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Everything posted by Juju

  1. Not that I know of. Besides, don't know any lawyers. Welcome anyways, oh Bad One!
  2. Well, probably not much of a solution, but try disabling other programs running in the background. Especially Outlook Express. My computer locks up when I have them both running (I have the same card and drivers as you have), I've heard of another occasion, where the problem you mentioned was also described, also involving OE. It's probably just best to close the game when you're gonna do other stuff, and start it up again when you need it. Doesn't take that long! Hope this helps.
  3. DAMN IT! I just caught myself almost trying to click the buttons on a mere GIF image... They look gorgeous, though.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hnh3_cm: Hehe. I have 73MB of downloads for CM already, and no CM. Ain't life funny?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 73MB??? What might that be? Mod, patch, scenarios, operations? My CM download directory is only 33MB!
  5. Mine's actually on its way. Problem is I'm in Europe. So I'm just gonna sit here, spittin' an' pickin' my nose. That, and practice my self-discipline. I'm getting quite good at this.
  6. Good one robertpat1! I was already hoping someone would help out the Mac folks. Thanks!
  7. And to think, I have to listen to this sort of drivel for the next ten day, before I get my own copy, over in Europe! Have a lot of fun, Bobbaro! and keep us informed, okay? don't be a stranger now, y'hear!
  8. Hi all! I've been thinking about all of us being in "mod-heaven" real soon. I spot a dilemma coming up, though: so far all graphic mods I've seen were great. I'm not going to say, oh, I'll stick to this dude, or that artist. And there's probably more to come. Which ones to choose...? Oh, dilemma... I want it all!!! Now, you could install a mod-pack, see what it's like, then install another, see what that's like and then decide between the two. Not good enough, I hear you think. I want the best of both worlds!!! Here's what I'm going to do.(PC only, sorry...): - Find and install the image viewer "ACDsee3.01" - Extract your graphic mod into any directory. - Open ACDsee browser and select all mod BMP's - Right-click and select "Move to..." - In the following dialogue window enter the CM\BMP directory. Make sure to set the "when destination file exists:" option to "ask." Now hit enter. - Any graphic that already exists within the target directory will be displayed next to the proposed replacement. you can now see (within certain limits, like with vehicle skins) and decide which particular graphic you like best, and only install those! There you are: Instant mod-bliss! Personalized 'eye-candy' if you like... Have fun, Juju P.S. now, if you REALLY want it all, you could consider installing several copies on you computer. One for every mod-maker.
  9. Tonight I had a friend over as well. Now, this guy's never touched a WWII game in his life, nor will he ever. But I just sat him down to show off, and for the lack of an appropriate save file I just fired up VOT as Germans and let the game run its course for over 19 turns. He was totally impressed and really got into it. That really surprised me, since I know him quite well. I don't think he'll buy it, but it sure got him interested. I also'd like to add that until the Panther arrived I didn't give any orders to my troops. I must say, they held up very well on their own! Medals to everyone of them that survived!
  10. Not necessarily IMO. For example, there must have been at least some German units late in the war, that would have jumped for a chance to surrender and be done with the whole gruesome business (Battlefatigue or somesuch). Also, if a situation seems hopeless, and active defense will only cost you your lives, while there is nothing at all to gain, surrender would be an option.
  11. Also, as per patch 1.01: Buttoned tanks are less likely to engage infantry targets at longer ranges.
  12. Also, try removing the CD after installing and starting up. See if it changes anything.
  13. Hi Rob/1! I have the same problem. Background's too dark and I have to push my nose into the screen!
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dittohead: I thought the first receiving the game and posting has to buy every else a round at the bar. Tony<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> (Ah, this is where I come in. ) Gentlemen, may I take your orders, please?
  15. ----OK this Weekend Officially Sucks----- Only if my pre-order didn't go out on friday. The friend who ordered CM for me actually had his credit-card pickpocketed last Friday.
  16. Make that turn 9. I'll get those Germans to come over yet. They'll have to now. victory level just went up to 88%, hehe.
  17. Kraut? You're not German by any chance, are you? Smily added. You never know... [This message has been edited by Juju (edited 06-16-2000).]
  18. In my current PBEM I'm just trying that. But I just can't seem to get into the spirit. Very interesting, though: CE, turn 8. No shots fired as of yet.
  19. I heartily agree. I raise my glass (again, damn fine scotch, this) to good times comin'.
  20. Heck, thar's anuth'r one! [This message has been edited by Juju (edited 06-16-2000).]
  21. Turbo, no offence was meant at all. I actually hoped the "when everything's said and done" reference would put an end to this ongoing behaviour (grow up, Juju, grow up). To all: There's room enough on this board for all of us. Now, we may not like all of the others here. That's quite normal. There are some people here that even I dislike. However, I don't go around trying to piss them off for it. But if any of you want to get 'up-close and personal' with someone, fine by me. But next time, please just send them a frickin' email, but don't bother others on this board with it. Please?
  22. Well, when everything's said and done; his German is impressive. Better than mine. Heck, I should know, I'm half one. Er, German, that is.
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