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Everything posted by jdmorse

  1. another one bites the dust....... Nicely said.......
  2. On a practical note guys, like with CMBO, a patched CMBB will NOT have PBEM compatability. To release partially or a beta release means that PBEM's may require 2-3 CMBB versions on our hard disks to keep the files going till everyone is on the same page. Better all at once then there will be only a need to convert to the new version once.
  3. A traditional site that lists both CMBO and CMBB locations and availabilty of mods has been CM Outpost That will give you a good idea of the range and how they look. Another traditional site is CMHQ but it hasn't been updated for a while Probably the "hottest" and most active CMBB site is CM Mod Database for new mod releases. The mods are only for the "skins" ie the way the unit looks. The units themselves and the game are hard coded and not moddable. Be careful. ModSlutting™ IS addictive and there is no known cure [ November 17, 2002, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: jdmorse ]
  4. Yep, just hoping for some alternatives, rather than having everything the standard whitewash [ November 14, 2002, 05:04 PM: Message edited by: jdmorse ]
  5. There are some really nice winter mods starting to appear, but I hope that they all will not be 'white-washed' styles. , Marco Bergman, Gordon Molek and others did some really nice snowed on vehicles for CMBO , which frankly I prefer. Hoping modders will try to include some of this style. and now down memory lane....
  6. Once you get settled Terry drop a line. We have scores to settle have a safe trip. Dzai jian.
  7. One other thing....sometimes when I am trying to do the indirect spotting, esp at extended range, it sometimes takes a bit of trying to locate exactly where the LOS from the Hq lies. Sometimes my Hq LOS is near but not spot on where I'd like it and I need to find the overlap by a little trial and error. One way to deal with this is target the HQ, then target the mortar where lines intersect. then REMEMBER to untarget Hq so he won't give away position
  8. Mortars cannot area fire without DLOS either directly or from the LOS of an in command Hq unit. A change in CMBB (which took me a game or two to remember) is that BOTH HQ and Mortar cannot be 'Hiding'. If they are there is no targeting. Many people use the LOS tool only when selecting targeting. The colors for LOS and Targeting are different. Need to pay attention. Out of range is out of range. But you can get suckered because of the light blue line. I know in the early days I did.
  9. 10.2 is SO much better. I hated OSX as well, but was blown away by the difference in 10.2. It's more stable imho than 9.x Give it try. I only wish that there was some way to allow it to work in classic....sigh
  10. Unfortunetly since there is an .exe file extractor, Mac users can't really use it. Now some bundled groups of zipped bmp's would be loverly........... esp if broken out by kind as I do not want to lose a couple of current mods
  11. one werid thing is that Virtual PC runs SLOWer in OSX than with 9.2.2, that and CM are my only reasons not always to be in OSX
  12. A meta game like Combat Mission Meta Campaign also involes you like no other. Go to War Stories and see how the actual events of CMMC can inspire immersion. Since the battles are made up from scatch, your Bn commander often bears your characters name. Also since you carry over losses and replacements from turn to turn, it matters how you play. CMMC1 is finishing up, soon recruitment for CMMC2, the Ost front [ November 12, 2002, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: jdmorse ]
  13. *For Immediate Release* Legaltruppen Hq (Reuters) The Grand High Command of the NW Legaltruppen take great pleasure in announcing that the conclusion of the There Can be only One series of battles betweent he glorious Barraity Commandos and the nefarious and wimpy evil doing not-so über- Gnome has resulted in his defeat and we all soon be subjected to his whining that it was all Lawyer 's fault for designing the scenario. Bloody 5th columnists. This series of sister kissing draws dates back to before Berli vanqusihed Beowulf. The strain of these debacles no doubt explain the gnomes erratic behavior and refusal to be seen in the light.
  14. Damn, already getting" Error 500 HTTP Web Server: Lotus Notes Exception - Invalid or nonexistent document " beautiful looking juju Can't wait to crash my own system
  15. Damn, already getting" Error 500 HTTP Web Server: Lotus Notes Exception - Invalid or nonexistent document " beautiful looking juju Can't wait to crash my own system
  16. You are wrong.....we hate ourselves as well.......
  17. There are some things between Heaven and Earth that man, in his infinite wisdom and compassion was not meant to know. I see by your demeanor that you are a relatively new, and disarmingly polite individual. No doubt beloved and respected by your peers. And Canadian too. How nice. Then flee anon and ask not for whom Peng tolls for it certainly won't be for the likes of ye. Perhaps the Black Spot, me boyo. Discernment is the better part of valor. There is nothing to get, sort of est like. Run then to your loved ones, cherish the memories, but don't go there......
  18. For those who haven't known or experienced the value Gunslinger gave to CM, from Kump's Comments at CM Outpost (see above link) We all owe you a debt of gratitude. Now STOP reading and GET TO WORK. There are Mod-Sluts™ out there that are a hungering!!
  19. Welcome back. Your mods opened a whole new world. Looking forward to your latest work.
  20. Welcome to the forum Blackbear. One thing about those tactics, they may cause some pain for you if there are groups with panzerschrecks, panzerfausts if Germans, or Molotov cocktails etc. not to mention grenades and close assault.. Of course if enemy is hidden with a covered arc to prevent firing you maynot see anything at all. perhaps a variation of stopping no closer than 50m's, beyond 150m would probably be better and using the Mg's to fire suppression might cause them to respond and show themselves
  21. Always a good idea guys to look up members id. Sometimes the 'wrong tone' maybe due more to someone trying to communicate in a language that is not their native tongue
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