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Everything posted by Juju

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pillar: Any critisism?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes!! Here's some criticism: That is the most awesome fantastic sky I have yet seen *drool*. Yergh, let me get a napkin here...
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bad Ju Ju: Welcome! You won't be sorry. CM is the best wargame I've ever played. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Heck, it's him! My Bad counterpart. Haven't seen ya in a while Bad! Hiya Greybeard! I second Bad's quote. Welcome!
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moonpie: do these camo updates appear ALL the time or only when snow is selected? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't worry Moonpie. Only when there's snow on the ground.
  4. ***Even more spoilers*** * * * * * * * * * I keep my trucks in a handy spot, with a reserve platoon close by. Those guys can be anywhere I need them on my frontline within 3 minutes. A mobile fire-brigade, if you will! Works great. Carentan is the best Op I've played so far.
  5. Well, I'm on turn 19 only, and everything goes just spiffy. So far only one Immob.(artillery). Convoy-driving is really not that difficult, just don't hurry. Give 'em some time and use both sides of the road instead of just the middle. Many units don't really bother me. I usually take a lengthy break from a large or huge scenario or operation after about 6 or 7 turns, and continue fresh later. Works for me. BTW, IIRC driving on railroads with AFV's is asking for track-throwing problems!
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Actually the grid was just another devious device by the Madbot to boost hits on CMHQ Bwahahaaa!!!! Some day I will hit 10,000 a day!!! Madmatt <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So, how many hits you got? Just curious. I noticed there isn't a counter on the page. Anyway, you deserve it. Great site! Still won't use the grid though.
  7. So, by now there seem to be three camps: The Gridders ("hey, this is great, really helpful"); the Non-Gridders (It's gamey and I will have nothing to do with it, or anyone using them!"), and the Aesthetics ("When I look out of my window I don't see grids"). In my opinion they're a tool in the same sense that 19 different grasstiles are a tool (those still playing with the stock-grass will know what I mean). Good enough for me, since I'm in the Aesthetics camp. I don't think they're gamey. There are several other in-game ways to know the things you want to know, without using them. But in the end... It's still a game. so I say: do watcha like, Play howya like. We're in it for the fun, right? [This message has been edited by Juju (edited 07-23-2000).]
  8. I'll play any battle I'll want to. However, I'll postpone my ongoing defense of Carentan for just a couple of days in hopes of not having to advance again to keep my defensive line intact. Milt: bet on 2. Different games probably won't be compatible, but there's no way somebody is not going to download that patch! Is there?
  9. Some PZIV lovers here, I see. Funny, so far I don't believe I've ever had a PZIV survive more than 2 turns. Hate 'em. I'm beginning to like the Hetzer more and more.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: I actually don't see myself playing on, but playing in a landscape, a piece of terrain. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Andreas, well put. I couldn't have said it better myself.
  11. "I cain't Grid no... Satisfacsjun, ah-heyheyhey, that's wot I say!" Hmmm. I don't see myself downloading this. Finally there's this game (CM, of course) where you get to put your nose on the ground if you wanna know what's going on. IMHO the grid would ruin the immersion...
  12. A reminder: captured enemy units are worth more points than dead ones. Besides, it's not ethical. Maybe it's just me, but I let that single sorry son-of-a-bitch machinegunner walk if I can't guard him. and another thing: Most of the time you can leave 'em alone for a couple of turns, without 'em running away. so There.
  13. Hi Musgrove! Just go to CMHQ , go to the 3rd party mod section, download everything you find, install it all and see what you like best (back up your stuff, you hear ).
  14. I think BTS should know about the goofy math bug that must be involved here. They do! Do a search on "weird Megasquad occurance." (or something, tech- support section, I believe) I asked the same question recently. You'll find an answer there. [This message has been edited by Juju (edited 07-20-2000).]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wild Bill Wilder: Operations are the hardest thing you'll tackle in the creation department, in almost any game. Multiple scenarios, most contingent on what went on before and you don't know how well the player will do in battle one in order to set up battle two. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I noticed that. Battle nr.1 'does' about exactly what I expect of it for both sides. I was very satisfied. After that, it went downhill rapidly... The magic word is "Balance," Right? I'll get it right eventually, you'll see.
  16. Hiya Bill! all the scenarios? Hell no. Not even half. I did play 2/3 of the ops (including a few I downloaded). Some twice, some even more. I am visiting the supporting sites, but don't feel the need to download many, cos there's so many canned ones still unplayed. did try a few of the Amphibious landing things, just to see if it's really that unplayable as Steve or Charles stated long ago. They were absolutely right. No tactics, no fun, just death. Tried Ramelle, SPR, liked that one. Ryan even made it out on his own feet. Lucky bastard. Not many of the others did, though... As for playability: I feel some of the canned scenarios are - for historical reasons perhaps?- way too unbalanced to play PBEM, but otherwise they're all fun. Operations are the greatest thing about CM. I feel some things need tweaking, like the way the new fronline is calculated between battles, or, that in some operations it's not really clear what I should do. It's really a pity there are only very few operations available for download. I'm working on one myself (Allied advance along a stretch of Autobahn) but, damn, it's difficult balancing and testing these things. anyway, enough already. Gotta play some more! Juju
  17. I noticed that when my guys run away from the map they're usually the only guys listed as OK in the AAR. I think...
  18. Excuse me rienzi; we stubborn Dutchmen do call it a quarterpounder! "Royaal met Kaas" just wouldn't sell, I guess.
  19. "Hello Miss. Where do I sign up for the CM-not-so-Superbowl, please?" "Ah, that's the line on the left please, one cross each." "Er, -Gulp- thank you, Miss..." "Not at all (grin grin)."
  20. Dang! Beaten to it by a junior member! Kidding Kuroth, just kidding.
  21. The game will initially automatically adjust to the desktop resolution u are using. If you want to change it, delete the .pref file, choose your new resolution and fire up the game! Oh, and a friendly bit of advice: Try doing a search on the stuff you wanna know. Literally EVERYTHING you might want to know about CM has been discussed to death, and then some.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jpinard: July 18 - New bumpy grass textures posted. I'd like to see people's comments on them. 1. Better than the game defaults? 2. Better than MadMatt's grass? 3. Good/Bad for seeing elevations? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 1. Not better, just different. Question of taste, really... 2. See 1. 3. In a sense: It has only three different tiles, so you'll be able to spot the difference between high, middle and low, but virtually nothing in between. The brush in the new pack looks very good, so do the treebases. Maybe a bit too dark, the woods bases, though. 2.
  23. Just hit preview, and click and place the flag just like you would set up any other unit!
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ricky: I was going to try that new version of the grass textures, but the instructions were quite unclear.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> They look kinda strange on maps where elevationlevels are set to 5 meters.
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