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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. Microsoft Intellimouse here. But not so much as in the mouse but ergonmic support is a good way to reduce "mouse-fatigue". I use a pivoted arm rest where I lay my forearm in a cupped sleeve of sorts which no only keeps the strain off of my shoulder, but also reduces the cramps in the hand. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  2. Also, I believe that Gary Kump made a snow road that enhanced the track contrast which makes it little easier to see. Go to CM Outpost and look for those. Sorry I can't remember exactly what heading they were under. But I agree, a muddy snow road would look good. But you hafta realize that all snow roads in CM are displayed the same no matter what kind of road is "underneath" the snow as there is only set of snow road tiles in the game. So therefore a paved road would not have turned into mud. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  3. ...that penguins like padlocks because that is what this thread is going to get in another 80 some-odd posts, but until then...carry on." Just then Mace broke in and yelled, "Go away you bald-headed freak and.... ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  4. Yep your right, thanks. I found it myself. BTW what mod did you do to know that, because you didn't include it with your latest Cromwell mod. Was it it in your first Cromwell mod? Also, I used your latest version as a base for this desert version. I'll shoot you an email with a pic of it if you want. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  5. I'm making a Desert version of the Cromwell and I can't find this file. This file is not contained within the Cromwell bmp series 3260-3269. It's similar to the Churchill's 95mm gun, but it's not the same file. I can't release this mod without having that gun file. Manx's bmp list doesn't list it either. I've tried looking at all the other British and American guns that would use some sort of barrel, but can't find anything that looks anything close to it. HELP me or do somefink!
  6. I don't know about the burning process, but they make cheap CD buffer thingys now that you put a CD in and manually turn this thing and it's supposed to buff out most of the scratches.
  7. As a suggestion for the future, you really ought to make 1024x768 versions.
  8. ...gnads as he was day-dreaming about Mace. (Sorry man, had to do it.) But just then, JD woke up and yelled, "What the hell am I doing??? I'm not gay!" JD then called up Mace and asked, "Hey buddy, did you just feel anything strange?" Mace replied, "...
  9. I played a game of Chance Encounter once where the German side targeted the "German Woods Hill" with its 81mm spotter while we both were in there and fighting each other. However, most of the rounds fell on the German side of the skirmish line. So that just made my job much easier.
  10. Not to sound too harsh, but... Try installing them! It seems that several people have downloaded and attempted to install the sky mods only to find out that they can't see them. This goes for other mods as well, actually. You'll see what I mean. With the advent of the Mod Manager, people are getting lazy when they download and install mods. ie. They don't look at them first. In this particular instance, Tiger's Sky Mod included three separate zips which you must first unzip or load those zips into the Mod Manager. This trend seems to happen every now and then when a slightly complicated mod "package" is published such as Marco's Allied stuff. So to prevent this confusion it is a WISE and also a GOOD idea to unzip each mod into their own folder at least once to see if there are any special options or additional zips within the original zip file. I here stories that say that, "Well, I installed the mod, yet I still see the original graphics." If you truly installed the mod, there is NO POSSIBLE way that you could see the original graphics. Because CM pull textures fron ONLY the BMP folder (on PCs) so if you truly overwrite the files, then you WILL see the new mod. The problem is that if you simply unzip the mod zip into the bmp folder, then you may not be actually installing it. That is why it always a good idea to unzip them into their own folder before to make sure that you just not unziping additional zips into the BMP folder upon which the mod won't show up. Also, apparently if you have a low-end machine or a low-end video card of which CM will display the low-res versions of certain textures like sky and grass, what can I say? UPGRADE and get with the 21st Century! ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  11. Porajkl and jd, Are you sure you installed them? The initial zip file contained three separate zips. Did you just unzip the initial zip file into your graphics folder? If so, then that's why. Tiger has made a new sky for every possible season and sky condition. So there should be a new sky for any scenario. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  12. That's because you never installed them. The initial zip file contains about three separate zips. So unzip the initial file into its own folder first and then unzip the three zips that are within the initial zip. This is what you get when you blindly unzip a mod file into the BMP folder. It is ALWAYS a good idea to unzip each mod into their own folders to take a look at them before you install them. You ask what scenarios use these. ALL of them! (As long as you have the bmps installed. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  13. ...testicles were its only shortcoming. But that wouldn't matter to Mace because he has a severe fetish for beast testicles. After the FAQ group lost the chest burster, Mace, Philles Phan, Croda, and Gustov went looking for some more adventure when... ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  14. Inquiring minds want to know... ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  15. As far as terrain goes and uniforms go, get all of DD's stuff. And then Magua has a good Brit uniform. As for tanks, anything by Marco Bergman. Grab his hi-res Shermans for sure.
  16. Damn, here they are! I wondered what happened to my squad of rolling eyes. OK, not to jump all over you lcm1947, but when you post, there are two active links to the left of the text box. One says, *UBB Code is ON and the other one says Smilies Legend. Use the *UBB code is ON link to learn how to do bold, italics, and alot of other neat stuff like on how to do The Smiles Legend will show you all of the character combinations that translate to graphics. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  17. I use the bi-color, why I'm not sure. Maybe because it was due to the dely of getting the SPW250/8 out.
  18. Yeah the Desert Rats TC has been released. Go to http://www.dfdr.net/ to download the files.
  19. Oh come now Lewis, it is common knowledge that the Tiger III only got 250m on 10 gallons, not 500m. GEEZ, read a book before you post. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  20. Ok, let's see what ol' Webster has to say about it... Tiger II. {Ti*ger Too}: See Koenig Tiger. Koenig Tiger. {Kay*nig Ti*ger}: See King Tiger. King Tiger. {King Ti*ger}: See Tiger II. Hmmm, seems that they're all the same name for the same tank. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  21. As for the fog, you've probably accidently turned off the Fog Emulation Table on your video card. As for the missing beret, I have no idea. The beret is a hard-coded image, so there are no bmps for those.
  22. ...Mace emerged from the sheep's rectum with something slimey in his mouth. Upon gathering his wits, Mace spits out the object. Mace yelled, "Guys, I got it!" Upon hearing that, Croda and Philles started chuckling and replied, "Mace you goof, that's not the fish that's a... ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  23. Well, I have never d/l'ed and tried the Mod Manager because I believed that it was just another way to complicate an already simple process. If you are comfortable with Windows File Management, then the ol' fashioned way works just fine.
  24. This has got to be a joke right? What is a Tiger II or Koenig Tiger? EVERYBODY knows that a Tiger II/Koenig's Tiger was Hitler's secret Uberweapon that was going to mount a 210mm AT-gun that also doubled as a rocket launching tube. Because by this time in the war, Germany was experimenting with wire-guided AT-guided missiles and BFG Ausf. 9000s. No seriously, lcm1947, a Tiger II or Koenig Tiger is the SAME thing as a King Tiger. (Koenig = King) (Tiger I = PzVI Ausf. E; Tiger II = PzVI Ausf. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
  25. I've got it and IMHO, it doesn't look good dark like that. I brightened my copy up a wee bit and sent it back to PawBroon. The problem with it being so dark that it makes the other drawn-in details look shiny and you can' make out the camo. It all looks the same color. After brightening it up a bit, the lighter green comes out better giving a better contrast overall. ------------------ For your dream car click here. For a Close Encounter click here. Hey look! I can see my house! And for all you Hamster Lovers out there, check this out! Kitty, this one's for you!
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