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Everything posted by bauhaus

  1. Getting my masters in education (MAT). I quit my job as a photojournalist over a year ago to do this. Let's just say the journalism business is not what it used to be (how's that for restraint Berli?) Berli, Moriarty, and I used to work together for those of you who care This was a "real world" unit we had to design for math. So I designed a 12-day mat unit for 5th graders using the math properties in NFL football and European football (soccer over here). So it's all lesson plans, worksheets, assessments....blah, blah, blah. Sad thing is, this will probably never see the day in a classroom because I'm hoping to teach middle school (6-8 grade) English/LA or social studies. I've got my hours in those two subjects to be considered highly qualified in those subjects, plus all the necessary testing required, per the rules set forth by Pres. Bush and his wonderfully written piece of tripe No Child Left Behind. While the concept of NCLB is noble, the execution of NCLB leaves a lot to be desired. This is the second such unit I've had to write for a class. The first one was on the Civil War (for social studies) and was longer than the math unit.
  2. I'm serious about the 80 page project and a bunch of others I have to do. I'm serious about being a weeeeeee bit crabby and pain in the arse. I'm serious about Joe being a frickin' idjit (but we all know that). I'm serious about being a little mad at myself for botching the English language, especially since I'm going to be teaching English/LA. I'm serious when I say how much I hate you all. But aside from that, I'm not serious about anything else. So am I serious or not?
  3. edited because I wasn't playing nice. Forgive me for the mistakes I've made in two bloody posts. I just finished up an 80 freekin' page project (a math unit I had to design) and am on to another project, so my attention to detail isn't the best today. More than anything I'm irritable and a big pain in the arse to a lot of people as of late. But I thank you Joe Shaw, YOU'RE beginning to remind me why I took a few years off from the Cesspool.
  4. see post below, I double posted [ November 06, 2006, 03:21 PM: Message edited by: bauhaus ]
  5. deft [deft] –adjective, -er, -est. dexterous; nimble; skillful; clever. Why thank you, bauhaus! I don't know why everybody says you're so dense. </font>
  6. Let me rephrase this for you since you are too deft to get it right, "OK, does anybody from the correct hemisphere CARE about what the bloody Aussies are saying?" Forget understanding them, they just need to tend to their sheep and stay silent.
  7. There is simply no question in my mind that Bauhaus is an idiot. An erudite and intriguing idiot, so far as idjits go, but still an idiot. I therefore raise no objections to him raising himself to Pope of the Thread. For every soul, and every goal, there is a moment when it 'All Comes Together'. For the rest of us, there's that moment when you remember being drunk with Bauhaus. I think I tried to get him to sing. He wouldn't make a go of it. Any man that won't sing might as well be a Pope. </font>
  8. Yes, but I avoided the 98-2 throttling that I believe Peng once took at the hands of Moriarty or Seanachai. I can't remember which. Plus my men were too drunk to fight by the time you finally showed up for the party.
  9. Unless they are Seanachai's newly refitted panties. On a different note, talk about a disturbing page I've re-stumbled upon: Cesspool of the ancient I find this to be most disturbing of all: [ October 28, 2006, 02:41 PM: Message edited by: bauhaus ]
  10. How are things going in elementary school btw? *very big grin* </font>
  11. Ummm, you have a point with much of your post regarding the taunting between the two of us going back to 2002, but.......you consider 2002 short-term memory? Main Entry: short–term memory Function: noun: memory that involves recall of information for a relatively short time (as a few seconds). Hate to break it to you bub, but 2002 would be considered LONG-TERM MEMORY. And yes, based on my current course load at school, I could see where I could forget such an insignificant conversation(s) which I've had with you. I'm getting my master's in education, so be afraid, very afraid. The middle schoolers I teach could be yours........well, not really.
  12. oops, didn't see the new thread. [ October 26, 2006, 08:22 AM: Message edited by: bauhaus ]
  13. Ah, bauhaus, bauhaus, bauhaus... listening to you spin yourself up into a righteous snit reminds me of my very first venture into these hallowed halls. It's so good to see that even four years later, you're still the annoying little ankle-biter you were way back then. So, do you actually OWN a copy of CMAK? CMBB, perhaps? Care for a bit of a violent pas de deux in a sylvan glade, Sparky? </font>
  14. Were you nursed on lead paint throughout your entire childhood, or are you just genetically this dim? You know, it's funny... some of the longer surviving members of the MBT (Long may it wave), while in their cups (drinking, not athletic... I assume... never really wanted to check, actually) have bemoaned the fact that what with the influx of new blood, the MBT (Live Free Or STFU!) isn't as entertaining as it one was, because the new kids, "Just don't get it!" Then, along comes you and I think, "Ah HA! Bauhaus! Now we'll see some wit! Now we'll be entertained and enlightened!" Well... I have been enlightened. I had no idea that crack usage was so high among the founding members of the MBT (Say it loud, say it proud!). Because if yours is indicative of the wit and verbal jousting of the Golden Age of Peng, then either they are completely and utterly drugged out of their tiny little minds, or it's YOU (Points obligatory accusing finger) who have become but a shadow of your former self and have let the team down! Or, when they were talking about the GREAT ONES, they forgot to say, "Who? Bauhaus? Naw, he's a roight galah. We just keep him around for when we need cannon fodder." </font>
  15. He's actually copping a double feel. One in the front and one in the back, for good measure. Since you are the Justicar I felt that it was in the best interest of the thread that in the good name of peace and harmony we try to work together. But I say, feck it. So, Bubbles (not bolded for a reason), go back to your cage and proceed with delousing. [ October 24, 2006, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: bauhaus ]
  16. Good God man! Who amongst us would be brave enough to put anything in which any part of our body would be near the nether-region of Berli? For all we know, Berli's mangina has a face and bites. But if we were to nominate a victim to do said snipping, I nominate Joe Shaw, just because....well..... he's Joe Shaw. Or we ask SturmSebber to do it just so we don't have to hear the little namby-pamby beg for someone to adopt him anymore. You may all sit now, your Pope has spoken. Now somebody please, kiss my ring.
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