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Everything posted by bauhaus

  1. Outlaw fluffy, I think I've found a new song for you. It's much more fitting of your title and of your stature in the Pool. Now carefully follow along, it's a little complicated for you: The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round. The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round, early in the morning. The fluffy and his troop go up and down, up and down, up and down. The fluffy and his troop go up and down allllllllllll night long. Everybody now........
  2. Now that I think of it I wouldn't touch a 10 foot fluffy's pole with Meek's rod either. Ok, ok....I'm sitting down!
  3. AJ you could always send me a set up too. Or better yet, I'll get Moriarty to put us a little one sided challenge together. Until then.....shut up and sod off!!!!
  4. I see by your UNHIDEABLE POST STATS that you have made a most paltry and ultimately piffling 722 posts to this place? Good god, fellow. Have you <U>NO GALL AT ALL</U>?? Are you no better than a {gack!} FLUFFETTE? Speak up man or forever hold your piece!! AJ </font>
  5. Fluffy Outlaw Justicar Joe Shaw. Got a nice cute ring to it. I mean if Joe has renounced his Knighthood, doesn't that make him a bloody fluffy? And all that follow him fluffettes? [ January 21, 2003, 11:21 AM: Message edited by: bauhaus ]
  6. Long live the King!!!! Now that we have a king, don't we need a round table for the Knights to sit at? Joe, you are now one giant fluffy in my book.
  7. I'm using dx9 with ATI's catalyst 3.0 drivers and no problems what-so-ever. I don't see any reason to upgrade unless you have a 9700 pro card. If you don't stick with 8.1.
  8. Good to see you have something to keep you warm. Mace don't be jealous, I'm sure there are plenty of sheep to go around.
  9. PL, this is the most surrealistically incoherent thing I've seen since Mensch last shook a box of his pubic clippings onto a sheet of paper and saw words. </font>
  10. Seanachai welcome back from your "vacation." I hope the meds work. Any how, kind sir and loser to me, I have the bloody game in my grasps and it is installed on my bloody PC. Send me a set up so you may continue to lose to me. And Joe, same to you, except that I can't beat you because you always choose unbalanced scenarios and then forget to send turns when you are losing. So Sir Windbag of the Cesspool make sure the set up you send me is balanced and fair so all of my excuses are mute.
  11. Never heard of that show. Now, the Sesame Street Show is a popular children's show. But sounds to me like you're describing a Transylvanian talk show.
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