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Bil Hardenberger

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Everything posted by Bil Hardenberger

  1. I have just posted an update the ~PROLOGUE~ if interested.
  2. Hey John, thanks for the comments.. at the bottom of each blog entry there is an option to leave comments. All comments are welcome and encouraged. Send me anything you have that you think might be helpful, all help, especially practical experience is welcome. Feel free to PM me for my email address if you have something you want to send via email or other means. yeah, there is a lot wrong with that image and I plan on replacing it with one of my own creation.
  3. Somebody knows.. nobody is telling though, Good rule of thumb, the AAR will probably start shortly after the forum appears... maybe...
  4. New post on Battle Planning just posted. I hope you find it interesting. Enjoy!
  5. It is possible to have separate icons for different nations, however some icons are shared and can only have one version... HQs, Snipers, FOs, etc... this has been a long standing request for me, like Ian to get changed. Makes no sense the way it currently is setup. My CMFI icon mod has national icons for US, British, German, and Italian: My CMBN icon mod has US and British broken out.
  6. You got very lucky on that exchange it could have gone either way.. but the gods were on your side it seems, good job! Knocking out a Firefly is no small thing.
  7. My only concern at this stage is that you are operating your JagdPanthers individually.. that is usually a recipe for disaster. Better to use them in two-vehicle sections. You only getting the two in this game?
  8. Thanks Raptor, I appreciate it. I am so jealous.. I was stationed in England for a few years (early 80's) and if I could move there I'd be there tomorrow. I'll keep an eye out for that series, but we rarely get the interesting shows like this, mainly the crap.. it's okay, we don't get the "good German beer" either, just the dregs.
  9. Mark, you are thinking like a gamer rather than a commander. Soft Factors <spits> All I pay attention to is whether my units are starting to get brittle, exhausted, etc.. not much you can do about that except maybe take it easier on them and give them time to recover. However most times I use them the same as I do when everybody is fresh, they can relax after the fight. You have to be aware that units as they start to degrade will be harder to control and will not stick to a position (ie. they can be easily forced to withdraw), so you cannot consistently rely on them unless you back them up with fresher units. THAT is the art of command.
  10. Thanks Wicky... I think Dr. Roberts is the bee's knees, but I may not be able to watch that show (can't usually watch BBC programs online) unless it comes to BBC America or gets posted on Youtube. What did you think of the Prologue? Good, bad, indifferent? Cheers
  11. I posted the first writing sample last night.. please take a look at it if you get a chance. I would be very interested in any comments, critiques, corrections, or abuse you might have. Don't be shy, lay into me if you think I need it. If you do wish to leave a comment, please leave it on the blog so they are all in one place and easy to keep track of and take action on (if required). ~PROLOGUE~
  12. On the blog would be best, that way they are all in one place. Childress, thanks for the link, that's one I don't already have. I'll look into picking it up,
  13. Hey guys, I just started a new project, check it out here: CAESAR'S WARS I would appreciate any input, thoughts, etc. on this project. Enjoy!
  14. Most of the time I do not have the overlay map available so I have to get the contour info from the editor. When looking at the map in the editor, on the two left most zoom levels (zoomed out) and when you are on the Map>Elevation tab you will see the contours as little black dots ... if the contours are not clear then fill the map with sand and you can create a nice overlay to use in your favorite image manipulation program. The CMBS example above was done in this manner.
  15. Very clever!! I've done a couple different things in the past to get contour lines: 1. Capture the map images from the editor, ensuring the topo lines are somewhat visible, stitch them together in Photoshop (if required, usually is for large maps), then I apply different filters until I get the look, contour clarity that I am looking for.. add a grid, and presto, a great map for planning: From CMBS BETA AAR: 2. In the CMFI BETA AAR Eye of the Elefant I overlaid (in Photoshop) the map I used as a basis for the map in CM onto a screenshot of the map from the game, again added a grid.. this was the most effective.
  16. You are referring to the comment in the shader itself I take it? Yes in the early days of development when this was first introduced it was even more grayed out than the release version became, so I, as the biggest fan of this thing, asked for a little more color to be reintroduced. For my tastes, CarlWAW has hit the perfect balance with his shader.. it has slightly more color than the CM release shader, but also ramps up the contrast to a point where it is not overwhelming.
  17. I also prefer CarlWAW's shader as linked by BabaricCo.. I've been using it in CMBN and am very happy with it. The images I uploaded in this post were taken with it.
  18. Just uploaded a new Blog post featuring the artwork of Richard Johnson. I recommend you check out his work. Enjoy!
  19. Yes, Harry's method works well, also great for tossing grenades over a ridgeline... I have used it many times for that, one opponent sent me an email wondering what I was firing on his team with and from where. I outlined the procedure (loosely) in my Platoon Scouts Blog post (look for the Cresting a Rise section).
  20. Every scenario should start with a recon phase regardless of whether you have official reconnaissance troops in your OB or not.
  21. Yeah, I'll leave that to the Gamey SOB's, you know Doug and his ilk. Seriously, the intent of my Blog is to address the application of real world tactics in the CM games... it is my firm belief that if you learn the real world tactics, and know how to apply them in CM you will be successful more times than not.
  22. I tried both BarbaricCo's and CarlWAW's shaders, and Carl, I love yours and will be playing with it for a while. BarbaricCo, for some reason your latest shader showed no lighting on vehicles in CMBN. These images are all from CalWAW's posted shader and all in CMBN: Good job Carl!
  23. Thanks Harry, you rock. I was editing in notepad and it was all run on and hard to read.. this makes a lot more sense now.
  24. By the way I used a PC to test this on, images look very similar to yours actually.
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