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Mark IV

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Everything posted by Mark IV

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan: Elvis is right... Scribe this upon your Cesspool website where the words "you suck" follow our mice.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hiram, I would like to be among the first to post my empathy for your loss. As you know, I'm not one to kick a guy while he's down (thump). A score of zero is actually to be admired- that's some fancy shootin', mate. How the hell could you not even wound someone by accident? Pretend it's deer season, you should whack 3 or 4...friendly fire will generate more points than that... this re-defines suck, to the point that gassy red giants from neighboring galaxies may be drawn up your butt by the vacuum that such suck creates. I am really curious how this could have happened. In fact, I think the 'pool deserves a detailed explanation. Until then, you are a designated Cubs fan, and I can no longer take seriously anyone who maintains otherwise. Suckage of this magnitude threatens our fragile eco-system and must be thoroughly studied. I believe you have made CM history, and I can almost hear the AI's sigh of relief as it finally advances up the ladder. Again, my guffaws of deepest sympathy; may you find solace in these difficult times.
  2. Peng, schmeng. I conquered the field quite handily, leaving death, destruction, and the Stars and Stripes in my wake. After the game was over and the Victory mine, he jumps two companies of infantry and a couple of tanks from the back edge of the board and rushes the flags, shooting wildly, swearing in German, and harming our precious environment willy-nilly. He would have had to park the tanks sideways to get them that far back. This was his plan all along. He even admits it. So I view this as a de facto Operation, the first battle of which I won 100-0, the second of which was a Draw. The Rematch will not be pretty, as gutted pods ooze the most repugnant fluids.
  3. You could start around here Willy Pete and work your way forward. By September 1999, people were already saying "Do A Search!" when the subject arose. Back then, Search didn't allow you to make a pot of coffee and drink a cup while waiting for the results, either. It does seem that WP for 75s was a later development, at least as far as availability in the ETO. The July '44 FM 17-12 Tank Gunnery manual describes the M80 WP round for the 105, but does not even mention it for the 75 or, of course, the Stuart.
  4. Smoke and WP rounds are not the same. Smoke rounds do not start fires and singe enemy troops. They just emit smoke from the base of the shell. WP burns. It can be used for cover, but is much less effective for this purpose than smoke rounds, because it tends to pillar rather than billow, and dissipates more quickly. It was used to mark targets, more than to hide movement. Mostly it was prized for the ability to cause enemy casualties and start fires.
  5. JoeShaw has never been righter in his life (it's actually his first experience with rectitude [bauhaus!] of any kind) and this discussion needs to stop here. I suggest a new topic for it on the Outer Board, hehe. Aren't we about due for a new thread anyway? I hear the black padlock helicopters hovering....
  6. Muck-dwelling trollops: You probably thought I was too good to post here, lately. Well, congratulations, on the first valid insight most of you have had, since mummy tucked you into big-boy pants. Here's a bit of funny: Grog vs. Dolt ...for those who may have missed it. The implacable IVces of death have suffered reverses as of late, complicated by absence, which did not make the heart grow Fonda, business travel to unhealthful climes, general insouciance, and a smidgen of mismanagement, leavened by the untimely arrival of tons of VT, Elite Polskis, Nazis, and Americans. If the shoe fits... gloat. If your forces did not appear in this list, tremble. Ramping back up to the usual body count, but damn you all.
  7. Sounds like Echo and (LOL) The Capt are posting in the wrong threads. The Peng Challenge needs some new blood..., err..., DNA. Protoplasm, at any rate. I think most 'poolers play with historically plausible mixes, but we give extra points for essay skills. Drunks are encouraged, after a while. Actually that's a lie and there's little encouragement to be found in the Peng Thread. There are, however, several drunks, a grog porn ring, and quite possibly an operating meth lab. Party on, dewdz.
  8. A final gratuitous Monday morning bump. More, when the event gets closer.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: I'll host on The Last Defense if you want. Just email me the pix and I'll have them posted tomorrow.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wilco, though we'll have to wait for the event. Some dramatic B-25 nose art: Sunday Punch This one will be there.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: btw, gonna post the pictures anywhere? I got this B25 model just waiting to be built and I need the references!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I need a host (?hints?), but sure. There are some great paint jobs at the link above, btw. I'll let you know after the ceremonies... gotta scout out a good vantage point first. There should be plenty of other tasty vintages here, as well.
  11. Never mind the B-17s, here come the B-25s! 16 flying B-25 Mitchell bombers and all 21 surviving raid participants team up to give Fresno what Tokyo had coming (hey, a good target is still a target)! Here's a link to the local talk show host promoting the event, and some great Mitchell close-ups: Doolittle Reunion I'll be taking pictures... for CM5 purposes, of course. Any CMers gonna be here?
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan: Paging Mister Four.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mister Four has left the building. He'll be back in a week. He will then pummel you in ways that only power tools can dream about. Have a pleasant Easter. Here's an egg, with a convenient key ring attached. Hang it from your belt.
  13. Reality Alert! In the community service spirit of the Peng Thread, I should like to supply our more responsible members... err, well, just have at it, the lot of you... with the following: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As we have said, we are not planning to do any more work on CM1. It is done, finished, completed. Not perfect, of course, but no game ever is. We have already delivered far more improvements and new features than any software company should be reasonably expected to produce, so no matter what state the game is in now we have gone far beyond the call of duty to the customer. It has also harmed our schedule for CM2, which must not be allowed to happen any more.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> MG Thread I believe it is our sacred duty to post this whenever some pedantic dullard brings up another long-dead, uninteresting, dead horse of a stupid topic. This was the last shovelful of earth in the MG thread's boring face, and I would like to fashion these words into a branding iron, kept glowing cherry-red in the eternal flame of Peng-dom, to thrust into the unwashed mug of all the whining simpletons who make it their business to fix this finished game. In fact, it should be wrought backwards, so they can sound out the words when looking in the mirror. Looking forward to burying you all in Russia. [ 04-15-2001: Message edited by: Mark IV ]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As we have said, we are not planning to do any more work on CM1. It is done, finished, completed. Not perfect, of course, but no game ever is. We have already delivered far more improvements and new features than any software company should be reasonably expected to produce, so no matter what state the game is in now we have gone far beyond the call of duty to the customer. It has also harmed our schedule for CM2, which must not be allowed to happen any more.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --BTS, from the now blissfully-dead MG thread. Purty well sums it up, I'd say. [ 04-15-2001: Message edited by: Mark IV ]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: Hiram mentioned that on Christmas HE TIED WITH MARKIV! ah ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!! that is rich, really just smashing. See because MarkyIV is right now crushing me with out remorse or pity, and I just feels really great to think that the mighty MarkIV TIED with Hiram the pushover, easy win, Croda-like loserboy. Just fabulous. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Here is what I have to say about that, Herr Podmeister: Heed not these crock-odile tears. You've heard of edge-hugging, right? The self-confessed (is there any other kind?) SLUT, Peng, has hugged the BACK edge of the map, and after what remained of my brave lads were popping the corks and sitting down for a smoke, Old Glory posted proudly everywhere, the entire Nazi whorde emerges from the last 3/4" (750 milli-inches) of the map and does the banzai thing. This after shooting my Shermie 105 with a PUPPCHEN. The bastards were dug in at the very back edge of the map. O Shame, thy name is Peng. That one would try to cheat honest men, Low on ammo and sorely tried, of the fruits of their rightful victory in such an underhanded, maneuverist fashion, makes a mockery of this holiday, and the red, white, and blue to which the fiscally responsible among us have pledged allegiance. Fortunately, the incorrectly modeled and ineffectual MGs are taking their toll. So many Podtruppen, so little time. We'll see if he has the yarbles to wheeze his skulking AFV into view, as it will be difficult to report back to Berlin how it lost the battle with a full ammo rack. And as for Hiram, his challenge is posted up with the proper disparagement of his character and relations. He dares not face me again. He prefers to shirt-tail on the soiled hems of his tacky surrogates, i.e., Peng, Elvis, and the Phillies. He knows what to do. A pistol, a single round, and a pen and paper are his for the asking. I'd forgotten how good it feels to lash out. Gotta do this more often.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan: Let me take this tim...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hiram, I'd like to take a moment and thank you for this thoughtful post. Most of us, out of respect for the international community, refrain from posting about "sports" that entail millionaires standing around with their thumbs up their assets. The closest I've come to fantasizing about baseball in general, and the Phillies in particular, is my idea for an unlit night game between them and the Detroit Red Wings featuring glow-in-the-dark body fluids. I'll be presenting this concept to Fox next week and I'd like you to be part of it, Hiram. You've earned it. I would also like to note that the Christmas draw I had with you, in a scenario so stacked that von Clauswitz would have suffered a total defeat even with 4 neutron bomb spotters and a battalion of M1A8 Schwarzenegger plutonium-plated Main Battle Tanks, was the lowest moment of my CM career. Another holiday is upon us and I think you should make some time, boyo.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Leeo, reading your inane ramblings causes me great pain, as though someone had plunged a pair of very sharp needles with very hot points into the center of my eyeballs.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wow, a post that can do all that, is worth posting. Not enough to forgive Llleeeooo for having ever logged on here, but a good start. Perhaps Llleeeeoooo should be encouraged to participate in certain other threads, as I would like to share these effects with a broader, and equally deserving, spectrum of membership. And Meeks, you are not excused for participating in the now-idiotic riot thread, even as a smart ass, which is at least half-a-case of false representation. If I were harpoontang, I would pluck out my chromosomes one by one with channel-locks rather than stay related to you. Thank Darwin for the genetic firewall between us, best summarized by sapiens, a title I wear proudly, and you would too if you could. [ 04-13-2001: Message edited by: Mark IV ]
  18. I've bought lots of games, and most of them had forums. This is the first one I've ever registered on, and there are probably many like me. I've also persuaded a few lunatics to buy and none of them are registered here. So I think there is a fair amount of "invisible" CMers.
  19. 1. There are no major bugs in CMBO. 2. I will wait a long time for CM2, but I would prefer not to. 3. There are no major bugs in CMBO. Perhaps there should be a thread about the definition of "Major Bug"...
  20. Vile, high-numbered pests: How I despise you. The rest: Even more. An utter dolt once observed that you are all not real, but merely phenomena of the BBS itself, and this is becoming painfully obvious. I could easily summon up literary references more obscure than Seanachai's, but good manners forbid it. You are lower than Meeks-kin, approaching euglenae but without the charm, though rumor has it that some are not without flagellae. Take OOSSFFGG, please. Soiling his own nest, waiting for me to start the war. Or the angst-ridden Peng, the noose of Doom drawing yet again around his low-born brain stem. P'boom the Rabid Frog, darting for board's edge, only to return when confronted with the awful truth of what he is defending. Geier the dried herring, in a game so boring I can't remember whose turn it is, and it doesn't matter. Goanna the cheating dunderlizard, who feigns absence rather than expose his ELITE 'puter-bought troops to having their berets dimpled. Meeksie, my Stuart crew just had another can of spinach, and you're not gonna like what they see. Since you are all imaginary, I'm imagining you all dead, and quite enjoying it.
  21. So this is where you've all been hiding. Too busy to mess with it now, but you just wait, you whippersnappers. I'll be back in business in another day or so.
  22. Nah, just a cub. Maybe we can tame it and train it as a hundminen. Or just set it on fire and chuck it into the main board.
  23. Depending on the rest of the terrain and situation, I might unhide, and let the Veteran gunner (meaning TacAI) choose. 700m is a long way. If the unit started Hidden, I think it will stay hidden at those ranges until it fires. A 1 in 3.5 hit chance, with a near 100% chance of giving away your position by the 2nd shot, seems like poor odds. If they are approaching and the squads are riding, it's likely they'll stay on another turn, rather than walk 700m in the open, and it's likely that the Shermans will close the distance to something your Vet gunner feels comfortable with. Very juicy. I wouldn't do it with a Reg. I don't think posting the question is an indication of obsession or fixation. He did say this is his last AT asset. Shermans are hard on enemy infantry when they are unopposed, eh? And they ARE tanks, and this IS an antitank gun, and they ARE heading his way with infantry passengers to boot... so I think toying with the notion of shooting them is a legitimate pursuit.
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