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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1: yes I do...the first one was lets say a -10 out of 10 we didn't even get through one turn maby there should be less people I will have to set up a vot on the CMC Fourm.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmmm, IIRC, didn't I say it wouldn't work. Too many email passes to just do just one side's orders. The fact is that CM is NOT set up for multi-multiplayer play. BUUTTT, I'm not the one to say, "I told ya so."
  2. I thought it was the way some galactic gas was reflected off of Venus and something or other. Oh hell, whatever the excuse was they used in the film "Men in Black" No really, there was probably a British flamethrower unit in the area somewhere that lit the road on fire. Again though, whatever actually ignited on the road is a factor of abstraction.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar: ...poised with 5000 mole ships behind the largest pumpkin they could find, awaiting the right moment when they could commence in a Blitzkrieg upon the unsuspecting dung beatles of the maneuver pile. Speaking of maneuvre...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...and gamey techniques, Mace's sheep and Gustav's fish showed up to help with the defense of the earth from the 5000 ships of SS Hamstertruppen. But that was nothing when it come to maneuverist tactics, because it was really maneuverist when....
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bfamily33: C'mon Max, take the gloves off. My money's on you man. Go get him! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah you're right. Nothing can stop the All Mighty Maximus! Muhahaha! As the poor sap is obviously a young teenage Brit, that should easy enough. Actually that board has beem known to get into a lot of Euro vs US flame wars. But what's funny is since most of the posters over there are so young, they don't even know their own history very well. Arguments about how Britian conveniently left the Colonies because they got tired or bored of killing Colonials is pretty hilarious. I guess the surrender of Cornwallis had nothing to do with it. [ 04-16-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  5. Go check out this thread over on the Cossacks: European Wars Message board and read the posts from "eurowarrior". I know, I know. The Mad One will probably move this to the General Forum, but you know....
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: images didn't work, never mind. [ 04-16-2001: Message edited by: 109 Gustav ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh man, that was cruel.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Manx_CM: One thing that annoys me about batch file mods - as i understand it, one of the criteria of being MOD MANAGER compatible, is that the file has to include preview pics of the mod.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Whoops, got your mod styles screwed up there? Batch file mods don't require any preview shots. Did you mean Mod Manager Mods?
  8. Just one question of copatibility.... Are you working on the M36 Jackson and the M10 Wolverine also?
  9. I like Option #1 better. And that's not because that was the first one you showed us either. I just don't think fire tends to burn in narrow columns, that's all. All though I'll probably try out both of them and see which one looks better in-game. I do like the explosion mod though. Looks, a bit more transparent than the original. I take it that the new mod is the one that starts at the bottom of the sign in the middle?
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: all those lectures Mom and Dad gave him as a young lad. Unfortunately, Mannheim Edsel had giggled far too much during these "talks" and missed at least half of the message. "Oh well," he thought. "I guess the only way to find the answer is to . . . "<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...ask Rob/1 what the color the incoming and outgoing tracers are. Or is that what color the Allied and Axis tracers are? Hell I don't don't which! Anyway.....
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blackthorne: Yep, I just purchased a 1.5gig 256meg Ultra 64 monster<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Curious, what CPU did you get? Athlon, P4? I got a 1.2GHz T-bird with a 64MB Geforce 2 GTS Pro Platinum. Not only does the game run like a dream now, but it also looks better too with the better video card.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dr. Brian: I'm a little confused about the mods usage. Seems like some of the mods overwrite each other. Also, for example, there are different color schemes. So, do I have to specify which vehcile the game uses, or does the scenario designer do that? I guess, my question really is, do I just drop all the bmps into the folder, and let CM sort them out??????? Thanks in advance!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well yeah, CM only uses one texture for any given thing at any given time. So what you have to do is to pick which texture you want to use and install that one. Over-writing whatever is in there originally. I other words there is just one set of textures for the PzIV. So decide which camo pattern you like best and install that one. It won't change until you install another PzIV mod. Get it?
  13. I should add that each texture you see is just a simple BMP file. Just about everything in the game has been modded, even the GUI. BMPs can be easily painted to change the graphical look in the game. If you are still using stock textures from the CD, then you are missing out on some really great textures. Start by looking for terrain textures. They really change the look of the game. DD's trees are a must. Grass and trees bases are next. There are several good mods out there for those. Be sure to get Panzertruppen's buildings. They are seen in about every screenshot. Other things like water, bridges. Also Tiger has a new sky pack that is really good if you don't mind some rough edges around the horizon hills.
  14. The pink spots you see have nothing to do with a game patch. CM only uses one color for transparencies. R=254, G=0, B=254. Bright pink. If the color values are just a little off from that RGB setting, the game will show pink spots in those areas. So if an area has a color value of R=250, G=0, B=254, then you will see pink spots. To correct this, you must go into a painting program and manually fix the color values in those areas. I'm curious, what mod are you using where you see pink spots? However, since you are a new player, you do need the v1.12 patch as the newest game CD came with v1.11. Take note that CM has undergone about 11 patches. 7 Official and 4 Beta. The version list is as follows, <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>v1.00 - initial release <LI>v1.01 - came out at the same time as release to add fiery explosions and other stuff <LI>v1.02 - came out in a second edition of the Gold Demo <LI>v1.03 - next official patch <LI>v1.04 - next one <LI>v1.05 - last official patch before TCP/IP was implemented <LI>v1.1b16 - first beta patch for TCP/IP <LI>v1.1b22 - second beta <LI>v1.1b23 - third beta <LI>v1.1b24 - fourth beta <LI>v1.1 - first Offical TCP/IP patch <LI>v1.11 - version of the latest CD run <LI>v1.12 - latest and probably the last patch for CMBO (there's been some push for a v1.13) [ 04-16-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  15. Well, playing does get old after a while if your computer can no longer handle all the hi-res mods one as installed. However, with a fast computer where the screen scrolls silky smooth even with hi-res grass, then playing the game becomes enjoyable again. And to be honest with you, a fast computer really does change the way you "see" the game. I can't even begin to phathom how people try to play the game on a less than 300 MHz computer with less than a 16 MB video card. My old Celeron 433 with a 32MB TNT2 was pokin' along there at the end.
  16. I don't know about some of you people. It seems that this society is getting SOOO lazy that it won't take the time to set up an application to make things even easier. Just like Gordon said, the batch files are set up to swap out a hellava lot of mods with just one double-click, while the Mod Manager, if I understand the application correctly, is that you you have to click this one, click that one, etc. etc. and then click "Install" to activate them. To be honest with ya, TwoSheds, it seems to me that the Mod Manager takes a lot more time to set up than the batch files. I maybe wrong, but that is why I never d/l'ed it. Because I read through the readme a while back and it seems that, "Hell, this is even more complicated than the batch files." Not to knock your work on the application, TwoSheds, but I just found that the BFS was easier to do. Besides, I like looking at all my pretty icons. [ 04-16-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  17. Yes, please send to Manx's COMBAT MISSIONS, because the mad bald one is still cowering from the riots.
  18. Mace, get yourself back to the FAQ!
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: Why Maximus had also left his sporran at home, along with his...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...Mace blow-up doll. Becuase all Maximus ever wanted to do was to screw over every one of the FAQ posters with his politically charged FAQ story. Anyway, when Gustav came back he...
  20. Oh I disagree totally on the low-res texture issue. I can't stand the stock low-res stuff. White Scout Car anyone? Please can we have hi-res textures in CM2 to start out with. And for those that don't have good video cards, whassa matta? can't afford $50 for at least a 32MB card of some sort?
  21. Well, from someone who has just upgraded himself, here's what I went from and to what I went to. From: Intel Celeron 433Mhz 66MHz FSB 128MB PC66 (equivalent) SDRAM 32MB Diamond Viper V770 TNT2 Ultra To: AMD Thunderbird 1.2GHz 266MHz FSB 256MB PC133 SDRAM 64MB DDR S/U/M/A/ Geforce 2 GTS(Pro AGP) Platinum Edition I can't begin to tell you the difference in game speed now. On my old system, with all of my hi-res mods installed (except grass), I was getting pretty poor framerates with any large map above 1000m x 1000m. Now I can run run everything including hi-res grass and HUGE maps silky smooth at 1152x864 resolution. And with CM2 engagement ranges likely to be longer than CMBO's, you can probably expect CM2 to have a lot of large maps. Combine that with probably a higher polygon count on the vehicles and more standard hi-res'ed textures, an upgrade is probably a good idea. Don't ever try to squeek by with the minimal system requirements. Do yourself a favor and get an upgrade while you still can! :eek:
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker: ...apologize for subjecting the rest of the forum to his nudity. My God, man, at least put on a...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...hat! But then as the Chinese pilot began to tumble out of the sky, he failed to think about ejecting, for we are talking about Chinese pilots here. Everyone knows that Chinese pilots are the instigators in International Affairs. Remember they stuck their nose in Korea back in 1950. However that still doesn't explain...
  23. Tanks a Lot, That is the best water mod that I have seen yet. I was just thinking this morning, I wished someone would make a new water mod, because I haven't been real happy with what has been out there until now. And then I get on the Forum this afternoon and find this thread. I'm like, "Alright, 'bout time!" Is there any way that you could come up with a Marsh Mod based on this water? You know, kinda like "Kevin's Watery Marsh" where you overlay some plant growth on top of the water.
  24. If you've got a decently fast computer, play "A Walk in Paris", the Germans have several snipers scattered around the city. They are always shooting trying to pick off the commanders of the M4A2 French Shermans. YES, I said, M4A2. Anybody notice that the French versions of the M4A3's are M4A2's?
  25. Should've known ol' Bob comes to the rescue. Anyway, Feldgrau, I d/l'ed the mod. Really excellent work. However I did find a few textures that could have been improved a bit. For I am Eagle Eye Maximus Beta Testor for Marco and Gordon mods, muhahaha! What I found was that in some of the Dirty versions, that a few textures could have been muddied as well. Like the front end of the front bumper. Also the flattened Windshield on the MG Jeep could have been "transparented out" to look like the normal windshield. I believe that file was like 3308, IIRC. Also, for the rear spare tire. I did a little cut and paste on the hub from the regular wheel file and stretched it a bit to fit the one on the rear spare tire. (Dimensions are a little a-skewed (oval-like) for the rear file.) But I didn't stop there. I took the tire tread texture 40xx something and I used it to overlay the top and sides of the spare tire for a better effect there also. NOTE: I have only done these modifications for the dirty versions of the jeep. Or actually just the textures that I plan on using in my game. But anyway, Feldgrau, these are the best Jeep mods that we have seen so far, so not to knock your work at all. I just found a few improvements to make. BTW, I did find a few pink spots on the rear file for the dirty jeep.
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