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Everything posted by coe

  1. I think it would be useful to push immobilized vehicles to other positions where they might be able to use their weapon i.e. to cover a retreat.
  2. any opinions as to what is the german equivalent of the Stuart in CM?
  3. Ok lets say you have two tanks who have the same gun. Both can penetrate eachother's armor. Tank A has like more sloped armor/and a bit thicker. Assuming the shots from each gun penetrates the other tank's armor...are the results to the tank pretty much the same in general. I.e. is the armor's effectiveness only in keeping the shot out, or does it have qualities in reducing the damage assuming the shot penetrates. Also I was wondering if there is such things as (nonTank) anti tank guns these days, or are they like all missles (hey are there any sticky - anti tank mines anymore?)
  4. so who lost more tanks at Normandy, allies or Germans?
  5. I still can't seem to figure out how to make the mortars fire at a target they can't see - Ok, I have 2 81mm mortars in command from a company headquarters which can see the target (so the lines from the HQ to the mortars are red command lines, the HQ has a blue LOS to the target. but the 81 mm mortars have black lines to the target of course target is outside of minimum mortar range (but inside max range) ok next steps?
  6. do you think CM2 might adjust for roofs? like some buildings would have flat roofs? where you can place a nice mortar on or a non-moveable cannon? Of course roof access might take a little longer? and flat roofs might afford less cover?
  7. Anyone ever get a double kill? i.e. AT gun fires AP round that goes through the first vehicle and takes out the one behind it. Or the ensuing explosing from one vehicle takes out a softskinned beside it?
  8. I want to see some good ol' Grant tanks (lend lease)...actually I am wondering if it will be possible to do those German swoop in from behind and like destroy 25 russian tanks before they even know where the german tanks are....
  9. Hey I had a panzerschreck team and a bazooka team duking it out against eachother.... Actually an American MMG team caused one causualty to the schreck team and the 'zook team was taken out by a rifle team both the Schreck and the zooks emptied their ammo at eachother....
  10. Well lets see in operations, a depleted German machine gun squad (i.e. immobile only one person remaining) could be incorporated into a regular infantry squad or if only two remaining could be converted into an LMG squad for the next part of the operation. How are barrel changes simulated...I heard last night on a History channel show that it took 2 minutes to change a MG42 barrel. Note also that the MG42 and 34 had semi automatic modes too. btw, are pistols simulated?
  11. Isn't the 43 88 Pak also supposed to have a lower profile?
  12. So besides the gunner and feeder, the other MG squad members usually had only pistols? Now with one member left in a squad, granted you can't move the HMG but can you (in the case of the MG42) convert it into an LMG by abandoning alot of the stuff...You could move then, or by abandoning the MG42 entirely you could just have your rifle left! C.
  13. What about this? HMG squads (especially MG32/42) can downgrade but never upgrade...i.e. they can progressively abandon their equipment - go from HMG >> MMG >> LMG I suppose you might need to do this in situations where you need to run...and this also allows an HMG squad not to become immobile when down to one. I would like to see HMG squads have some grenades though and be able to abandon their HMG and become like a small squad without an MG (and all standard weapons that would be in an infantry squad) I guess this would denote studying what an MG squad carries in general.
  14. I'm curious, I recently read that Autie Murphy in one day killed or wounded 50 Germans... Or lets take that CM scenario at night where that guy played dead three times and then shot everyone after they went by. Or the Marine who downed 200-300 Japanese as they charged his position. So, I ask (tankmen excluded) are there any such examples from the other side (not vs. Russians though) The other thing is that now with Enemy at the Gates, who was the sniper who succeeded the German one who got killed?
  15. A few questions: what exactly was the purpose of a Panzergrenadier division? Now I understand that a Panzer division was supposed to have hitting power but a Panzergrenadier division is kinda half isn't it (of course more mobile than an infantry division) What were the the equivalents to PzGr divisions in the US and British Armies? For instance was the 1st Infantry Division really infantry (wasn't it totally mechanized with a tank battallion etc. etc.) I notice the russians also made distinctions between tank, mechanized and infantry units.
  16. Has anyone ever hit a daisy chain mine?
  17. I remember seeing that the AK47 was a derivative of a german assault rifle used late in the war....Will that assualt rifle be incorporated into future german squads (CM2?)
  18. Lets say you are the attacker and your tanks have longer range guns that the AT weapons. Conceivably they could stand off at a farther distance and chew up the infantry screen while risking less damage. I suppose this is only easily done once the infantry screen has been spotted. C.
  19. hmmm, but lets say, Horses don't have breakdowns like vehicles or might they go crazy under fire (much like your men not obeying orders and rushing off somewhere) of course they are very softskinned bicycles movement would be rather quick of course you can pick them off easily....
  20. Any thoughts of possible modelling horse transport...I mean I don't think the germans were as motorized as the Americans or British in 1944. Imagine instead of coming up upon a column of halftracks, you run into horse drawn artillery/antitank guns, etc.
  21. I was wondering if there were any plans to put machine guns (HMG) in anti aircraft roles for CM2. I remember reading that small arms fire from the ground was something that was not trivial (especially if you have liquid cooled airplanes!)
  22. has there been a thread on any actual WWII veterans playing CM? Also can MGs be disabled on tanks or only main guns? (aside from causing the tank to be abandoned) C.
  23. If I am advancing infantry and I don't know where the enemy is what is the type of movement that will best spot the enemy minimize casualtives, and cause my troops to pause and engage with full force (note I am not talking about crawling)....whatever that movement that mimics when the squad has a few people covering, the next few dash forward, leap frogging but within the squad. Conan
  24. hmm, well even the Germans did some human wave like attacks when the situation was necessary but I agree about Saving Private Ryan: A.) As a history professor friend of mine said, "after the first 30 minutes the Germans started to line up and get conveniently machine-gunned." B.) Last battle: German assault in broad daylight? you mean those fighter-bombers weren't on them from the very beginning (I didn't notice too much haze in the sky). C.) The funniest part of the battle was when the German soldier runs straight into the canal. D.) Hmmm, 2nd SS Panzer Division at Ramel or whatever it was at D+6? With the tanks? I didn't know that 2nd SS Pz Div had Tigers in its June 1944 battle order (ok ok, it might have been a mixed combat group but even Michael Wittman's heavy battalion didn't arrive by then. I did like a Thin Red Line in that there were no major heros who really survive to the end or die dramatically fending off a rabid beast, it brought out that anybody could go at any time (I like also how it mixed the ugliness of war on what is an inherently beautiful place).
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