, and Polish Sherman and Stuart-based tanks. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  11. Yeah that's nice. Now get back to class!
  12. I think I pretty much replaced most every other sound in that pack with NCrawler's and somebody elses besides Matt's MG42 sound, for I found that one sounds better tahn anything other. However, just using the "Hi-Action" sounds where it gives a little zip and ring to infantry casualties is what really makes that pack.
  13. As far as I know, it should be as it being part of the new restock.
  14. Expect to see the US plain-pack before the weekend at least. You will now have every version of the US Sherman in HI-RES, including the M4(75,105), M4A1(75/76), M4A3(75/76/105), M4A3 HVSS(76/105), and M4A3E2 Jumbo(75/76). And as a BONUS, this pack will also include all WINTER versions. However, this pack is as advertised, PLAIN, meaning no options, just plain ol' unzip and install for those that are file-management challenged. The FULL PACK is still about a week or so away after the release of this pack. Marco has been hard at work on these for a long time, and he is just about to finish up this major project. Believe me folks, you'll want these new HI-RES BABIES on your HD! ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 02-20-2001).]
  15. gunnergoz, he doesn't have the game yet. He's merely stating that some screenshots don't look the same. For all your modding pleasure, start off at CMHQ, and then check out the CM Webring and then surf to the other sites and look there, for about every site has a least some sort of mod. COMBAT MISSIONS has a Mods List which includes links to where they are.
  16. Umm, am I missing something? Where is the mod picture?
  17. Honestly, I don't see a whole hellava lot of difference between stock and that picture. Am I missing something?
  18. In my best Arnold Schwartzenagger voice, "John Hughes looks like a little girly man." Lose the long greasy hair, bud. And maybe grow some facial hair while your at it. Sorry just had to do it after the last pic.
  19. Well, what purpose would this serve? Increasing it by just 200% is plenty big for whatever you want to do. What you could do is to enlarge it as you wish but then shrink it back down to normal hi-res. That's what Panzertruppen did with his building mod. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  20. Manx, I totally agree. Like for instance, I don't think the "Christmas Tree" mod was worthy of server space. Actually for that matter, the tree on CMHQ with the cow drawn in it really didn't derserve server space, IMHO. But yeah, this is one major reason why I haven't released any mods as of late, because my skill hasn't improved enough to warrant replacing what others have done. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  21. Well, if an "Age of Empires-type" game will work for ya, there's a new 3D accelerated game coming out by CDV Software Entertainment AG and GSC Game World. It's called Cossacks: European Wars that covers the 16th to 18th Centuries. It plays almost identical to AoEII, but there is ALOT more gunpower-type troops, so it is not all hack-n-slash. It has some very impressive special effects with 3D accelerated explosions and stuff. Being 3D accelerated is runs super smooth, even when AoEII ran choppy on my machine and the graphics are better to boot! I would say that this game will topple AoEII as the #1 historical RTS. The game contains 16 different countries and each country has their OWN troop types. And their OWN building set, with the minor exception of things like mines and storage buildings (AoEII's equivalent of Rock Mines and Lumber Mills) There is a Demo available that weighs in at 46MB, and it only offers a Random Map skirmish between two or more Spanish Armies. If you liked AoEII, you'll love Cossacks: European Wars. Go check out their website at http://www.cossacks.de/english/cossacks/index.shtml
  22. Nope, we're getting the other "fabled broken picture link" box. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot
  23. Yep, I seen the "broken picture link" before. It's quite common when the URL is incorrect.
  24. Molasses in January. A one-legged man in the 100-meter dash. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 02-17-2001).]
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