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Everything posted by jdmorse

  1. Ahh nice not to be missed or cared about. Interesting catching up on a whole thread. Peng happy belated to you. Lorak gone you may be but not forgotten. Not adieu but au revoir. Joe's a Prince, but damn slow at returning the feckin turns, and Sean now that the Hazmat teams has cleared his house has no further excuse but to get the turn back that is stuck in his disk drive so long it's spronged little pods. AP also has exceeded MarkIV's quotient of tenditious lack of response. And Mr IV needs to get on it lackey lack. About the only reasonably relibilities oh my brothers seems to be Moriarty (but he's a fine fellow anyway - and showing a distressing tendency to fry my dweebles - and crisl who is doing his best Monty impression in Market Gardenish style. So garnish on me hearties, I await the pleasure of your responses..... [ 10-23-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]</p>
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse: Sacré Bleu, I take a bit of a vacation, and some time off and I miss a whole bloody evolution of the MBT. Sigh. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> [shudder]After wading through three quarters of the last thread, I am truly grateful and glad that the demands of the fates kept me from it [/shudder]
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: Bruised and battered by too many PBEMs...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sacré Bleu, I take a bit of a vacation, and some time off and I miss a whole bloody evolution of the MBT. Sigh. Now monsieur, please explain why none of the the "trop de pbem's" are from the game we had only started. Quel pretense idiot!
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram's Ghost: a year wasted, eh jdmorse?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ahh Hiram to waste a year is nothing, but to waste a moment, this moment, is sublime.
  5. Spittle and scat on you all. Now that I have gotten that said......I have only been able to read this motely foolish collection of idjits at work (it helps when your the boss) and lurking for a while. With only a few games against the tribe, Shaw is going down for the third time, and Pawbroom he of ever increasing slowness so he hardly counts and a few others, I find myself reduced in a number of going games and need to dip once more in to this fetid cess to replinish my portfolio. I have uncovered in a most Mormon like way, certain files of a 'rune-ish' sort that have not previously seen the like of day. Seeing rune as Mordicah or was it Gabrial, is to scary to contemplate. Since I feel like plunging the sharpened stake of madness into my brain, I invite any of you so inclined to take this trip into the nether world of phantasm to simply indicate whether you wish German or Allies and I shall select a file randomly and send it in it's way. I have not inspected them as I have not yet instituted a level 4 containment area to hold them. So those of you harboring loathing for your last trouncing Marlow, Peng or whom I loathe with out sucrease such as MarkForth and crisl or are simply roadbumps on my road of success like Berli, Moriarty and even JShaw or even just need a game, let me know,......or not. Edited like Peng because fingers are idjits [ 09-17-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]
  6. Hiram Whatever the outcome, our thoughts, prayers and support are for you and your family. Anytime, feel free to call jd
  7. My fellow 'pooligans , riff raff, scum and villany.....I step forward to acknowledge the Muse of History to add to Seanachai's baleful prose, concerning former days gone by....for an omission of facts deserves to be acknowledged and corrected. Hiram's Ghost walks these drab and lonely ramparts, his spirit haunting the moors, seeking eternal rest. He was man of infinite jest and a worthy opponent, not for the skill mind you, but of warm company and earnest desire. It is time to remember.... In the days of the FIRST THREAD we were a-born, yet came that terrible moment of destruction and the painful schismatic, Meeks and the rebirth of the Mutha Beautiful Thread Meeks, taking his cue from Berli, cunningly sought rebellion against the Titans, refusing the Land of Milk and Honey offered him. Like an outcast he stole forth and set up his own cartel of opposition and sought to conjure and implore the breathern to support his infernal quest. One, and one only, truly stood by Meeks in those days, a lowly and newly arrived member, Hiram. Hiram who succoured the Meeksian Rebellion and nourished the pretensions of the usurper. Yet it was Hiram's unfailing loyalty and toadiness that was the hallmark of the anti-thread. Meeks, was always mad as a hatter, Hiram was transformed by the experience from one as slurry as CMPlayer to a nasty and brustish sort. I feel Hiram never recovered from that taste of Meek's vision, forever changed he lurched through the pool, with biting sarcasm, and bile. Hiram I hope your spirit and shade ultimately finds rest, as I remember you in attestation in my sig. [ 09-05-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]
  8. Considering that Seanachai and I have been blugeoning each other for aeons (for those on the other side of the pond) and neither has managed a knock out blow, if he had actually bought it, I'd have to kill him as it would vex me so to not get the opportunity to thrash and box him about the ears. I am sure PETA is investigating his abuse of antelopes by the illegal utilization of said horns by impaling as well as the imevitable posioning of a group of ratus ratus [ 08-28-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]
  9. Corn I feel your pain. Hey when you FINALLY get your copy of CM, be sure to check that the CD has been put in the mailer. It SHOULD be immed visible when you open the package. Make sure they included the Shelf-box packaging, the art work is supurb. If it isn't, and BTS is cheating you again by ONLY sending you a manual, why I'd throw that manual away without opening it. I mean treating you they way they have, Really! (OMG I crack my self up , I really do he he) [ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]
  10. Coolcolj had some stuff iirc Coolcolj Artwork He was one of the first mod arisits, and I believe also did a sweet lynx mod [ 08-10-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]
  11. Historically, like the Priests, the CM use of the M8 (HMC) is a bit gamey. They were not used in a direct fire situation unless it couldn't be avoided. They generally were as mobile artillery. My Dad was in the 38th Calvary Recon. from Normandy on. He generally acted as ammo carrier servicing the M8's. The recon elements would have several troops of mounted infantry, a troop of Stuarts and a troop of M8's. The M8's would be well back and provide artillery support to the various units by running "fire missions" [ 08-10-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]
  12. Unfortunetly, they come anyway, even as we hope they won't. This is of course a particularly representative thread of such folks.
  13. Okay, required appearance in thread to keep my 'pool stayus, such as it is.... Number of you may owe or I owe files to...although by my records I am current....so if you are missing a file let me know. Sancho As much as it pains me to say this, I am afraid we have unfinished business. Send me your proposed particulars, which I shall of course reject out of hand and we shall resume our discussion on stakes through your heart. Elvis see above Jake Have fun, don't come back. Emma, you tease JoephSmithShaw keep your filthy Tiger paws off me. Seanachai did I hear draw?
  14. Ah, we band of pathetic brothers. I feel your pain, each and all!! The best is a wife who goes to work early, and thus to bed early....... The putting TV/Movie time on the couch can earn those begrudged moments.... and as Sancho Panza(Ldr) (an escaped pooligan) said and I swear I have said this, I am processing the turns sort of works too!
  15. I found I really liked the Normandy grasses, subdued version.
  16. Well I guess it's time to brush off the fedora, get out the seersucker and amble down to the Cess pool courthouse steps, where amongest the repossesions and foreclosures we can post results and updates, as well as make one of my infrequent appearnaces.... Lorak since of late you have recorded serial losses for me I bring you the head of Marlow the coward. His surrender in a scenario he picked was all the more sweet as he learned that even green crewed Panthers are more than a match for Patton's Ghosts esp if they charge directly at the Pz V's so that all they have to do is bore sight. Editorially, this scenario has merit, but the solutions will not be the obvious. If the aliies play it straight up they are, well like my dear opponent, mush beneath my treads. jd - win Marlow - crushing loss Seanachai has shown what a gamey bastard he is by firing (what a Jeep Mg) from across the valley to scare my SPW 251/9 into abandoning their mount. What irks is that he may now have ruined his record with me and actually manage a win instead of our de rigieur Gentlemen's Draw JoeShaw and I are laboring mightly to preserve his loss record. I give the boy credit he is trying a'mightily. The scenario is Foggy Mountain and I reccomend it. It starts off slow but has been developing nicely, esp as Mr Shaw has been rather cooperative. Of course I divine his gamey board hugging tactics with his armored attack coming down the left side. Yes I see you Mr Shaw, I see you. MzKitty and I are embarking on a massive battle (Operation Totalize) and god loves an 88! In other news leeo is getting french lessons as his troops feel the ever tightening cord around their neck. They are reduced to Stalingradesque manuvering in the couer des villes. The esprit is high, toujours l'audace. The tricolor floats above all but the last VL. Iskander and I are trading hide and seek shots as we have squandered our armor, wasted our troops and generally embarassed ourselves. My Tiger is immobile, but managed to do so with commanding views of the battlefield. Providing overlook for the JgPz IV shuttling back and forth. His Sherman and Priest seem to be hiding. Wonder why, since he had 2 Hellcats, 2 Easy 8's and 2 Priests to my immobile (and immortal Tiger) and the aforementioned jag IV. SanchoP(L) is, I am afraid, proving that I am no Montgomery.....or Patton, or Bradley, or Merrill, Or (fill in the blank) Prob the worst case of battle management I have inflicted upon myself ever. MIA Report after showing up for a turn and/or promise of a turn forth coming Meeks and Croda are gone again. As for you others, well except for Seanachai, and Sancho, unless you sent a turn just last night or today, my records show you owe me. If not drop a line and I'll send the last one I have. This means you Paw but since Emma seems to be in your vicinity I hold no hope of a timely response. au revoir, mes amis (for leeo) [ 08-02-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]
  17. Steve: So there is no problem putting a hi-res panther in say Graphic 2? What happens if you do not delete the original set in 5? I am understanding you to say that both winter and reg skins can be placed anywhere (impliedly, since it frees up space under the "cap" we would delete the old if we moved it to another resource) As to the other issue, I am assuming you are talking about the run of the mill 3rd party mods we all use. Also, is it one site or several? I have not had that particular problem,but funny things used to happen as I was using zipit to unpack the bmp's. I started using Stuffit and have had good results. If you aren't using it you might give it a try. Other than that <shrug>
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Buckeye: Hey JDMorse, Dave and I have experimented with using ResEdit to put bmps in other resource files. Sadly, it doesn't work. Unforunately, CM apparently looks for a specific resource file for certain picts, and not through all of them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But wouldn't it work for the winter files? I know that the orig MDMP files were stored in other than Graphics 13. That only became the standard location later on. As I recall, CM looks for the "1" prefix for snow scenarios. That would go a long way in easing the pain.
  19. Hoopenfaust 101: jd please As noted below, I have maxxed out several graphics. No known cure. I have had to redo them to fit in the must haves.....as to winter, the Marco Shermans, Stuarts, half tracks, winter unif' incl the Heer white jump suit just about fill it up. There is some lovely winter stuff I'd love to have, but cannot. Of course as long as you are not increasing the size, you should be able to change low res files okay, but I am a hi res mod slut. We do have our standards, ya know! Dave Don't make me hunt you down and box your ears! We're hurting here boy. My graphics 13 is maxxed, 4 is too, yet I have space in others .....all we need is that little patch to let us select where to store them.......my gad the humanity, have you no compassion, we may be forced to slut ourselves in back alley mod clinics......... [ 07-31-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]
  20. Welcome to the worlderful world of modsluts. Abandon all hope, it is a slippery slope!! IIRC (it was so long ago) there is the MDMP 1 which has a Mac installer for those only, not MDMP2.MDMP 1 For any and all others though you use either of the (get both) Mac Mod installers available at Mac Mod Managers These are ESSENTIAL One Caveat, there is an upper limit to the number of mods you can cram into the graphics (around 15.7 megs) so if you go total high res winter mods, for example (marco shermans, fernando's etc, it can cause some problems) However, I am modslutted up the kazoo (iMac SE Dvd) there is NOTHING left of the stock textures, including interface, sounds etc) CMHQ has a modding guide, although a bit dated at Mod Guide Combat Missions is a must. See Deanco's interface site, ( Follow the CM Webring links) There's Desert Fox Desert Rats for a North African CM ) the world is your oyster, *sniff* it reminds me of my youth, just starting out with mods..........Any questions or problems feel free to email me. [ 07-31-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]
  21. Some thread...consisting of cmmmmmmmer running aound trying to hump every leg he can find.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wanderer: Ah how I loved my Mac. But I weakened, and got a PC instead. And it had a better graphics card, so I was happy. Please forgive me<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Heretic!!!!! Unclean!!! Be gone!!!! may a virus infect you and cause your keyboard to droop and your mouse to fall off. iMac SE DV - so modded out that I have exceeded the resource limits in graphics 13 and 5 (I think - the half track sets) but smooth and nice as it is........
  23. Spkr My boy. Credit for time served and a slap on the wrist. Let's re-do our final billing to our client to take into account (wink) the superlative results from our most Learned and Esteemed Jurist. The quality of mercy is not strained.....etc, etc. Yes sir, a fine bit of lawyering, results my boy, always take credit for results , unless it's bad.
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