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Everything posted by bauhaus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by allan1: Hi, sorry, that doesn't help. I already know how to play an e-mail game. However, at one point in the game, "player 1" sends me the file. Now, after I view the action phase, I'm supposed to PLOT my moves and then send the file to "player 1". But I can't plot my moves. In order for me to do that I have to click the "done" button in the action phase's playback menu. When I do, the game automatically assumes that I'm finished and sends me to the "save PBEM file" menu. That's what I can't figure out. We're on move 2 or 3, so the previous moves have worked fine until now. Before, I'd end the action phase and then plot my next moves. This time, I do the same thing and it skips past the "plot moves" part and sends me to the "save file" screen. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Allan, one out of three files (or something like that) is a movie only file. You do not get to give orders. And if you're on turn 2-3, you're right about in the time to view a movie only. No orders.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: Well said, MrSenileTea! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> for you Peng
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: quick poll: who are berli's little death toys, and who bitch slaps him like the painted whore he is? I am his bitch. I am 0 and 4 against him. I rarely last more than a few turns before the white flag goes up. This time is different, I may actually fight to a minor loss. Peng <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I tend to do the same with Berli, Mr. Peng. Though I have defeated him once......maybe twice. It's so far inbetween wins I can't remember. Though I've paid for it dearly in the next game. Darwin, Berli has just a little bit more hair than the picture you've shown. If I can get my hands on the picture his wife did of him as Cousin It, I'll send it your way. They're close to being twins.
  4. Grunto, the link came up blind. I copied the link from a previous posting and got the scenario. Thanks http://www.driveway.com/share?sid=71344154.84117&name=CombatMission Hope you don't mind. I'm in a downloading mood today.
  5. Here, click on this, this is the good link. Hope you don't mind Madmatt. http://combathq.thegamers.net/misc/testmaterials.zip [This message has been edited by bauhaus (edited 07-08-2000).]
  6. Hey you little french lizard. Now that you have the game, I hope your Aussie butt is preparing to send a scenario my way. I'm getting tired of continually getting murdered by pyschoberli. I must die to someone else. Oh yeah, Moriarity, when your done with me, kindly return my spleen.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis: May God have mercy on your pathetic soul. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Elvis, Elvis, Elvis, don't you know by now Girli...ooops, I mean Berli, has no soul?
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Bauhaus, you ignorant.... You silly twit, my Grandmother has been gone some years now, so obviously, she couldn't have been the author (she can still plan a better attack). If your men are pissing on the trees, it is no doubt in fright... a just fright as they know what moron commands them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I kind of like to look at it as fertilizing nature.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: And we can't have that. So, with that in mind... Bauhaus, I realise you have been planning your attack for the past 12 turns, but do you think that maybe it might be time to get on with it? Jeez, my Grandmother could conduct a better attack. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah Berli, I must say, fairly clever. But I highly suspect your grandmother wrote this for you because it is a bit too clever. And as for my men taking there time, well when walking through the mountains they find the need to mark their trail. Needless to say it's a lot of men dropping their pants and pissing. Something that should make you feel quite at home. So Gotzvongoldenshower, in due time my men will encounter your hundreds of pillboxes. Until then, just grab a magazine, drink a latte and beat it, ole king of the hairy palms.
  10. I personally think that DUME was one of the best first person shooters to ever release. UNRELE wasn't bad either
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: I completely agree with you... Mr Peng probably doesn't [smilie allowed to survive for the purpose of pissing Mr Peng off]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I take it that you're doing well Berli? All I can say is smoke, more smoke....I'm gonna bring your machine down. Of course, mine will go before yours.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CommanderC: I'm running CM and all the scenarios, even the big ones run fine, but the "Walk in Paris" scenario runs sluggish or laggy. Anyone have any idea why this should be? or what I can do about it? I'm running a PIII 600, 128 MB RAM, 32 MB TNTII Ultra video card. Thanks <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Try throwing smoke into the mix of things, then talk sluggish. A walk in Paris is a huge graphics hog, that's why the slow down.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer '88' Meyer: Just started a game of the Demo on a MAC with someone who is on a PC. The game crashes. Is there anything in particular that needs to be done to get Mac to PC play going? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not that this will make a difference, but a few of us found out that using outlook express eliminated many many problems when playing pbem. It seemed we got more problems when one person was using netscape and the other outlook. Make sense?
  14. try "a long cold night," or something to that effect. I had to surrender late in the game because.........well, you'll just have to find out. It's a 60 turn scenario. I've downloaded so many I can't remember if it came with the game or was a created one. I believe it was an original. *****The correct name of the scenario is "One long Cold Day."******** [This message has been edited by bauhaus (edited 06-30-2000).]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stevetherat: hello yes, I would love to test. will it play in the demo? I'm waiting for the full version to arrive. send to therat@thelair.co.uk steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Only the scenarios that come with the demo will play with the demo.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna: Nope. Not here in Sydney yet. The mailman teased me by leaving a big manilla envelope with something in it, but it was just a big reply paid thing for Foxtel. Rotten swine. I had clear LOS on the motorbike too, shoulda taken the shot. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You probably would have missed though.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Miyamoto Musashi: ***** Warning... spoiler info on "One Long Cold Day" and "Villers-Bocage Op" ahead... My favorite single scenario so far is One Long Cold Day (or something to that effect). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> SPOILER INFO..........Kind of * * * * * * * I love the "Long Cold Day" scenario too. I played as the Allies. On turn one, I lost 4 half tracks and two tanks. I thought I was hosed at that point. Then had two turns of very quick reenforcements and began what I believed to be a cake walk. I was almost getting bored, I pushed through the town with minimal losses, and was close to pushing through the primary bridge. Then Mr. King Tiger showed up. After losing most of my tanks, and a good chunk of infantry, I ended up surrenduring. It was ugly. Even my 155 VT (?) couldn't hit the tank when I called for an arty strike. Needless to say, I'll be playing this one again.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pathfinder1: I have a medium sized battle i would like to have tested. The battle is fictional . An American infantry with AT and Armor refinforcements defends a supply line/crossroads during the Bulge. My first attempt , so don't spare the criticism(except on historical correctness as it isn't).. I'll email it to whoever wants a test go at it.. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Send it to me too, I'll give a once over. daz@owc.net
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trooper: Oh well, I guess there's no point in complaining about it now... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There's really no point in complaining. It's really a smooth process. I can still get 2-4 files exchanged in one day. My least favorite exchange is the order phase only, just because there is no movie to view. I find playing a pbem the most enjoyable, you just don't know what to expect.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna: Since we are on Moriarty. By the way, you are a big woman and my wife will be sending a setup in another day or so.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Goanna, you mean to tell me you got a full version of the game? ........................NOT. I forgot, you're in the land down under, they don't have it yet. Die kitty die.
  21. come to papa.........daz@owc.net let's keep it a double blind though.
  22. It's not really that bad. Turns go like this, unless I'm forgetting a step. You have the initial set up of course, then turn 1 is an order phase. Send it off. The next file you receive will be a movie showing the results of the last turn and then another order phase. Send it off. Then the next turn will be a movie, that' s it. Send it off. And then the rotation begins again. Order phase, movie and order phase and then movie phase. Make sense? It's really pretty cool the way it works and is very effective.
  23. Guinness or a nice big frothy glass of........ice water.
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