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Everything posted by coe

  1. Anybody stop an infantry assault with only ATR's? (massed ATRs I guess)....
  2. does the bundle pack include the CMBO with the final patch? actually can I trade in my CMBO cd for a CMBO cd which is all patched up?
  3. Ok so ideally if your tank is facing an enemy you'd like to face it at a slight angle (not directly head on)....in practice on the battlefield was this done? and if so is this tendency modeled in CMBB?
  4. well it is interesting which countries used human wave tactics at one point or another.... You don't hear lots of accounts of the Western allies doing it (except for the beachhead) but even the germans did it "Nordwind" comes to mind. Interesting Western allied reluctance. I guess you use human wave out of necessity....
  5. I hope this isn't a stupid question but I'm curious anyways. When the russians did their human waves - were the MG32, MG42 really the best counters. I mean they put out so much lead at a time, that they would be very burst oriented. I imagine that something that could do the constant fire like the world war I machine guns (which I assume also did overheat) might be better. I guess I'm saying is that grazing fire across a wider angle is a bit tougher with the MG's? Any thoughts? what would be the ideal MG characteristics?
  6. I've wondered about the hand held anti-tank "sticky bombs" or the teller mines placed in the tracks. Would it be safe to assume the Germans did alot of this. IF SO, how is this modelled in either Combat Mission game? I mean is there an inherent higher probability that a German squad will take out a tank than its Allied or Russian counterparts (comparing a squad with another without panzerfausts, gammon grenades, bangalore torpedos etc. etc.
  7. be able to build fortifications or not lose them if you move and another one of your units moves in. One could do this lets say if there is no enemy within one hex. Or lets say you could do something like if the unit that built fortifications was less powerful than the unit moving in, then only a fraction of the unit moving in gets strengthened - for a while...or something like that. C
  8. how were ATRs as infantry killers...like infantry in fixed positions....like a house? Conan
  9. The hunt movement is pretty good but unfortunately you are a bit at the mercy of what the tank deems important. For example, would it be hard to do something like this: Fire at target X until destroyed or it disappears and then move to a certain point. btw, will the new tank spotting stuff take into account turret rotation (like for blind stuff) and that if you get hit lets say on the left side chances are you'll start looking over to the left even if you are buttoned up, and will your crews also always stay buttoned unless told otherwise?). The artillery question is in CMBO if you had a fire mission arriving in 2 seconds at the beginning of the turn, it would fire for the remaining 58 sec. This is bad if you only have a limited amount of artillery left. Will there be anyway to delay the fire mission without losing the spotting...this is like saying, "Hey, you are on target but wait another 30 seconds" or can you say, "look I need a firemission but only about 20 rounds (instead of 50)....I can imagine this would be important especially for the Germans with low ammo at the end.
  10. The intersting part is when you strategic or regular bomb a hex and there are multiple defending air groups within range, only one replies.... Hmmm, I wonder what kind of tweak could do it such that you could get multiple air groups to defend....
  11. In the Villers Bocage operation as germans: Going down the road with tanks on both sides of the road strung out in columns, then a sherman crashes through the bocage in close quarters and takes out five tanks because his turret rotates faster, and my guys who could shoot at him missed. btw, has anybody ever had a vehicle that was abandoned, KO'd ever return to service in a later battle in an operation?
  12. hey what about German ATR's. Didn't the Germans use them too? What will they do in CMBB
  13. Hey are there any scenarios on the advance of the relief column towards the Arnhem bridge. Two areas I thought would be interesting would be the opening advance (when the british get hit by lots of AT guns and then bomb the hell out of them) and then near the Arnhem bridge when the relief force gets diverted by a armoured battlegroup with a few king tigers (I can't remember the name of the group but I think the commander was one legged).
  14. Hey are there any scenarios on the advance of the relief column towards the Arnhem bridge. Two areas I thought would be interesting would be the opening advance (when the british get hit by lots of AT guns and then bomb the hell out of them) and then near the Arnhem bridge when the relief force gets diverted by a armoured battlegroup with a few king tigers (I can't remember the name of the group but I think the commander was one legged).
  15. Did the germans make any adjustments to their half tracks to make them less vulnerable to .50 cal fire?
  16. in Clash of Steel you did have an option to extend the game after the normal duration ran out. (I was kicking butt in Turkey!)
  17. Yeah of the two of my tanks were manuevering behind a treeline out of sight from the Allied ground units. So I guess it was unfortunate - but it is kinda funny you always see the tanks button up after the first rounds/bombs hit and not right before (if they have enough warning)... C.
  18. I was playing the Kommerscheidt (or however you spell it scenario) - clear day settings. My Panthers were raking the town when the Allies had two fighterbombers show up. One tank got immobilized but 3 tanks had gotten someone wounded/shocked etc.? Note thought that no bombs actually landed on or close aboard the tanks. Is this realistic or do you think it was just chancy. I mean unlike artillery shells, or mortars you might have some extra advanced warning of fighterbombers which you might duck in your tank and button up before getting fired upon/bombed etc.? Or perhpas the story is that you are so absorbed in what you are doing you don't notice the fighters coming in? C
  19. I don't suppose there is any plans to beef up the western allies from CMBO to CMBB standards. I bet there are a few of you out there, including me who would like to do the what if in 1945 Patton just kept going after meeting the russians on the elbe (I think initially it would have been a catastrophe - I mean shermans vs. T-34/85, Stalin tanks and horders of infantry - that is until the Western Allies would establish air superiority and start using large amounts of artillery and pershing tanks etc to think that Bazookas (at least the smaller ones) couldn't deal with T-34's in the Korean war).....
  20. finally, something that takes Clash of Steel (an excellent game for its time) to today's computer technology (this is what I've been waiting for)!
  21. can anybody explain how this works? In squad leader you could use your fire missions to surpress enemy artillery. But how would you find the enemy artillery guns in the first place? (without piper cubs all over the place) let alone which were the actual guns firing at your guys in the field.
  22. So CM2 will have an "assault" command...what about a "fall-back" command so instead of the whole squad moving back, now like a few stay and cover fire while the rest move to set up a few yards back....repeat ad nauseum...does the "assault" command take this into account? Conan
  23. you could fire mortars from a window though it might be risky....in the industrial buildings with the flat roofs it makes sense you could put a mortar up there.
  24. do units automatically do something different under air attack (like infantry ducking under fire). I.e. you have a column of units moving down the rode, as airplanes pass over head (not necessarily targeting them) will they start to try to get off the road? C.
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