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Everything posted by coe

  1. ok ok I know 3.7 cm Flak has the higher rate of fire to shoot down airplanes (can it swivel faster too?) and the 3.7 PAK has an AT role. I'm just askin, versus ground targets which is better (e.g. v. infantry, or tanks, soft skins, etc.)
  2. ok ok I know 3.7 cm Flak has the higher rate of fire to shoot down airplanes (can it swivel faster too?) and the 3.7 PAK has an AT role. I'm just askin, versus ground targets which is better (e.g. v. infantry, or tanks, soft skins, etc.)
  3. Ok I'm puzzled and it is probably due ot historical ignorance on my part. my 3.7 cm Flak guns made good slicin's out of some SU-76 and soviet light tanks. Good hit probability, high rate of fire (four shot bursts). the thing i'm puzzled about is the 3.7 cm PAK. It seems to have a lot lower rate of fire, I guess I should probably take a look at the penetration values but when no airplanes around....what are the bennies of 3.7 cm Flak v. 3.7 cm PAK? Next question: has anyone tried this: putting two opposing squads, each with low ammo and no grenades but separated by impassable terrain (i.e. like a non crossable stream) such that they are close enough to be in hand to hand combat range. Now I know that low ammo really means they have a few spare rounds left but do you still get the same hand to hand (smack, punch, kicking) sounds in such an instance?
  4. actually howaobout this for an idea (not related to trains). Company commanders are more effective in rallying troops in their own company. Broken HQ's can get rallyng benefits from higher level HQ's. Company headquarters for tanks. A better way to deploy guns - e.g. for the 88m it's impossible to unload the guns into an adjacent woods because the truck/prime mover can't move directly on it. There should be a little bit of leeway or an indicated arc where you know you can deploy it. I wouldn't mind if there is some way to enter in elements of the same company over several turns. Right now it seems each platoon that comes in is independent. I think it'd also be cool if you could get reinforcements in the middle of an individual battle in an operation. An option for "fire one then run like heck" for panzerschreks...they seem to stick around waay too long. I'd still love to see non-mortars be able to do indirect fire (I assume there'd have to be some minimum range for them though right?) maybe some sort of gradual ammunition replacement that goes on (reflects somebody from the rear comin up with the ammo) I'd assume you could set the rate from none to high. A covered retreat or fighting withdrawal command that is the equivalent of advance....(in advance your troops turn their backs if you use it to). retreat). And planes which can target strafe a bunch of squads (right now with the excpetion of bombs/missiles, they strafe one target. what would be neat of course is if a plance is doing an attack run, trooops who are in the attack path dive for cover and stay motionless even if the plane hasn't fired yet. Cannibalizing another weapon - an abandoned/immobile tank can give it's ammo to another tank (provided it takes a few minutes, the transfer is slow)...I suppose if either tank takes fire while that is happening, the risk of crew casualties could be much much higher, or something like that and that the reaction time of the tanks is incredibly slow while the transfer is going on. Of course if a weapon is destroyed there might be some left over ammo left (e.g. perhaps if it is destroyed, there could be some stochastic pick of leftover ammo). Just some ideas Conan
  5. y'know the funny thing is that Ferdinand Porsche though well known for designing small and fast race cars seemed to have a penchant for monster tanks ha ha
  6. I just tried downloading the scenario packs from your site but it doesn't look like I have permission to do so... Conan
  7. Hi there, I can't seem to download the scenarios from the CSDT Seelow Heights page but when I go to the Scenario Depot page it seems Scenarios 1, 5, and 8 appear to be corrupt..... where can I get non corrupt versions of those?
  8. Does anyone have this problem, if I look at the scenarios folder on windows I have more scenarios that are listed (with appropraite .cme or .cfm extension than are listed when the game starts. So right now for instance I have all 13 of the Seelowe Heights scenarios in the folder but when I'm in the pick a scenario menu, scenarios 1, 5 and 8 are missing. Any ideas?
  9. Out of curiosity has anyone done this: Place a russian squad next to a german squad both have no explosives or antitank weapons, etc. and both have low ammo readings. (control for training status (elite regular, etc.) fitness, etc. Does the weapons make up make any difference (I know that squads are of different sizes too. Next question has anyone done that with sharpshooters...do they actually hand to hand it with eachother? C.
  10. I liked the scenario however perhaps the map should be a little bit smaller (makes for better processing time)...if it is a question of getting to the other side of the map just make it lengthier? As for the bunkers...they were a pain...The advancing was strange because all you had to do was to advance to contact...wait till the next battle and then your set up area would cause the russians to move back!
  11. hmmm, I talking about very close range like 25-50m apart...I remember seeing alot of ricochets in CMBO also. Coe
  12. ricochet, shot breaks up, whatever it is the shot doesn't penetrate.... C.
  13. Just a quick question can someone explain to me why close range AP shots tend to ricochet alot? What's the physics behind it? Coe
  14. It would be interesting but I think it has already be previously discussed that if the sights get hit, one might be still able to use the gun in open sights or whatever it is at really close targets.... C.
  15. perhaps like the supply between battles in a operation you can set a resupply level for during combat? None (like what is done now) or some: That way squads get a low refreshing rate, perhaps if they haven't been fired on for a few turns, the rate bumps up a bit momentarily...or if they are in their starting position (it represents ammunition bearers running forward or somethign like that). what would be really cool actually (but probably impractical due to computation time) is to track individual weapon groups: within a squad...thus for instance you actually do save ammo for close in if you have smgs and use only rifles at long distance.
  16. yet time and time again we read of German divisions only having like one battery left, this makes sense in the retreats but in advances? Coe
  17. sometimes it's a matter of the luck of the draw...I had several veteran sturm squads against an immobilized T-34/85 (amazing that it's turret can't rotate)...the T-34/85 lasted about 10 turns despite the squads being 15-20 m away from it. NOw the squads of course didn't have anything but grenade bundles and individual grenades...there were numerous hits to no effect.
  18. Ok so if the conclusion is that artillery did most of the killing, what got the artillery (besides abandonment). Deep penetrating raids by armour? Air craft, counterbattery? I assume this varies by front of course.. Coe
  19. wasn't one way to respond to an ambush to not only charge but pour high volumes of lead in the general area of the enemy? (was this an American doctrine in Vietnam?). I can imagine that if the fire isn't well aimed, (either with bolt action or semi or full auto), more lead coming at you can't be that thrilling (perhaps you are more likely to crack?) C
  20. I disagree (respectfully) a bit about that the stats of the weapon are not important. From the performance of the weapon you might be able to deduce generalaties about what might have been likely tactics...e.g. the inaccuracy and slow loading of the musket probably did influence the idea of massed lines and having a machinegun in a squad which is capable of putting out lots of lead might make tactics central upon it (not to mention throwing out the concept of massed lines). Is it the dominant factor...I assume by WWII weapon stats were not - not nearly as from going from a musket to a martini henry (incorporate lag time to change tactics). Another thing to consider is that many soldiers surrendered...perhaps they might be more likely to do so if they are greated by a hail of lead rather than a crackle of gunfire (assuming that even with a rifle, the fire isn't that accurate)? Having an MP44 instead of Kar98s might influence tactics...less reluctancy of closer range combat etc. I of course am no expert....
  21. If it is true though rifle fire was rather ineffectual after a certain point (except if you were well trained) then there shouldn't have been much difference if they were using Kar 98's or Martini-Henrys perhaps. Of course there is the issue of training...and my assumption should have been stated....if equally trained, would you rather be in the assault rifle platoon or the bolt action (I again assume at extreme ranges the bolt action types would be heavily favored but as the distance goes down - there is something to be said for the whole rounding the corner and running into a bunch of the enemy and getting several shots off....but then again, it would be hard to experiment on this whole subject in safe manner.... paintball Kar 98 and paintball Stg 44 ha ha....(btw, what were the main advantages of the PPsh over the MP40 and vice versa?)
  22. hmmm interesting discussion I started inadvertently. I guess I'll weigh in. I guess at some ranges a rifle squad with semi-autos would be preferable to bolt action equipment (the question to ask is would you with a bolt action rifle want to go against people armed with assault rifles). While the majority of casualties were caused by non-rifle stuff the question is, why did the soldiers want more of the MP44 was it purely psychological? As for extending the war....hmmm, a casualty saved here and there....you never know...a few weeks, several months...(of course it may have encouraged unwise risk taking?). I remember a funny war movie with Telly Sevalas on some Greek Island taking it from the germans...they are chasing some German commander back to the German HQ where only one German is standing guard, the commander rushes in to the HQ telling the guard to defend...the guard fires one shot of his Kar 98 and then has to reload - he missed...meanwhile, with incredible accuracy a short burst from some form of Thompson or sub machine gun levels him (or was it a lone pistol shot at a distance - I can't remember...) Good ol' Telly Sevalas and players club international (does he still do those commercials?)
  23. Hey are there any anecdotes about the effectiveness of the Sturmgewehr 44 (i.e. it saving the day like an M-1 Garand might have, etc. etc.) Conan
  24. admittedly it'll be nice to actually be able to damage things at slightly longer rangers with the door knockers and 50mm. Ahh them short barrelled PzIVEs.....
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