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Everything posted by PeterNZer

  1. I'm reading Sajers book right now. I don't think a "steiner" existed, and no "geschnauz" as well. The more I'm reading the more I think that Sajer's whole book is fiction. The German words are simply not right, including many of the names. I have a very strange feeling about this being a "memoir".
  2. Fieldmarcharlatan, you are lucky that I'm at the moment occupied with final preparations to start Gehenna, or I would take the original PENG thread and strangle you with it. It is not for me to claim the HONOR of FOUNDER but the HONOR of being the KEEPER of this most holy fragment. The only vacuum in existence is not within the POWER but between YOUR EARS! So lay down and die-a-lot-now or scuttle away to the Aussies or some other place where the nocturnal habits involve primarily sheep or something. sheeesh sheeesh...
  3. Franko, If you like to I'll host your rules on my page. i.e. fully visible on a extra page. regards, Lindan
  4. Once in a while I tend to post. The worms. The smell. The Croda. Not to mention all the other imbeciles assembled hear. Pause. But then.. the cure. A bottle of "4711", the worst perfum ever made in Deutschland. Except Warphead's sweat perhaps. *emptying the bottle into the pool* Aaaaaargh! Delicious! The sweetness. Peng and such recoil in fear. This scent will get you all.
  5. Welcome to slavery. Prepare to become a mod-slut soon, losing all interest in REAL-LIFE, say goodbye to your social life as well, order some pizza. ENJOY!
  6. Forgive my stupidity, but was camo like this ever used on Shermans? just interested..
  7. I know that it doesn't matter, but I vote for this one. ("vote" means in this case that I vomit some half-digested sauerkraut into Goannas face. enjoy) and for PENG's sake:
  8. I had the problem with a TNT2 card. After I changed one setting from "isotropic"(sp?) to "bilinear" the problem was solved. Have to check this at home. Regarding drivers: I'll NEVER ever again install any "reference"-drivers from Nvidia. Buggy as hell. Lindan
  9. The name of the thread is this time even more diminutive than Stalin's Organ. It shows Mr. Sphinkters true size, I presume. Well, thats enough for today. I have to clean that gothic cathedral growing out of my head...
  10. Pawbroon: just for you... :cool: <hr width=30> If the stars are right and Nyarlathotep finally arrives to devastate the earth and claim all the living things, what will happen to the cesspool? doesn't matter, no living things in here the cesspool will die and all inhabitants will be send over as minion demons for Azathoth Nyarlathothep will see the cesspool and decides that he was better off on Formalhaut, waves hello and is off again, taking only Seanachai with him for good measure. who the feck is Nyarlathotep? Lovecraft was nearly as nuts as Meeks anyway. all of the above none of the above go to hell and/or send me a setup. Lindan
  11. If the stars are right and Nyarlathotep finally arrives to devastate the earth and claim all the living things, what will happen to the cesspool? a) doesn't matter, no living things in here the cesspool will die and all inhabitants will be send over as minion demons for Azathoth c) Nyarlathothep will see the cesspool and decides that he was better off on Formalhaut, waves hello and is off again, taking only Seanachai with him for good measure. d) who the feck is Nyarlathotep? e) Lovecraft was nearly as nuts as Meeks anyway. f) all of the above g) none of the above h) go to hell and/or send me a setup. Lindan
  12. When reading about the Stalingrad battle it always gives me shivers. I read many books about it, including many first-eye accounts. The bravery displayed and the immense suffering of the soldiers in the Kessel is unbelievable. Reading this, all the while knowing that they are all fated to die, was always a very depressing experience for me. Lindan
  13. Every day I wade through this dungpile of humanity and regret wholeheartedly that BAUHAUS was the only regular I bitchslapped to hell and back. Perhaps ...
  14. don't forget to go to the configure-tab and choose: decoder priority : highest and output format: wav if you don't do this, nothing happens. regards, Lindan
  15. You are so lucky! *shameless plug* So VERY soon you can see some great pictures of cute French tanks at www.jagdtiger.de cheers, Lindan
  16. Hi Mom! and a big "HI" to Croda, who never cared to point out that I qoute him totally out of context in my sig-line.
  17. I didn't expect some kind of Spanish inquisition!
  18. see pics on http://www.jagdtiger.de Redarding the loading procedure: I'll check my sources when I get home and post the info later tonight. cheers.
  19. unbelievable how much time has passed since the Alpha AAR. :eek:
  20. *lol* more Americans than Europeans. Moon was there for a while. We tried to establish "Axissprech" as the primary language in the chat. Eurolobby time: 21.00 CET. Gogogo! If you are lucky even Madmatt shows up and makes fun of you, so it's ultimately worth your while. cheers, Lindan
  21. Hello everybody! It would be really cool to talk to some people in the www.combatmission.com - chat at a decent time. i.e. NOW!! It's quite a drag to wait the whole evening for our American friends to join in. (it's 03:00 AM in the morning over here then). So move your small sticky fingers over the keyboard and join us in #lobby or #eurolobby. cu then. (yes, there was a EUROCHAT 14months ago, it even worked for a while ) cheers, Lindan
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