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Everything posted by coe

  1. 12,000 members? wow just give us 180 or so tanks and we have a panzer division....
  2. yeah I miss the pupchen...that was a nice vehicle... actually what would be cool is if you could have an ammunition vehicle that if you were near would slowly replenish your ammo....(of course if it blows up...you are screwed...)....
  3. I think close assault is abstracted in that within 30 m the individuals in a squad start running out, prancing all about the tank like rabid squirrels storing their nuts (explosives) in various crevices of the tank. I think you can increase the tendency (not sure) that the unit will abstractly do so at the beginning of the turn by targeting the tank. Alternatively I have experienced if you let the tank get really really close to your unit (like I had one under it), the tank can still machine gun you a bit but it can't use it's main gun. Due to borg spotting, and other things, I don't recommend breaking cover and running up to a tank from more than 40-50m even if you are running from behiind, the tank is buttoned and the turret is facing forward and it is dark out. It will spot you. (Sneaking can work). Better to let it come to you. Conan
  4. what is the difference between an Airlanding division and a parachute division (German formations). Also are there any squad differences between those units or between the airlanding and regular units? Conan
  5. I'm going to link my post into this one...yes but in an advance operation, if your men are in cover at the end of the first battle and the operation set up zone moves past them, they should not start up the next battle scattered around and not in cover (especially since you can't move them unless wayyy back into your zone).
  6. i'm in an operation where I successfully held a trench system on a part of a map while unfortunately way on the otherside, the enemy advanced (hey it was the russians, they are bound to find holes...). So the map advances. Now in the next battle deployment my deployment area is in back of my trench system. However I find that the units in my trench system some of them have moved either forward or back into the open (some stayed right in the system (and no I wasn't crowding the trenches either). Of course I cannot move these units unless I move them way back into my deployment area, but if I don't I'm afraid some of the units will be caught dead in the open even though they ended the last battle safely in cover. It's not that they got moved back alot, they just got scattered all over the area I have trenches and I can't move em back in. Any ideas? is this a bug. also does anyone think the death clock is a bit overdone...I had an anti-tank 75mm put 5 fully penetrating rounds into a T-34 despite the fact that there was another one taking pot shots at him. Do you think in real life the anti-tank gun would have like made sure 2 rounds went in, took the risk that it knocked it out so as to engage the next T-34? Conan
  7. I'd like to see motorcycles, horses No howabout maybe one of them two engined tactical bombers zooming over head and dropping like a stick of bombs....y'know like a Ju 88 or Ju 388
  8. I guess I'm trying to figure out when a mod is for CMBB or for CMBO for the germans it isn't obvious on the mod site....also how does one remove the person's name en masse from the unzipped files besides manually going to each one... eg juju_1000.bmp; juju_1001.bmp; etc. etc
  9. can someone tell me if the .bmp mods for the Germans will work both in CMBO and CMBB (i.e. how can I tell a mod is only for one and not the other - lets I'm doing something like a german uniform? - I guess the bmp number match up?)
  10. that's really funny... Ryanovich? howabout Saving Gefreiter Rhein (on the eastern front) or Saving Private Riano in Libya or ok I'll stop
  11. I thought about the old CMBO ambush vs. the CMBB cover arc and thought that a combination might be rather cool to have while at the same time keeping things rather simple. Why, In the cover arc system only as soon as the target enters the zone (and can be seen) it is fired upon. There isn't a way to let the target come deeper into the firing zone before letting 'im have it. This can be an issue because if your gunner fires at the first target to enter the zone, chances are it might not fire at the targets just outside of the zone (after it eliminates the first target) this can be bad if those other targets start firing at you. On the other hand the ambush marker may be too unrestricted as to when your gunner opens up. Lets say you could place an ambush marker within a covered arc. Now the target walks into the zone (as well as some of his other comrades). When a target trips the ambush marker, it's fired upon and your gunner having finished with that now fires on the rest of the other unlucky saps (ideally caught out in the open)...what do you think? I also noticed the targetting behaviour of AFV's vs. other AFVs, it kinda has a bit of the Age of Empires/ Warcraft/Starcraft behaviour where everyone targets the exact same target...so lets say you have 10 tanks and three enemy tanks pop up. All your tanks will fire first at the most threatening enemy (assume they can see all of them) - ten shells hitting the same tank...and knocking it out immediately perhaps a major overkill. (e.g. 10 King tigers run into 3 IS-IIs and pop 10 shells at one of them causing 6 or so killing penetrations. What this allows is the other enemy tanks to get a few shots off. I can imagine mid-turn in real life if you had a company of tanks and several enemy tanks popped up, the company commander or some standard procedure would distribute sufficient fire among the enemy tanks to knock out the most amount of enemy vehicles or surpress the most amount of enemy units at once (i.e. avoid the overkill). I assume though that such an algorithm might be hard to implement into the game or might be too computationally costly? Can somebody also direct me to the translations for all the voice sound effects in CMBB. Conan
  12. I take some of the blame for leading this conversation astray....bascially my view on the eastern front is that in our daily lives we are less likely to encounter needs to know about the eastern front (aren't we more likely to run into a WWII or Vietnam Veteran etc.?) I mean, would one really expect your average non-American to know in reality at the Battle of Lexington (start of our revolution, the farmers/minutemen were on the common as a protest to the king, and that neither sides wanted to fight and more importantly very few people wanted to secede from Britain at the time....and that if you look at the background the boston massacre wans't really a massacre but a nicely organized dirty politics by the Sons of Liberty and that the British for the most part were very properly behaved (i.e. if it was a woman's house, they would not search it honoring her word even though she really was harbouring arms, etc.).
  13. This truely did happen, last night I had this dream where I lost the CMBB CD and I couldn't find it. In the dream I had merely just moved rooms. Still it was a frustrating and horrible dream. Btw, so I've learned that spotters who don't have radio (but telephone wire) can't embark...makes sense And for the first time I saw a german squad sneaking under a tank at 2m 1m and as it did so it "Hit" it (a KV-1 monster) the funny thing was at 1m or less, with the buttoned tank, the tank was still firing machine gun bullets at the squad and having effect. In the abstract version of it I imagine the squad leaning up next to the immobile tank and running all over it like rabid squirrels. Does the chance to disable and the frequency of AFV destruction attempts increase as the squad gets really close to the AFV? That'd be funny if you could embark on an enemy AFV or capture it (it surrenders).
  14. I'm from Massachusetts, I remember visting some friends in Switzerland and being asked about California's proposition 187. They could not believe I didn't know anything about it. (In the back of my mind, I surmised, that between school and working in the summer, I didn't really have time to follow all the actions in the U.S. I know that is a very American view that Europeans have all the time in the world but hey I had to indulge upon it at that moment). Americans are very busy and I assume most other people in the world are too. We are sometimes asked, "why do we only know English?" Well given our limited time, which language do we learn since most of the people we run into speak English? Ok arguably things have changed today where one could have a great case for learning Spanish and dropping French from the academic realm of primary education. The point is, I think you will find Americans (U.S. that is) knowing what they need to know to function in the society we are exposed to. For example, local politics is pretty important, but also the breadth of skills needed for the job market. In the U.S. people totally switch careers tracks at the drop of a dime and are expected to do so too. Does it matter where Iraq is, well perhaps at this time it does and I think you will be finding that more Americans will know about Iraq soon. At the start of the whole Iraq stuff, why would one need to know where Iraq was. As for the Eastern front, given today's busy society, why would your everyday American need to know about the Eastern front in detail? I mean no disrespect, but knowing the Eastern front, as applicable to daily lives in the U.S. probably has limited application. Conan
  15. Ok so in blitzkriegs where the armour does bypass the strongpoints leaving it for the infantry, isn't that something that will cause the infantry heavy casualties (kind of like using the infantry to assault the main defensive zone in preparation for a break through?).
  16. So the major difference it appears is that in the initial break through stages, the tanks are subordinate to the infantry (that is in breaking the defensive zone) but after that it changes (exploitation)....?
  17. So from what I understand, Model decided to commit the infantry to eat through the defensive zone first? That failed? I thought that's what the Allies tried to do (on both fronts) post Kursk. Even at El Alamein, from what I understand, the idea was the infantry were to have a go at it first. I like the Elefants - you know it's funny that the same guy who made the small sports car made a whole bunch of large tanks! (I wonder if a soldier could outrun an Elefant).... As a last gasp measure perhaps they could have fired a machine gun down the barrel of the 88mm gun. Ha ha
  18. On Christmas day I had an extensive discussion about this with a few friends of mine, it seems that borg spotting might be a rather difficult thing to solve....and how will you do it if the AT fires towards the end of the turn? Then the human player can borg spot for his/her units. How will one build a delay into that? Conan
  19. Tried finding this info, but can anyone tell me why the northern pincer kinda went no-where as opposed to the southern one? Conan
  20. In one particular unnamed scenario I was playing a meeting engagement in the steppe in summer 1942 (yes advancing near the Chir..... So this is the deal... half tracks with infantry but mostly Pz IIIH and PzIIIJ, a few Stug IIIF and Pz IVF 2(and tank useless Pz IVF1). It's rather open step slight rolling hills and you are confronted by borg spotting capable T-34/42's (many of them) tankettes, T-70s coming from two major directions... you initially start out over a km apart...the problem is your IIIJs only have a few tungsten and IIIF and IVF2 are too few in number....and the distances are large such that the T-34's can reach out and touch you while you can't touch them (moreover your IIF and IVF2s don't appear till mid game....) How do you handle this...how did the Germans handle these situations and score such dramatic success with the PzIIIs
  21. In Clash of Steel there were instances where your german units could not retreat due to Hitler's stand fast orders.... The other interesting things was the crippling frost reduced German strengths for a little bit and Malta could interdict Axis supply lines to Africa....
  22. you'll get blasted by people telling you to put SPOILER . . . . . etc. because you don't want to spoil the scenario for others. That aside. Look at your AT assets...Historically the Germans were in for a big shock early on with their 37mm and 50mm guns not able to penetrate T-34 armour....you have several 75 mm AT guns which can duke it out... AT guns are far more fragile than tanks of course so even if you have a superior AT gun, as long as you are in range of the enemy it might not be able to get more than one before being destroyed...so set up in stealth, lay a smoke screen...with the 50 mm and 37 mm and 75 mm short (PZIV) you won't be able to do much at long distances, you have to get in close and perhaps not even then....flank shots are key....trading shots across the lake with T-34's will be bad for you...now of course had this been 1944 and you had better weapons and tanks that would be a different story. With the wimpy tanks you have, try to seek hull down positions when fighting the T-34's...that way they'll have a better chance of getting off more shots before getting hit. It'll be rare that you'll be able to destroy T-34's in one shot... For your 75 mm AT assets...take them further down the road to near where your advanced platoon is...then set em up in the woods (and never in direct view of the enemey....AT guns are shell magnets...) Hope that helps.... C.
  23. I had a great mine hit...I was driving a truck down a road full speed in a scenario...it hits a mine, goes into flames and curves/careens off to the side! C.
  24. Perhaps the friendly fire bombing is a bit too much? But how would this be tweaked...in certain scenarios when there has been a huge gap in starting positions, time and time again I get bombed by friendlies.the manual says that chances skyrocket in close combat situations. this is interesting - if the airplane knows that the combat is too close quarters, it may actually defer. However, if it doesn't then I agree with the manual. It's the consistancy of friendly bombing when the forces are hugely separated which I assume must be difficult to model. Btw, any studies on the effect of the whole German let's make our tank a mobile tree vegetable/tree....
  25. speaking of the picture so graciously posted, the thought occurred to me, of all those people marching there, I wonder if any of them thought, y'know it'd be great if we had some body armour (aside from the helmet)....
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