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Everything posted by coe

  1. On christmas day, I played a quick battle with a friend of mine. 500 points...(I had loads of daisey chains and roadblocks while he was attacking with dismounted infantry). In 6 turns it was going very favorably to me. So my friend surrendered..."I just saw the house in front of my advancing troops blew up in one shot." (my 150 opened up too soon, killed maybe two of his guys but sent everyone scrambling to the rear . It was lucky that my 150 opened up at all it barely had a line of site to the area but as they all fled back they ran right into a 75mm barrage which took 4 minutes for a regular spotter to call in (despite having a clean line of sight.) My hero of the day was the 75mm infantry gun.... (mortar, stuart, half track, and various troops). Had it not been able to pick off the stuart at the first shot... Happy holidays.
  2. me seniority...nahh, so there were some people quick to catch it....that's cool...how subtle it was eased in there.... I was one of those people who didn't bother even looking at the cover and was more concerned trying to get to playing the game as soon as possible...I played part of it again last night... (lost all the German subs but the Italian Navy is ruling the atlantic and the opposing british almost have jets...). Conan
  3. hmmm, perhaps the allies could at some points afford to use the infantry to eat at the MLR because they new that the Axis could not concentrate enough reserves near the breakthrough point (due to lack of time/lack of equipment, etc.). It seems that the combined arms breakthrough might be the best IF you really need to get the breakthrough quickly and in time before the enemy has time to gather their reserves...
  4. Has anyone noticed the CD cover ... look at the face of the german soldier 5th from the right...that's funny! ha ha. I think the face is just a little bit offset...but it makes it look like the guy has no neck (or is a hunchback) C.
  5. Ahh yes, fortifications...that was done by the Engineer unit in Clash of Steel yeah that would actually be cool to devote some MPP to it (or at least take a few turns to build).
  6. Having now played it many times, I like it. Job well done - it fills an empty gap in the wargame field. So my constructive comments to make the game or the new version even better (I'm sure some of them have been said many times before). A bit bigger map North and South and East: so the Axis can do the ol' Bismarck run and there can be supply convoys to murmansk and another place. In the south so the whole outflanking maneuver in the desert characteristic to that war can be done also it'd be cool if rommel romps in egypt he might have to worry about british troops in the upper nile - perhaps the whole Ethiopia campaign might be too much. East for a bit of the drive to the Caspian! Weather - rather than turns a longer time apart in the winter, perhaps have stuff like mud and snow and of course crippling frost! Keep the partisans, they're great. Enable land units to hit back at naval bombardment units and naval air groups...especially carrier air wings. Maybe make it such that if the carrier gets down to 1 strenght it can't strike anymore thus as long as the carrier has one hex of water between it and the land unit, if it strikes with strenght 3 the land unit can only reduce it to strength 1 (of course if the carrier goes right next to the land it is fair game to be sunk). Armoured units, love to see a breakthrough and exploitation type thingy...perhaps in the current SC, the armoured units are thus a little too vulnerable to counterattack (as Manstein said, the safety of the Armoured unit depends on its mobility). Perhaps allow double stacking? I know this would make things very complicated so maybe allow this only in cities and or such that one land unit and an air unit can be in the same hex max and such that if the hex is attacked by land, the land unit is only figured in however if it is attacked by air, the air unit is only figured in (i.e. until they get eliminated). Allow entrenchment on rivers. And the two carry overs from Clash of steel - the Engineer unit and the paratroop unit... those were fun! If a unit relieves another, the entrenchment should not be all lost (maybe like half). Surface attacks against ships in port should be harder. Well without these suggested modifications, SC is still a nice game. Happy Holidays Conan
  7. I read in Panzer Battles that 25 German tanks approached like 50 or 75 T-34's from behind and knocked them out with no loss. Is this possible to do in CMBB or will borg spotting rule that out?
  8. Well ignorant or not, there is no such thing as telling the story as it really happened so to speak. It may be just that the person has not been exposed to that history. Many people haven't. For instance, for me, I just learned of the Rzhev battles which happened at the same time Operation Uranus was taking place and I know a bit more than your average American about WWII. As long as the person is willing to learn, not knowing initially is ok with me. I can't remember who said this but from what I understand even during Normandy, German casualties continued in the East were about 4x that of the West although at Normandy the significance was that the Allies destroyed or badly ravaged a whole order of battle. My assumption is that while the destruction of Army Group Center was big (that is something that many Americans don't know about), there were still Army Groups North and South left. By the way, enlighten me, since alot of the Panzers were shifted to the South in anticipation of an offensive there, what did they do once Bagration started? What was the role of Army Groups North and South during July-Aug, 1944?
  9. As germans I take Norway. Then a british carrier keeps hammering at the town on the North sea coast. In the town I have an army or a corp and next to it I have an experienced german leader (Bock). I have never seen the carrier take any hits. If it were a land based airgroup attacking a ground unit in a city, every now and then the airgroup would take a hit. In this case the carrier's airgroup never does. What's the story? Conan
  10. In deep snow do you get more concealment? even in a road? I don't mean cover as in something that wards off bullets, but supposedly if the snow is really deep and you fall into it, you might be less visible?
  11. Hmmm, I was thinking about the speckled designs or even the stuff on the uniforms including the added foliage, etc. y'know the walking forest look.... Coe
  12. It would be interesting if CMBB took into account the camouflaging abilities of the various nations...I mean for example - the later period German camouflage probably had some sort of edge..... Conan
  13. anyone designing senarios on the Rzhev Salient battles that took place around the time of Stalingrad (i.e. Operation Mars as opposed to Uranus). Other question: I admittedly had been afraid to ask but I should have way way in the beginning (I kept thinking I'd find out indirectly)...what is all this stuff about the Peng Challenge and how did it start? (I'm embarrassed about not knowing this - I mean check out my low member#) Coe
  14. who gets the kill credit for shooting prisoners?
  15. Hey in CMBO, your guns would stop firing if they detected friendlies within proximity of the target...not so in CMBB? Worst friendly fire, In one of the scenarios, my troops start in a convoy....turn one, my stukas bomb my convoy (even though the deployment area is miles away from the designated enemy).....burning trucks, dead tank, dead squads, dead half track, shouts of sanitator, etc. etc.
  16. btw, what exactly was the historical outcome of Von Lauchert?
  17. Has anyone ever had a tank knocked out by a daisy chain mine?
  18. No I didn't issue a hold command of any sorts....even when I targetted the bunker, nothing happend...ammunition state stayed the same... do you want me to send in a saved game? I I'll see if it happens again? (it might take a few days, I'm in final exam mode right now)... Conan
  19. I was playing one of the Gross Deutschland scenarios last evening...GD assaulting Kamieka.... There was this bunker like overlapping into thsi house. I moved a german squad into the house and suddenly the german squad lost any ability to move...(you could see it on the their options)... the squad could target the bunker but would never fire at it (6 meters away). The squad was fit veteran and also ok (i.e. non -pinned, non-panicked etc.) and under platoon control. Strange bug..... Conan
  20. About a month ago I played Boriskova station and a sturmovik (or some russian fighter bomber) came by, divebombed my 88mm I placed in the woods and dropped about 2 bombs...but it rubbled every single building on the map save two heavy buildings I thought this was actually way cool but I know that such a thing happening on such a map size is probably a bit over-bounds? Conan
  21. so, a question is, why didn't the germans start using thicker half tracks...and I did understand that after a while the airplane 12.7 MG started getting incorporated. btw, do broken or panicked squads ever shoot back? or is it considered ineffective.?
  22. Ok here's one, a rumanian pioneer squad in a house throws a demo charge at a russian light tank about 25-30m away. Boom, the house that the squad is in is rubbled (so with the adjacent house with another squad in it) and the tank gets merely abandoned.... C.
  23. what I was most impressed with was that the king tiger had only about 4 HE rounds left and took out the T-34s.... Then again it was a crack crew....but still I was nevertheless impressed...it didn't help that the king tiger, despite dispatching large amounts of infantry, 10 or 11 tanks and a few other AFVs was now completely out of big-gun ammo with 5 T-34/85's just entering the map (I've never set my half tracks to run as fast as they did but I will tell you that against regular T-34's they have a chance of making it away if they are more than 1200 m away...a chance...
  24. In Maxdorf, I had a King tiger use HE at two T-34's at around 1500m....took one out with a flank shot, the other after repeated HE hits to the front (like 2 or 3) It was against T-34/85s
  25. I bet under some circumstances, where it might mean that if you can see the enemy (s)he can see you, it might be better to pre-empt the otherguy if you have a general idea where he is but he doesn't know where you are, especially if you have a weapon that isn't easily detectible until it explodes (i.e. they don't know which direction it came from)..... ha ha.... ok ok, I don't know if I'd do that if I was against an IS tank - yeah maybe if I had alot of Panzerwurfmines....
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