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Everything posted by killmore

  1. I assume that means the bottom armour (underneath the tank). Isn't it a terrible waste of "material" and increases weight of the tank for no reason? Or was it accually usefull?
  2. Don't rush in front of german tank. Try to get close to him by playing hide and seek. At close distance your US guns are quite effective.
  3. Why the heck she wants to spend all the time with you. You need to do what you like too. Make her choose either playing CM or Bar hopping with drinking buddies. She will choose CM (I don't drink so to me choice is obvious)
  4. I had 14 ricoshes when Tiger was firing its 88 at Sherman Jumbo or easy eight at 150 meters.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Aacooper: One interesting point is that when it comes to numbers of ones own civilians killed, Hitler only comes third -- USSR and Communist China are first and second. So, the Soviet suffering was due to Germans and their own government. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There are 2 different issues here. Soviet union killed millions of civilians but not during WWII. I just hope you are not saying that germans killed Soviet civilians in occupied teritories due to Soviet deliberate action of goverment. The reason why so much civilian population was killed in China and SU during the war was that Agressors (Japan/Germany) was systematically annihilating civilians. USA and SU did not do the same to GE/JPN In % of civilian population lost Poland would probably take 1st place it lost 1/6 of its total population (6 million)
  6. One more thing - germans were constantly inflating their kill numbers and in a huge way. They really wanted to show that they are fighting an infinite horde. For example german claimed tank kills for Kharkov offensive in 1942 larger then the entire number of the Soviet tanks available at the time. (they claimed 50% more tanks killed then Soviets had in service at that time) I would like to find the truth one day
  7. So what were Rumanian, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, ProGerman-Polish (and progerman-Soviet Vlasov army) losses? If you add these losses can we get loss ratio to say 1.8:1?
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PzKpfw 1: Soviet, & German military irreversible losses (KIA/WIA/MIA)only* June 22 1941- 1945. German losses are Eastren Front totals only, German IR losses in ( )'s. 1941 - 5.5 million (301,000) 1942 - 7.153 milion (519,000) 1943 - 6.965 milion (668,000) 1944 - 6.547 milion (1,129,000) 1945 - 2.534 milion (550,00 as of May 1) Regards, John Waters<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I wonder if numbers are wrong because Soviet losses include civilian losses here. The numbers add up to 28.5 million on Soviet side which is TOTAL POPULATION LOSS on Soviet side. Not just military losses. See some of the discussions before this one which describe the same numbers and also quote books. Since germans killed over 18 milion civilians that leaves about 10 mil military losses - that produces ration of about 2:1. Lets assume that Soviets did loose 40 million. That would make it about 1/4 or 1/5 of population. That feels too high. And would mean that no men capable of fighting should have been left in 1945. I wonder who is right... Did 28.5 million Soviet dead quoted here repetedly was wrong? Did 10 million military dead was also wrong? I can believe that including pre-war purges the total population loss was over 40 million. [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 07-19-2000).]
  9. Germans did found a difference during advance on Moscow. Tracked vehicles got stack much less in the mud
  10. Would you move your last tank between 5 buildings where your other 4 tanks got killed? I don't think so. But AI will do just that and without any infantry screen. Also AI is sometimes willing to push for victory to the last man even if facing impossible odds. I found AI reasonably competent. I did not see a copetent flanking manouver yet. I would call it one of the best AIs I have ever played against
  11. Well - it looks quite quite solid. I will try this again more than 10 times - (yesterday I was buying a car...)
  12. Right. But the question is why they always have the same amount of them. Why 5 churchils have 13 "Hollows" (this means all tanks have only 13 AT rounds in total) And why 2 churhils will have the same amount? (Example 5 tanks 5c,3c,3c,1c,0c 2 tanks 8c, 5c)
  13. It is no longer required after certain point
  14. Is seems that if I have 5 churchils their TOTAL number of AT rounds will be 11-13. If I have 2 churchills they also have Total of 11-13 AT rounds. Basically first 2 or 3 churchils have AT "C" rounds and the rest does not. Their total number of AT rounds adds up to 11-13. One one knows why? I have retried this 5 times is it just my luck?
  15. Regarding open top Jackson... Well there was nothing left but 1 jackson. No other sources of fire/suppression. My 2 squads come from opposite sides. They runned to within 3 meters on opposide sides of M-36. Jakson did not open fire until one squad was within 10 meters. The other squad wasnot fired upon. It could have been just bad luck - terrible, really terrible one. What I really want to know is that BTS made sure that open top vehicles are say 100% easier to kill in close infantry assault. But if squads were within 3 meters fo 40 seconds that should pretty much mean a kill of open top vehicle. They did not panic until last 10 sec of the turn... [This message has been edited by killmore (edited 07-17-2000).]
  16. Ok - but open top vehicles should be quite easy to destroy with a grenade right?
  17. I had problems with granades. Once assualt with 2 groups of german infantry failed to do any damage to M-36 jackson. Thats an open top vehicle! I was sure they will take it out. Instead I lost 7 volks. (They did throw 3 granades - and nothing happened!)
  18. Recently released Soviet archives put total tonnage of Soviet strategic bombing at 2 times the allied tonage. I wonder if thats true.
  19. Not totally true markk. T-34 was much better then german tanks (until 1943). Soviet conscripts were frequently fanatical... If the game does it right 1:1 should be an EVEN game. Now if you make realistic 1:1, where Soviets are green/conscripts but germans are regular/veterans - then obviously germans should win. Soviet advantage was not that large most of the time it was 3:2. (Sure they could have local advantage of 10:1 - but so did the germans) I see no reason why same quality Soviet troops should be any worse then German.
  20. As someone pointer out the German to Soviet Soldiers losses were about 1:2.1 So in the fighting there were 2.1 Soviet soldiers killed for every german soldier. So don't tell me they were attacking with shovels all the time. Thats bull. 28 million includes civilian losses. And lots of them.
  21. I probably won't buy it but the idea was dumb enough to mention...
  22. The Soviets also claimed that Finland started to build the MAJOR defense line with guns that could fire very far into Soviet Union (even as far as Leningrad/Petersburg). (Thats the reason one of Soviet soldiers gave me when I asked him in 1982 - he fought in that war )
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