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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by PeterNZer

  1. Well, I don't think WW2OL is hyped by the guys who made it, mainly by the folks who are into it. O, am i the only one who finds groups naming themselves after the Einsatzgruppen (sp?) a little freaking odd? (NO that name WASN'T used by the German Navy you sick F**ks).. Anyway, ww2ol will be just a land/ocean/air version of Warbirds. Folks will log in, find the base closest to the enemy, try and get their first-choice unit and then play till they die. If there are friends around they might stick with them. If someone calls out 'hey guys, lets all go bash X town' they might follow. Appart from that it's pretty much chaos. Squads will invoke some kind of order. They will attack towns and do whatever tasks is required to take them in some kind of organized fashion and then repeat for their squad night. It will be a cool game, but for me it will be ww2 version of Counter Strike. For history/campaign I see nothing online that comes close to the CMMC. O, yeah, I have a mate in the beta. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  2. damn i hate manhooverists PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and Joey Shandorf- Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 03-14-2001).]
  3. i have never seen an inner croda pierce the side of an armored car, or any car. I doubt he can pierce the sides of the baggies he uses daily without his Pimp's assistance. But that's neither here nor there really. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  4. Sorry Jeff, with so many people loosing to me I find it difficult to remember everyone's names. Esp. when their nickname is dull. Will get onto it PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  5. Synthesis? One's Inner and Outer Croda should never meet. If they did, we might face Crodageddon as the two thingies simply cause each other to cease to be in spectacular, bowelshatteringly awful fashion. I'd advice keeping the Inner and Outer seperated by a layer of skin and flesh. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 03-14-2001).]
  6. An intriguing prospect is that all manhooverists are gamey! That may explain Croda. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  7. It is clear to me that Croda is exhibiting Manhooverist tactics in trying to evade the cess pool and exploit a gap in the defence here to create a fully fledged run away thread! I expect BTS to shout "please stop manhoovering us!" shortly. Of course, the failing in his doctrine is that while he has manhoovered, by not engaging in atrittion the BTS padlocks are still firmly prepared for an immenent counter attack. Your thoughts gentlemen PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  8. The real question is whether Croda is manhoooverists or atritititionsistas? More on this soon.. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 03-14-2001).]
  9. BTS almost certainly won't be publishing %s and rates and ratios and other stuff (barring what applies from historic armor/speed/etc data. People have asked for stuff before and they've not given it so i doubt we'll see it in the future. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  10. That would probably be an improvement Jeff, leave the board to the people who play the game and have a laugh, probably see less bitching PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  11. DOWN Hof, DOWN BOY! GET TO YOUR KENNEL! Anyway, mimary, this sort of thing has been thought of and discussed and it is something BTS hope they can do in the future. Meanwhile, follow the 'combat vision' link below in my sig file for some stuff myself and a friend did PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  12. That's bloody perverted. I'm reporting you. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  13. NOTE TO ALL This is an old and large thread. That means it's about as stable as the stitching holding together Croda's underpants. PLEASE DON'T POST HERE I suggest starting a new thread for further discussion on this topic (is there anything more that could be said?!) Please don't reply to me either. ta PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  14. Moron! Soon as someone achieves a victory it's seen a mooverist or exhibiting mooverist doctrine. It is clear that in this case the gentleman in question was an atritionist since he ran his car into the deer and killed it. Noowhere does it say 'I sauntered around the deer, jabbed it in the sides a couple of times, killed its aunt and convinced it to surrender out of depression' No! he hit it with his car, clearly this is a perfect example of atritionist doctrine perfected. He hit it till it was dead and then probably ran over it for good measure, and maybe even ate it using his bowels to attrit it further. Moron! PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  15. Sneak results in the infantry moving till shot at, then stopping, then (hopefully) firring back. Doesn't really equate to a hunt command.. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  16. In the Demo platoon/hq/etc units may not be able to provide the LOS for the mortars. But do in the full game. I like putting my mortars behind buildings with a company CO in the 2nd floor spotting for them hehe. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  17. Ta for the comments MD, ya all tell me what you think of Polder Grave ok? I am doing another one soon. Canadians in Germany moving towards Siegrfreid Line facing tough german resistance and other stuff. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  18. Joe Bore and Lawyer, quit yer whinning, one of you lost to my mighty forces and the other should be happy he's winning, nevermind my comments in emails or not. Some of us are busy, with things to do, and don't feel like spending time blathering on to a couple of pantywasters about the weather at their trailor park or how 'kind' mother was on the weekend. Get back to the dying (like Croda) or the killing (like Nijis) before I loose all respect for you. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  19. Update direct x and video drivers. PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  20. Please scroll back a page or two and note your assigned signature. ta muchly PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  21. Joey, that sig file really needs fixing. ta PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  22. I recommend building 'fire bases'. For me as, say germans, on defence, this involves a platoon (I don't like using smg platoons at night and stuff.. it's a bit over the top i think ).. with a Schreck, and an MG. Preferably sitting in a solid big building with a couple of minefields out front. This hard-point can be very tough to break and tanks that get close enough can be easily chewed up. For extra security put another 'Shreck nearby but back a bit incase the first one gets a bit deaded. A string of these hard points and a defence is very solid, esp. if you can arrange two out front and one further behind for some in depth stylee Don't forget to try and be close to the flags. Otherwise someone could just bypass your hard points and sit on the flags till game end and it's very tough to go after them! PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  23. www.combatmission.com go there in future for it has a quality chat room to dig up opponents PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  24. Ok you lot In the process of editing the second film Looking for -2 German sounding persons -1 American sounding person That's about it. Please email me, dynamo@pobox.com if you can help read a few lines into a microphone for me. Also, looking for some stirring music to complement the movie. ta PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
  25. funny, thought it looked like Germanboy. Nevermind. Lorak Please notate appropriately, PeterNZ WIN Mensch LOSS not much to say. Said it all in the last three straight wins over the boy. Also, Lorak how about building a shrine to Mr Aitken and storring all of his great cess drawings there for posterity (no! SDB! (sit down Bauhaus)) PeterNZ ------------------ - Official owner of the sig files of Dalem, Croda and JeffShandorf - Der Kessel scenario design group Combat Vision movies
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