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Darren J Pierson

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Everything posted by Darren J Pierson

  1. As just a joe blow gamer, I would like to have a nice designer created editor that uses a gui that I can use w/o a lot of hassle. Hmm. A hassle free user interface? That's a revolutionary new concept. If one wants to get more users into modding, a well done mod tool would be helpful. As a designer, I can certainly see the attraction of having the community do it - but since I'm not a developer but a customer I would like to have the pros do it for me.
  2. What's the odds of getting GameSpot to host a copy? They seem to still support wargames to some extent.
  3. Apparently for now buildings cannot be entered, so I would think that urban combat would be problematic at best.
  4. I have to say that I never got the impression that would be downloaded this month. Nor that it would be turn based. But that's just me.
  5. I would also like to ask if this is a one property deal or will some of the other 1C titles be published by BFC over here? I'm not really into FPS, but the Sniper game from the 1C website looked interesting.
  6. Matt, You know it would just be faster if you gave us a list of questions to ask so we could ask them.
  7. At what range was tank warfare considered to be at point blank range? I'm guessing, and this is purely a guess as I am not a tank grog, that at 500m hits should be more common than misses - making penetration/damage issues the biggest side of the equation. Is this true? Might it be true by '44 but not in the earlier campaigns?
  8. Playing the Brits in 1940 would be cool. Perhaps Norway as well? Probably the whole thing will be addressed by mods in the end. I like having a Polish and French campaign. I guess with having these two compaigns it just seemed out of whack to me to not have a separate campaign for the US and UK. I guess this means that there won't be any North Africa maps? I would also love to have an Italian campaign although I know this won't be a release feature. And, correct me if I'm wrong , I have a strong feeling that a Finnish campaign will be demanded at some point. Will the Free French appear? Thanks for the info folks.
  9. Bump. I would really like to know more about the campaign as I have always been interested in campaign features. I'm still confused about how taking soldiers from battle to battle will work in a US/UK campaign when the armies change from battle to battle. I'm hoping to be wrong, but my first impression on this is far from favorable.
  10. That's an interesting choice: we can be the Polish and the French, but the UK/US share a campaign? All of us English speakers are alike to the Russians? All joking aside, I was wondering why this is so? After a quick glace at BFC's ToW page, the campaigns appear to allow you to take soldiers from battle to battle in a campaign? How will this work when the armies change? Also, in the French campaign, is it all 39-40 or will it also include Free French forces? [ July 28, 2006, 05:21 AM: Message edited by: Darren J Pierson ]
  11. In the bad ole days in the forum I don't think posting such things about a fellow forum member would have been allowed by the mods, but we live in such more enlightened times today. Plus, thankfully, we keep the politics out of the game discussions. :cool: [ July 23, 2006, 09:45 AM: Message edited by: Darren J Pierson ]
  12. So, perhaps the game needs a few weapon systems modelled for the Syrians that they don't appear to have? Some sort of mechanism to reflect the "what the hell? They don't have any of those..." situations? It appears that the IDF just had one of those moments. It might make things more interesting from a game standpoint.
  13. Nah, I'm sure that was already very thorougly researched, modeled, tested, etc.
  14. I will go out on a limb and suggest that the powers that be simply have nothing that they want to say right now. That might not be overly satisfying to many, but I don't think that it is indicative of any plot or crisis. (And yes I know that many of the comments are in jest). I'm not really into the setting, but I know that I will buy the game no matter what. I like modern settings (even if not this one) but if the quality is there then the game will win me over, and I can't complain about the quality of any of the CM games so far. From my past experiences, BFC has great customer service, but handholding has never been offered. Not even a free ride with the babes in the Weasel has ever been offered to me. I'll patiently wait for the game, but I must say that excitement is not a word that I would apply to this forum.
  15. I also stop by from time to time to check, but it feels like intruding on a funeral or somefink lately.
  16. On a slight tangent, that is one thing that has concerned me about the Raptors and other RC assets. What happens if the bad guys are able to take over control of the frequency, codes, whatever. At least a pilot can wonder why he is being ordered to bomb his own hangar. Some Syrian hacker kid could win the war single handedly.
  17. I don't know how much coding such a change would take, but in general if it can be done now to save heartache later, why not? This all assumes that the change would be feasable and realistic.
  18. I am speaking w/o any special knowledge of Syria, but isn't it a bit of a stretch to assume that the Syrian forces would endanger their own civilians? I realize the question involves irregulars, but wouldn't the connection between people and army be important? As I said, I don't know if the Syrian people would accept this or not? I'm just wondering if using civies maybe should, at least on occasion, hurt the Syrian score.
  19. I guess you don't go to the kinds of bars that I frequent. There's nothing pretty about bouncing a drunk or stopping a bar fight, and there's nothing pretty about putting idiots in their places... :mad: </font>
  20. Waaaah! The mean ole BFC meanies hurt my feelings! Boo friking hoo. Wargamers aren't exactly the most pleasant (smelling) bunch of guys you'd ever meet, sometimes we need a good cuff behind the ear. It kind of reminds me of that idiot who tried to sue to LAPD when they 'yelled' at her. gmafb! [/QB]</font>
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