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Everything posted by bauhaus

  1. Seanachai had to poke my head in here especially after seeing you type the Lord's name in vain. As St. Bauhaus of the Immaculate Thingy canonized 2001 A.D. I must remind you that we shan't say the Lord's name in vain. tsk tsk tsk. Now that being said, 'Ello all, been awhile. I come to you from the land of the unemployed student attempting to learn how to corrupt the impressionable minds of our youth. Berli, you still alive or has the evil one finally emploded into a pile of smoldering ash? O.k. I'm off to do homework. Gotta watch the movie KIDS. I'm doing a paper on just how messed up they really are. My next paper after that is on the role of the family in Leave it to Beaver. Sounds like it's pretty tough learning myself how to be a teacher, doesn't it? As for the rest of you, the bulk of whom I hate, stop with the posting of pictures of hot women. While I love a photo of a pretty woman as much as the next man (I said woman, not sheep Mace), to the casual visitor it takes on the appearance of a bunch of under-sexed, preteen computer twits. Not fitting for Kniggets. Actually, based on the discription I just gave, keep posting pictures, it fits this group perfectly. Piss off 'ya lot. I shake my thingy in your general direction.
  2. Wondered where you'd been. Bauhaus, STAND UP! Play that theme man. Jackass will jump and bray, let him bray, let him bray I say the Jackass will jump and bray, Lordy let him bray, let him bray, everybody! Now I tell you in a positive way Don’t tie me donkey down there Cause me donkey will rump and play Don’t tie me donkey down there Now me donkey gone mad they say Don’t tie me donkey down there “Cause his eye on a bale o’ hay Don’t tie me donkey down there Now the news really travel fast Don’t tie me donkey down there When me donkey in the meadow grass Don’t tie me donkey down there Now me heart is light and gay Don’t tie me donkey down there He haw ‘till judgment day Don’t tie me donkey down there Jack-Ass Song -Harry Belafonte </font>
  3. Watch it, sailor - I'm cheap, but I'm not easy. Funny you should mention that.......Upon returning from dinner with Berli, Seanachi and Moriarity I must say that I am quite disturbed. Yes, I was so disturbed, I do believe my thingy and I blushed on several occassions. First Dalem, from what I understand, you ARE easy. Seanachi made mention of a time that you two were together smoking cigars. Seanachi smoking a cigar and according to him, you smoking HIS cigar. Then he explained that you came down with the worst case of hiccups he's ever witnessed in an adult. Let's just say there was some concern over the damage you might do to his cigar if you bit down on it while hiccuping. That sir, IS the act of an easy man. I would know. Then Seanachi mentioned that his favorite job he's ever had was when he was the "Head receiver" at a book store. Seanachi a catcher and not a pitcher, who would have thunk? Think about it for a second.......o.k, long enough. And finally, Seanachi making mention of how he likes nothing more than a good A-hole. Pardon my french. Being a Saint, I really shouldn't speak in such vulgarities. I tell you, the little gnome really surprised me at how in touch he is with his feminine side. Made me feel somewhat tame. But alas, as the evening of fine Irish dining (I believe Berli actually ate a stew with Sheep in it, sorry Mace) and beer as thick as Berli's beard, we wished each other well. Seanachi made an attempt to touch me inappropriately, but I stopped him. You see Dalem, I'm not easy. Well, not that easy. Seanachi wished us all well, saying goodbye to me and to Moriarity as we headed in the dark to our vehicles. I'm still not sure if Seanachi made it home since he rode to the restaurant with Moriarity. It was a fun evening had by all and we came to the conclusion that you are all twits and we hate each and every one of you.
  4. I've seen Berli's tongue and it ain't that much to get worked up about........did I just say that?
  5. Please, don't let a blitzed Berli and drunken gnome drive home......Chicago roads are bad enough. You know what's really funny, if you stacked Berli and Seanachi on top of each other, they'd still be shorter than me. That either makes me a mutant, or them unusually......tiny.
  6. Stop....no, say it isn't so. I'm so confused. Who is it that I pray to now if you are NOT a god. Someone, help me. My god is now not a god? My god, what am I to do. Lord knows (?) I can't pray to Berli, why would I want to. And Joe Shaw......laughable. I can't bring myself to even bold his name. Everytime I return to the board Mr. Shaw is alway embroiled in controversy of some sort or another. It always seems to center around absofreekinlutely nothing too. Never has one member of the Cesspool typed so much, but said so little as Joe Shaw. I'd pray for his soul, but I don't know who to pray to now. [/qb]</font>
  7. Stop....no, say it isn't so. I'm so confused. Who is it that I pray to now if you are NOT a god. Someone, help me. My god is now not a god? My god, what am I to do. Lord knows (?) I can't pray to Berli, why would I want to. And Joe Shaw......laughable. I can't bring myself to even bold his name. Everytime I return to the board Mr. Shaw is alway embroiled in controversy of some sort or another. It always seems to center around absofreekinlutely nothing too. Never has one member of the Cesspool typed so much, but said so little as Joe Shaw. I'd pray for his soul, but I don't know who to pray to now.
  8. I'll pray for you.......but I also agree with you my Lord.
  9. I'm praying to a dwarf, elf or whatever ye call yerself these days. Oh my God....oops, Oh my Seanachai. Is it getting warm in here?
  10. I hate it when you pay me special attention. Mace </font>
  11. Go away for a bit, then come back to find that you're still all a bunch of nits. This is like watching a soap opera and coming back to it 20 years later to find the same plot line. Go back to shoddin' sheep, yep Mace, I was talkin' to you.
  12. I'm too sexy for myself, too sexy for my self, to sexy for my big bad self. It's alright, admit it, you all want me......but you can't have me. Now SOD OFF!!!!!!! Berli, I hate you more than you hate everyone else.
  13. Ok, I did have fog....that was until the 3.1 catalyst drivers. Now all fog has lifted. I went into AA:0 and still have fog there, so Schrullenhaft I think you're right. If I really get the time, I'll reinstall the Catalyst 3 drivers to see if the change happened there. Cause I know I had fog, but can't remember if it was with 3 or the 2.5 drivers. At least I have text and buttons and can tell how badly my troops are being butchered.
  14. I'll check on the fog issue in the next day or two and let you know. I'm not sure what type of fog AA:0 uses. I just know it's a card issue. The older cards for ATI don't render fog, that I do know. But from everything I've read, the new cards have the ability to render fog, and I've seen it in all my games that I play with fog. But, I haven't checked with the 3.1's installed. I will.
  15. I've had fog too. I think the fog problems existed on the older ATI cards, but not the 9000 and higher cards. People were having fog problems with those cards in America's Army too. And I have huge fog in AA:O. But that's with the 9700 pro. I know people who have the 7500 series cards have no fog. So you know, I do remove previous versions of the old drivers when installing new sets. Always. But in this case I had the new 3.1 Catalyst drivers installed already and had the problems with the buttons and text. So I reinstalled the <b>same</i> drivers over the drivers that weren't working. That's why I'm wondering if something didn't get installed the first time around, but did the second. I've also rebooted numerous times after just to make sure everything was cool and the game looks pretty decent now. Hope this helps. [ February 20, 2003, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: bauhaus ]
  16. I've had the same problems as others with the new catalyst 3.1 drivers. White text, missing buttons, etc......I decided to reinstall my 3.1 drivers over the top of the non working 3.1 drivers, thinking maybe something didn't get installed. I don't know what happened, but now the game is back to normal with text boxes and everything. Maybe it's a fluke, but it's a fluke that worked. I'm running a 9700 pro by the way.
  17. I can't believe you would admit that in public.....or even admit it at all.
  18. The fluffies are beginning to run out of control again.....please don't feed them, they tend to feed in large groups. Then we'd have to hunt them all down and kill them.
  19. Since Joe Shaw (nb) has renounced his knighthood and become an official fluffy, we should probably not refer to him with the Justicar title in any reference. But....and this is just an idea, I have a title more fitting of the fluffy......Justicat........thank you....thank you very much. I'll be appearing at the Funny Farm later this month....ok...ok....I'm sitting down now.
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