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Everything posted by jdmorse

  1. Since there is not a COCAT version for the Mac, does this prevent mac users? In CMMC we worked around it, but your intro seems to say it is required.
  2. The Mad one speaks, the answer is here Nope! Still a while to go
  3. Check out CM Meta Campaign CMMC1 is in process of winding up, CMMC2, the Ost front is in pre-production and will open for sign ups in the future.
  4. As mentioned the problem is lack of space in the resource. While you can resedit it, that's not a good solution. The latest version of MCM3 was iirc tweaked to allow you to choose the resources to place the mod. The comp. looks at the first available resource, and not finding the right number moves on down the resources. So if your bmp's got put into Resource 5 which totals 15megs, and Resource 3 has only 3 megs of space used, you can park them there. Alternatively you can be careful and very selective to get the optimum mod. For example I have restored some stock mods that rarely or never show up to reduce the resource amount so I can sneak in a new hi res version. Bottom line start off with the mods that are 'can't do without' then slowly add only those others that fit. MCM3 should also help. Good Luck [ September 09, 2002, 05:59 PM: Message edited by: jdmorse ]
  5. Tiger is at it again! What memories! I look forward to using my cable modem, 'cuz I think I will need it. The question is where will we be able to go to get these? And others to come.
  6. Had two in Citadel the other night. iirc the KV blew up with the fireball effect the PzIII (ko'd by the other KV) simply started smoking and less visible fire [ September 05, 2002, 09:24 PM: Message edited by: jdmorse ]
  7. Also in the category of "it's not quite as bad as you think"' is that the support weapons, FO's vehicles, HMG's etc are grouped together and easily reviewed with the +/- keys. I am in cmmc and with huge maps and Bat size forces, finding that Fo's location, or a lone Mg I knew was out there somewhere, or simply way on the other side of the board was no real problem. As to the men, except where the platoons have been sliced up and lost the HQ, the lines of CoC and group select also make it easy to find and review. (even there, if you locate even one of the units of the platon the +/- will review even the killed ones) Maybe not as efficient as an OOB but then again, like Steve I haven't really felt the lack, and there are other things, like Michael mentioned that eleviate the problem [ September 05, 2002, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: jdmorse ]
  8. Like Berli (man that sticks in my throat!! ) I look at it as essentially a 30 turn battle that may end earlier or go longer
  9. Thanks for the idea. yeah it's the tendency for them to take pot shots at 800m's that causes the problem. I did prefer the CMBO ability to spot while hidden. Covered arcs for inf units will take some getting use to..
  10. This is my most irksome problem. When i unhide the HQ he gets spotted. Oh look at all those loverly targeting lines in Yelenia! Anyone found a way around this?
  11. Meandering thru the personal identity confusions running amok, the trans-gender, bi -machinations, and out and out perfidy, I shall hence forth be known as Hedwig which makes as much sense as anything in these last, the last iterations of a once great edifice. Truly I have no farther to look than the corpulent mewlings scrived herein to understand why it has been so hard to keep up with the new homeys. Sheesh. Not like the old days (grumble) yeps them were post that one could rap your super ego around and not worry about who was fondling your id, as it seems hereabouts. never mind me I am a broken and pathetic old man. makes friendf Hiram positively the spokes-infomercial for the Power of Positive Thinking Aye Absolam, Absolam, the far country does cry for you, Yet are you worthy? Not by the looks of it.
  12. OMG! now witout the Mac resource limit my mod slutting resumes! Great job Tiger. My CMBO still has a number of your efforts (remember the Grey Tiger #313? It's never left my prime line up!)
  13. Well I guess I need to get my lazy arse over here and register for the door prize. I still see we haven't found anyway to control the front door. Short of euthanasia that is. My greetings to you all, I still despise the lot of you.......for those poseurs and ill-lerati that can't string two participles or a mildly amusing quatrain......sod off. For those who wonder who the hell I am and why I am here......well like a re-infestation of of some particularly loathsome pest, or ulcerous condition, I re occur from time to time. Quasi Living proof that exposure to the cesspool binds you to a quantum space time continuum where Peng never grow old (mainly do to the pickling/mummification of the substances he imbibes), Seanachai who never learned to say in 5 words what 35 will do as nicely, continues to proliferate in a most vexious manner and Macey has as much wool as he can snuggle in. Der fleigen der Hollander is a state of incorporeal malfeasance, I am afraid. Harken and beware. On the other hand I shall not care and sink in somnolent bliss to the nearest libation that my erst while former-squire Iskander has left around. Of course these are the mind drippings of one long gone, now go play with yourselves.....bah! damn newcomers. Wake me when the millenniarial drum beat rages across the land.
  14. Seanachi: Still an non winner, only likes to kiss his sister.........Hmm I wonder if the string will continue Hmmmmmm?
  15. gamey updates: losing and winning? Who knows since Aquaperdiddler (he'll be bolded when he resumes at least his avg once a month turn rate) hasn't been seen it these parts since before ....well who cares, Meeks and Croda bugged out before time, and Pawbroom anyone remember him? decided to wear his beret, sip demi-tasse and be so french above it all, forgetting his origins and leaving said game abandoned as a Brazilian street orphan. Hiram claims I am losing to Elvis because I am beating him less bad than the aforementioned 'wanker' .
  16. Ahh Fionn, so glad my message did make it to you. I remind you that you always feel so good trouncing one in my profession. I remind you too of my status in the pool, although quiet of late you never can get the stains out, mores the pity. I await your pleasure Herr Doktor (or what ever your current status is...........
  17. Hey John, a bit of etiquette...best to start any comments on a particular scenario with.. Spoiler Alert + + + + + + + + + So that someone just reading won't have the FOW taken away. BTW I really enjoyed that particular one as well.
  18. Ahh my sad pathetic pool......it's so much more interesting to observe the lack of grasp of reality that inhabits this place. True I do enjoy siting on the porch watching the antics of my fellows, tis a fine day , a fine day...Carry on.........
  19. Oh pul-eze Mr Dirty Smelly Water , lets forget to mention how rune *genuflect* gives and takes away. Yes I have rickets and you don't. But in his runish delight the battle is at night, they are as much a hazard to me as you...... Other bleeting updates....Hiram my neo nephew upon voicing grand words demanding a turn has been slow in returning same....I shall have to punish him for it...... crisl is he still around?, hasn't been heard of in a while, but since he is commanding XXX Corps, like Monty he must be taking his time while the Boys at Arnheim are brewing up a cuppa. Justicar and the Gnome of the Northlands bleated in the past about games but like the sheep-lets they are nothing has developed...... [ March 29, 2002, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: jdmorse ]
  20. Ha ya bumbling boobs...........greetings from sunny mexico. Weather is gorgeous, sitting on the beaches sipping a bit of tequila, well alot and Not thinking of you all, at least till I get back and go Justicar hunting, and probably never answer Seacachais turn so he will eternally be always ending in a draw, mu ha ha
  21. Happy New year ye putrid collection of scum and villany
  22. Happy Holidays you replusive toads, my heavens I peek in and see Croda and Hiram....and all the rest. Gawd bless us everyone
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Agua Perdido: Anyhow, I took so long setting up that I forget my plan and thought I was attacking. I knew that excellent starting position was too good to be true.<hr></blockquote> Ahh that explains why those guys were there... obviously stumbling around in the woods on a gamey edge hugging snipe hunt. Now that Seanachai's visage hath been shorn of the mysterium in which he inhabits, I find it increasingly morphing in my minds eye to Yoda's. SlapDappy (although more Sanjuro, than Yojimbo), Birthday be(a)sts to you...... just to annoy Simon [ 11-01-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]</p>
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