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Everything posted by Apocal

  1. You also can't fortify buildings, which is pretty annoying as well.
  2. So the short bocage shouldn't actually be impassable by troops? Because there is one QB map that is basically a maze thanks to short bocage everywhere.
  3. Cool. So it's just a matter of sinking individual buildings?
  4. Thank you. Did you honestly expect them to say, "this new gun sucks"? Also: totally an off-topic remark for this thread, but anyone else annoyed there aren't cellars in CMBN? I keep eating **** during preliminary bombardments when defending, when I should be able to keep most of my troops relatively safe and only come up to actively defend once the shells stopped landing.
  5. Honest question: Was this a pre-emptive technique or one only used on fields that were confirmed to hold Germans?
  6. Thanks for all the suggestions guys, checking them out now.
  7. Are there any available that cover primarily one core force throughout the Normandy campaign? I prefer to stick with one force because it kinda breaks my immersion to be playing as C Co, 31st Battalion one fight, then the next I'm in charge of a cav troop and after that, I'm part of a tank battalion. I ran through the repository, but nothing immediately stuck out. Thanks in advance for your time.
  8. Thankfully this isn't a personal embarassing story, but I've seen a mortar crew that accidentally setup somewhere that wasn't flat and didn't notice. It's hard to figure how they missed that, but it's happened IRL.
  9. No, I have not. Mostly the victory levels are up to the player, are they not? Is there some common situation that leads to wonkiness?
  10. I'm sure they've thought of this before, but why not release the compilation at then end of a particular theater's lifecycle? Like once we get the rest of the Normandy expansions, the rest of the Italy expansions, Bulge game and all it's expansions out, why not wrap it all up in Collector's Edition or w/e?
  11. First, will there ever be a "unified" title so we can swap between early 44 to late 44, France to Italy, without having to swap titles over? Or maybe all theaters, all periods? Second, when is the East Front game coming? Third, is there ever going to be an official operational layer added? The only thing I miss from Close Combat (the first in the series, the rest I didn't like as much) was the narrative created by having the same group of troops who'd slowly shift over the course of the campaign. It made me feel like I was a real company commander who couldn't spend it all on one battle, but had to hold back because tomorrow or the day after I'd be right back at it.
  12. I personally don't see a whole lot of point to mounting high-power glass on a crew-served weapon, unless it's to satisfy local RoE requirements. By time you got the glass back on one of those truly long-range targets and stable, your rounds have been there and you can't see where to correct and it winds up being BoT anyway. In my experience at least. Now if you have a stabilized mount to go along with it, awesome possum. I'm sure that works just fine. There is some new RWS setup that comes with a 500rd rdy box, protected by ESAPIs. Pretty spiff. I've seen them mounted a handful of times over the years.
  13. So the USMC allows admitted disgruntleds and malcontents become staff NCOs or higher? From my interaction with the USMC, I found this to be highly unlikely, but if you say it's true, I certainly have little room to argue otherwise. FWIW my experiences with them, Marines always came off the most uniformly motivated group of servicemen. But I guess war changes things.
  14. After such remarks on the professionalism of a military I presently serve, I feel I was entirely justified in congratulating the Brits on the job they did in Basra. Re-read what I wrote: I included no jingnostic statement, no attack upon professionalism, etc. The fact that the majority of the enlisted Marines in the book either left honorably after their term of service or are currently staff NCOs should also tell you as much.
  15. LTC Shoup's commentary on GK. Evan Wright provided a rather detailed comment somewhere a third down the comments section.
  16. A short sentence intro and four words is hardly "flying off the handle." More to the point, people in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones. The Lt in charge of the platoon also wrote a book, "One Bullet Away" IIRC. He does little, if anything, to refute what what was written in GK, except he is quite a bit more sympathetic toward LTC Fernando. And some Marines were prosecuted for various things in the aftermath, mostly relating to badmouthing the chain of command. FWIW. Sgt. Person was not one of them. Nor GySgt (or is it 1SG now?) Colbert.
  17. Blaming the military for doing a poor job of civil reconstruction is like blaming your carpenter for doing a crap job wiring your electrical system. At any rate, I don't see how that compares to the UK's military failures in Basra. Perhaps you can enlighten me. OTOH, just the fact that four words provoked a paragrap from you is rather telling all it's own. Would I be correct in saying it wasn't exactly your finest hour?
  18. Well, if it's gonna be that kinda thread... Nice job in Basra.
  19. It has more to do with the 25mm gun being a helluva lot better than the 20mm at breaking people and killing things.
  20. Sweet. New version going up, multiple AI plans, reworked Syrians, victory levels might still need some tweaking but if you play as if you are the CO of a company team and this is your first of many taskings to come in the war which may last weeks, you'll see why I'm fairly harsh on losses. Also I got it moved to scenarios and campaigns section of Marines, where it belongs.
  21. Survivability and protection has been addressed by others, but just to expand upon it, accounts of Brads taking multiple RPG hits and not only surviving, but continuing to fight, undamaged, can be found in "Thunder Run" by David Zucchino and "The Take Down" by Jim Lacey. The one loss recorded during the Thunder Runs was when rucksacks strapped outside the Brad caught fire, which then spread to the vehicle itself. The lack of amphibious capability is a disadvantage, yes, but not everywhere in the world has a multitude of deep water obstacles running through. And the places with lots of them tend to be places where war is, at best, unlikely. An M113 can do a lot of things well; burst into flames at the slightest impact is one of them.
  22. All around protection from 14.5mm HMG rounds. Better... hell everything except weight.
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