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Everything posted by coe

  1. I dont' suppose that HQ's can act as observers for Halftracks which have mortars in them (like some German AFVs)
  2. thanks I musta missed it in the excitement of downloading 1.03 and installing it....I did open the readme file but y'know I wanted to play....
  3. Ok, so in several scenarios and operations I've had to attack in a mixed armoured force against British troops. I've usually had many tanks (Tigers, PZIVH) and some infantry. Advancing down the alley ways is even scarier for the Germans I think, for they can't cut through hedgerows like the allies can so if you have slow turrets and not enough infantry do you know how scary it is when a Firefly bursts out of a hedgerow into the middle of your column... Now I've tried screening the few infantry I've had on both sides of the road but in that if a sherman pops up again like that they'll be able to pop it with a 'faust or close assault. to some marginal success. I guess the other way is to send infantry on the other side of the hedgrow with tanks going down another flanking road but what protects those tanks. And what can come to the infantry's aid if they find a tank or two on the opposite side of the field - the infantry gets crushed while trying to escape back. And the tanks can't get through the bocage. One other thing I've tried is to do a really far behind overwatch such that if an allied tank burst into the column, the overwatching tank way back might have a crack at it. any advice for german bocage advance Another scary thing is have you ever noticed how some of the alleys in the bocage are lined with impassable wood.....
  4. ok, if I have the pre-ordered CM version do I need the 1.01 patch before 1.03? If so, where is it? I patched with 1.01 a ways back but I shift computers often (ending up unistall and reinstall) and along the way I lost the actual 1.01 patch files.
  5. Likewise if I'm on a second story of a building and a tank is really close by is there a chance that the tank won't be able to point its gun high enough to hit me or if I am on the first floor, if it passes too close to the building might it not be able to turn its turret? (lets say it is a stone building.....) Also any pointers for killing halftracks with MG42s it is a wonder that the germans didn't put 12.7mm cannons on their tanks....
  6. so you are all saying that the germans didn't filed an "as portable" equivalent of the 50 cal. at least on the ground?
  7. what about perhaps probablistically modeling spotting info, it might have to allow for alot of chain computation....but basically the farther you are from another unit, the less you will be able to "tell it"....i.e. even though the commander can see everything every unit sees, at least in the above way, some units may not be able to target a certain unit becasue they don't "see" or "know" about it. So there's two steps, A.) unit sees the enemy unit because enemy unit does something B.) if it doesn't it "sees" it because it is told by a nearby unit C.) how to model the delay?????
  8. First of all has anyone ever seen a machine gun squad huck a grenade (maybe one of the six people have grenades?) Also, how does the 50 cal stack up vs. the 20mm, I understand that the mg42 is an infantry killer/supressor, but was the 20 mm the axis equivalent of the 50 cal? or did the axis design something to match the utility of the 50 cal (12.7mm cannon?)
  9. Well, there is something to say for keeping with the objective, and sometimes you need to ignore the threat - but the appearance of enemy tanks might make you want to re-evaluate things from time to time. As for loosing a 100 vehicles in two days of march to Normandy, even if you have a several thousand vehicles, that's still significant - especially if they are nice support vehicles, and fuel trucks. And I doubt one could last long at that rate.....
  10. Interesting thing to consider about reserves. Attack: "reserves" can be shifted to place additional emphasis at a certain point of battle, such as a weak spot or a necessary place that needs to be taken - but this should be distinguished from lets say the exploitation force in a break through (which has a very specific role) Defense: Reserves can be applied once the direction of the main assault is determined. In Naval Battle, often the first to strike has won (and you better strike decisively) and when you think that in Naval Battles there isn't really any front line, and supply lines behave a little differently. Especially as Germans in terms of reserve deployment - you must be very careful that the reserves can make it to where they might need to go, i.e. pre-plan your approach routes when positioning them...imagine if they are spotted at a distance - think - airpower, artillery, will they make it there in time, in one piece? On a more combat missions related era, one might examine what happened as the panzer reserve was released to help fight the allies at the beaches.... I believe Panzer Lehr lost something on the order of 100 vehicles in one day marching alone due to airpower.
  11. While it is described what actually happened in some of the scenarios, does anyone know what happened for the scenarios that the aftermath wasn't written in the scenario description, likewise maps of what actually happened.... Hey I still think that MG teams should have some amount of rifle power there too. Afterall while everyone is carrying ammo for the MG, not everyone hast to stand by the crew at all times, especially when the gun is deployed and firing - you'd think that in a MG team of 6 guys, 2 to fire and spot, 2 with ammo ready, and 2 goes to do some rifle fire....
  12. Now why didn't the germans put on devices similar to rhinos.. Also, when allied rhino equipped AFVs go through the hedgrows, do they suffer a movement penalty, do they have an increased chance of breaking down? or getting stuck?
  13. ok, when you split a squad the aggregate firepower is reduced so is their battle hardiness (more likely to break).... so lets say you lose one of the half squads but the other is still intact...how will that compare with a squad that (hasn't broken) but over the battle has lost half its men?
  14. Has any one heard of the time when something like 3 tanks from 2 SS Pz Div and the remnats of a bicycle company (20 men) from the 6th Parachute Regiment (von der Heydte's) captured an entire American Battalion of 17 officers and 600 men.... I suppose this is could be simulated by wishing to surrender but admittedly this is far different from the taking of large numbers of prisoners in the encirclement battles of the east or late in the war in Germany, this was in the thick of the Normandy invasion - I wonder if this could be somehow simulated in CM? how likely could one pull off such a scenario.....
  15. charging, interesting is it the closer the MG fire gets the deadlier it becomes on them or is it the fact that the cold steel is about to run them over? backing up and flanking them is a long process in the bocage! what speed do you charge at Hunt or Move? (I assume at full speed it is really hard to fire - is there a move-stop-fire-move-stop-fire command?)
  16. In Squad Leader, the hex's were 40x40 meters Which meant a road going through a hex was a boulevard!!! The bocage lanes were pretty narrow, effectively you couldn't even swing your turret sometimes and a single tank that dies in front of you can block everything A.) how do you push wrecks? B.) How does the 20m by 20m tiles simulate the narrowness of the bocage lanes - another thing, any infantry caught in the open even if pinned and hiding behind a slope could get run over if they fail to stop the tank, cause there would be no where to go - this would be really cool actually. any comments? P.S. given the complexity of the game, 20m by 20m tiles is pretty fine grain! My complements to the designers..... C.
  17. So I'm to defeat a british unit which is mixed which leads with half tracks and is backed up by tanks, but I have to go through a lane that has bocage and trees on the side. I pick off the lead half tracks and want to keep the momentum going but the infantry of the half tracks and the others fromt eh half tracks behind jump off to the side and become british insignia markers, meanwhile the stuarts and the shermans run off popping as much smoke as they can do. Now as a tanker, this is somewhat stupid to go charging ahead since there are infantry all around (broken or unbroken?) you are a sitting duck for close assaults. any hints (note you have no infantry support)
  18. hmmm, ok, thanks, I had tried clicking on the operations button but nothing happened...let me try again tonight.....
  19. This may sound stupid but are there any operations included in the game I can't seem to find any....
  20. I am wondering about the effectiveness of foxholes, I thought that they were pretty effective when trying to ride out an artillery barage - supposedly asside from air bursts you really needed a direct hit to harm someone in there (ok ignoring the whole air pressure, shaking them up)...yet I see units in foxholes realy paniking quickly. I was down in Falmouth, MA yesterday and I swear I was in the bocage, - narrow 15-20 foot roads with dense dense brush/bushes on each side - clear fields on the other side. The one thing I wonder is how to simulate that in these conditions tanks would have trouble turning their turrets because there is no room for the barrel (incidentally it would have been almost impossible to spot hidden units until you where on top of them....scary) Anyone have any suggestions on German troop deployment for Chance encounter? such that pre American barrages won't hit them...but you are still in a good position to respond?
  21. can someone explain how counterbattery fire works? If you have a 150 mm and you put it in range of the front line (but out of LOS) then how is the enemy artilery supposed to hit you if it too is placed behind their lines. (i.e. does it have to have a bigger range) and how do they spot it (assuming there are no airplanes around)
  22. argh I'm trying to edit the topic (to put -Spoiler on the subject but I can't figure out how to do it, should I ust delete the topic? C.
  23. whoops forgot about that, hopefully I didn't reveal too much..... you are absolutely right I will remember next time... C.
  24. Possible spoiler in Barkman's hard stand at La Roy - but also possible bug in it too. First of all great scenario. It is hard. but i saw my first close assault, literally the half squad of Das Reich Panzergrenadiers waited till the tank was about 1 m away before close assaulting and destroying the sherman. Lost one vehicle and destroyed 16 (I got annihilated playing the scenario a few times before). First of all, can the troops not dig in at first. Second of all, how do you employ sharpshooters - they always get spotted. 3rd: possible bug, the bocage that borders the wheatfield with three houses in the german right flank - I couldn't seem to get my troops to enter into the bocage itself. It was always "clear" ground.... Great scenario. If the AI attacked both flanks at once or cut through the hedge row simultaneously with infantry and tanks I would have been screwed (or if the AI stood off and pounded my guys) - I'm not sure how to emply my three panthers well in that scenario. [This message has been edited by coe (edited 06-28-2000).]
  25. I don't suppose if your tank (Panther against the AT gun) comes across the 57mm at point blank it will try to run over the gun. Howabout instead of targeting infantry close by the tank slams in reverse trying to get away from it (i.e. close assaulting)
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