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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: ...probe for anti-personal mines using his feet then, if he survives,...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...herd his sheep through, one by one. But 109 Gustache was still needing some wool for cosmetic purposes when...
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: Somewhere in there it said that all the textures would be hires. You can tell that the buildings are, look at the detail of the boards. I would have preferred stock low res textures, since my graphics card isn't very good.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Upgrade time, 109 Goof-Off.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kmead: [QB]Apple has never been a 'gaming machine' and so to loose a small segment of their market is of consequence but not debilitating.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So why make it into what it is not? Or better yet, why complain that there isn't that many games for the Mac, when Macs aren't, as you said, "gaming machines". Isn't that the reason for the need of Game Sprockets and all that good stuff? And all this stuff about my $.02 is just $.02, bite me! At least I don't have to flood the Tech Forum with, "CM locks up on my Mac"-type questions. It still seems that you feel the need to defend your use and purchase of Mac computers when you know they "aren't gaming machines". Maybe all you Mac users need to look into Micrsoft's X-Box for your gaming needs. ROTFLMAO! [ 04-24-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kmead: Most Mac users do not want to fuss with the arcana of a computer, its one of the primary reasons they bought a Mac in the first place.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why do you think Apple flooded the schools with Apple IIs in the early-mid '80s? So they would be easy for the children to learn with. Heaven forbid to put an IBM machine in front of them with DOS. Too complicated. I'll tell ya what turned me off of Apple-based computers. When I was a Senior in Highschool back in '91, I was in a Computer Science class. We had Apple IIe computers in there with those nice mono-chrome green screens & 5.24" external floppy drives. In the same year, I took a Business Computer class across the hall, as a matter of fact. They had IMB-compatibles in there, probably 386 machines at the time. They had color screens! I believe they had Windows 3.0 on them. Graphical Interface, wow! We would go back into the Computer Science class and write up a little BASIC program that did a loop which wrote "Apples suck" that scrolled down the screen infinitely. Teacher didn't care too much for that, but I think he knew it was true. That fall, in my first semester of college, I got my first computer. A 386DX-33Mhz w/4MB of memory! Wow! 1MB video card. 85MB HDD.
  5. Isn't Steve Jobs just lovely? He makes a new operating system that makes every former piece of software that's not written in OpenGL obsolete. That's like coming out with a new form of auto fuel (while discontinuing the old one) that only 2002 cars will run on. So all your older vehicles will require a new powertrain to work. Result: Forced upgrade. So kmead, you mean to tell me that you would abandon your favorite game, just because BTS won't do a 3D engine recode until the CMII engine rewrite? I got a solution for ya. Buy a PC, they're cheaper. So now people should realize that Apple is the greatest company in the world. NOT! Some experts say that with the release of MacOS X, that Apple has finally committed its biggest blunder. They say that because of this, that Apple will slowly die off in the near future. Therefore the age ol' slogan of BTS saying that they won't be abandoning the Mac, might not be so true anymore. Because if this new revelation is true and if it will keep prospective new customers from buying CM, then why continue Mac support? I'm just following your logic kmead, so don't get your panties all in a bunch. Like I've always said, "What's a Mac again?" That's the glory of buying into a monopoly that Apple is. You are at their mercy at every step of the way. BTW, if I understand correctly, OSX finally supports the ability to change system sounds, right? Whoopideedoo. Windows users have been able to change system sounds since Windows 3.0, 10 years ago.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CombinedArms: A Firefly AP round, esp. tungsten, will go through the frontal armor of any Axis tank in the game. On the other hand, it's got just ordinary Sherman armor, which means a Pz IV can kill it easily from the front. The gun on a Conscript Firefly is just as good as the gun on a Veteran and if you waltz into the center of Villier-Bocage too soon, one of those Fireflies (or even a flanking Sherman III) WILL kill you. The moral is: the enemy has weapons that can and will kill your best equipment and best troops. Nobody has any immunity. So the key is CAUTIOUS aggression. Play the angles, work for LITTLE advantages. Try to bring an overbalance of force against enemy weakpoints while protecting your own as much as possible. Even the best weapon in CM has vulnerabilities. Take on enemy strengths one by one--this turn take out that anti-tank team with your infantry. Next turn, move through the hole with your Sherman to flank the enemy Panther--but keep in mind there may be more hidden AT assets behind those you've killed. In other words, use combined arms tactics--infantry screening armor, armor supporting infantry, artillery hammering down strong points or smoking them out, but recognize there are no guarantees. There will STILL be lots of nasty suprises because the enemy is also playing the angles, looking to surprise you. It can be very frustrating at times, but also a lot of fun once you get the hang of it. Its a great game, but with a definite learning curve. You can learn fast if you're observant and keep an open mind.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, that's another thing I keep forgetting. The damn Tungsten works now since the v1.1x patches. Guess I haven't played much since these patches due to my old computer, now that I got a kick-ass machine, I'm playing more.
  7. Yeah, I keep forgetting that. It's a whole scope thing isn't it.
  8. Because there was apparently alot of that going on in the Eastern Front. One sees a lot of footage of T-34s rumbling through forests knocking down trees and such. So the question is how will this be simulated? Like it is now-through small gaps in the woods tiles or differently?
  9. I don't know about 88mm Bunkers, but I have new found respect for the Firefly's 17 pdr gun. I played Villers-Boccage again last night (with Tiger's latest Tiger mod), and I was getting smoked by those damned Fireflys that show up at the end of that one street. Before hand, I was kicking some major butt with Wittman, had him down in town and everything smoking those poor Sherman IIIs and Cromwells. I was even using +100% troops for the Germans and I still got my ass wasted just after a few turns past the reinforcement turn. Couldn't believe it, frontal kills on Veteran Tigers from Green and Conscript Fireflys. [ 04-24-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS_Obergruppenführer: I tried both Sky packs; same problem. I would post up a screen shot, but dunno how. Tell me how to do it, and you'll see what I mean. Thanx for your assistance<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> First of all the image must be somewhere on the Net, ie Personal Website or someplace like PhotoPoint.com Then you must use the UBB tags and put the entire URL of the picture in between the tags.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gyrene: The tracers, smoke and falling shells are all hard coded and cannot be modded by the users. So I hear. Gyrene<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually smoke *isn't* hard-coded. Can't recall what files they are, but I *think* that they're around the end of the explosion file range. I could be wrong though, but the original subdued total mod pack supposedly had a smoke mod. Well actually I know it does, because CCJ had made new smoke for the Beta Demo ages ago, when smoke was an ugly columness plume of grey opaque smoke. Boy, you new guys don't know how good you got it now with the smoke that implemented into the Gold Demo. That old smoke was U*G*L*Y*! [ 04-24-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  12. FYI, Madmatt was working on a BF.com site update a while back. He sent me a URL a while back and it looked pretty good. However the work on CM2 is probably more important now for the mad bald one.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: be somewhere else entirely -- preferably somewhere with a wealthy, kind, generous sort who did not see fit to jam the poor right hand into his trousers on a regular basis. Of course, with 109fish-boy, a "regular basis" meant . . . <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...once a FAQ post. So with that 109 Fish-boy suddenly found himself rubbing and stroking feverously as Ba Ba Macesheep strolled into the room. Embarrassed, Gustav immediately said, "Hey Mace, quick, I need some wool. Where's your sheep?" Mace exclaimed, you ain't gettin' my sheep you nasty bastard, but...
  14. I don't know about the Chaffee, but his latest PzVIE is awesome! I'll give ya credit where credit is due. That new Tiger is great. Love the camo scheme. Good amount of hi-res detail. Even the road wheels look good.
  15. What? Another MLB Phan? What have you done Gustav, they're multiplying!
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: wonder what the hell was up with having both Cubbies and Phillies in the same thread. Were they related? Was this the result of inbreeding in Phillies's family? Were they going to fight? So many questions, so few...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...fish to finger. However it isn't too surprising as Mace found that his sheep were getting over anxious for some action. But just then Cubbies Phan showed up and jumped into the FAQ out of nowhere confusing Gustav. Gustav just then figured it out, it's....
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Nice! Clean and crisp, I like it. Do you have non-winter ones?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Umm, yeah. They are called Fernando's PSWs. They are on CMHQ. Part of the BIG ASSED UPDATE. Go get'em. You know it pays to read the thread title carefully.
  18. Now the question is...where should I send it? CMHQ, COMBAT MISSIONS, etc? This one was done very simular to my old original method. Except with the new tricks I've learned, it's even better. And Tiger, all the detail is still there too.
  19. Well barring the "padlock set-up" setting, there seems to have been a problem creep up in v1.12 where you can't set-up multiple infantry-type units inside of a building at the start of a game. (Not in the editor, but in set-up phase). It doesn't always seem to be like that for some reason.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates: I hope you are reading this Tiger: NEVER darken the forum's doorstep with your shoddy, unfinished mods UNLESS they are perfect. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And what's wrong with wanting perfection? Actually now that I think about it, the pixelation that Tiger speaks of may be a result of him messing around with the dpi as he's doing the mods. If you notice, no texture in CM has a stock dpi greater than 72. Why? Because that is the deepest dpi that a screen can display an image at anyway. So as he changes the dpi back and forth, the pixels may get a bit contorted if you will. Because out of all the resizing that I or anyone else does with the bitmaps, there never seems to be as much pixilation in their mods as there is in Tiger's. You see where I'm coming from, Tiger? Just leave the dpi as it is and just change the dimensions. I think what is happening is that when you increase the dpi, and that CM will display the same size of image on the 3D model no matter what the dimensions are. The increased dpi actually blurs (pixelates) the image. I sincerely believe that this is the cause of the pixelation around the road wheels especially. Because again, no one else increases the dpi and they don't get this amount of pixelation that you seem to be getting. So try this. Because as you may know that increasing the dimensions of the image, you are in fact adding pixels. So when the game shrinks them to fit the model, it is in fact making a sharper image in the same way a small TV has a sharper picture than a larger one. [ 04-22-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  21. No carbon copy or whatever you wanna call it. You'll have to run CM in OS 9.x
  22. Tiger, Actually my whole nitpicking comes from that I guess I'm spoiled with Marco's mods, so that's where I get my cinicism. Basically I took note on how many mods you do and the frequency that you do them. For example a little while ago, it seemed like Manx had a new mod from you about every other day. Yes the paint jobs were interesting, but the detail was kinda laxidasical (sp?). Meaning that they they could have been better if you had spent a little more time on them.
  23. You don't like the netting? :confused:
  24. Uh Rob, where's you're trade-marked, "Cool!"
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