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Everything posted by Apocal

  1. They are, for that reason and others. The bigger problem when you're talking rain is having them fog up though. In my experience*. *With vehicular optics in general, not German tank sights specifically.
  2. ? I've never had that happen, but I only use mortars on-map, clustered around their section or platoon leader for radio contact purposes.
  3. What? Line-of-sight is pretty simplistic, favoring the spotter too much. C2 is pretty simple as well, the most complex thing is getting that radio-less units in voice contact (1 action spot?) get the benefit of having the radio, which isn't reflected in their C2 display AFAIK.
  4. Just don't give the US side air support in most scenarios? It isn't like you get air support all the time nowadays and the threat of anti-defenses is one-step above being non-existent.
  5. It already has a significant rarity cost. Apparently some people play with rarity turned off?
  6. Is CMSF2 going to still focus on Strykers or will it move to Heavy brigades?
  7. Foxhole and foxhole with overhead cover? That'd probably be the best place to divide the two.
  8. Since I'm not sure exactly which you mean: CMSF can't be upgraded to v2. You have to run the installer again for CW. There are some special instructions about it.
  9. The RT MP players I usually go against actually bitch about it too, since you buy whole battalions and no one does RT QBs with full battalions. OTOH, it still only takes them like 45 seconds tops to buy everything they want, so I'm not sure why it bothers them. "argh a whole 45 seconds buying my special snowflake setup" *QB set for 2 hours* Wat?
  10. Reading accounts like "Roll Me Over" (just the one that sticks out in my mind) part of the reason for the increase was that as companies and platoons diminished in manpower, they continued to maintain their heavy weapons as practicable, i.e. a platoon of some 40 odd men might have 3 BARs, 4 Thompsons and 2 Bazookas; on the line three months later, it'd have about 15 men but 3 BARs, 4 Thompsons and 2 Bazookas still.
  11. At 13:08 and on through the rest of the video, you can see the world's worst machine gunner ply his trade.
  12. RT. And I don't pause that much, maybe 3 times tops in a hour long game.
  13. Those maps look real good. Any idea on what scale the fights will sit at?
  14. Where did you come from? I ask because it seems like most of the younger guys came from mil-sims (Falcon, OFP/ArmA, Steel Beasts, etc).
  15. I was playing a recent QB using a pair of M5 lights in support of my infantry company. Opposing me was a mechanized infantry platoon with five or six halftracks in support. Normally this is no problem really, except that the M5s persisted in using canister rounds against the HTs, which had no discernible effect other than killing (quite reliably) their gunners. There were penetrations registered on almost every shot, but didn't knock out or noticeably hinder the operation of the HTs. The easy work-around was using a target command, which would apparently get the M5s to load the correct shell. But I was wondering if it is possible to have the TacAI "upgrade" it's shot selection if, say, two rounds fail to kill the target? They had plenty of HE on hand, more than they had of canister rounds and did switch when ordered to target, so it wasn't a bug or anything. Just poor choice of shot on the part of the AI.
  16. 29. I started seriously wargaming with CC1, played CMBO for maybe a month before I got bored and went away until I heard about (at complete random) CMSF.
  17. The guy in the team carrying half the ammo fell behind by more than 1 action spot.
  18. Do you have any concerns that all this flexibility might fragment the community?
  19. The developer has already outright stated it is because that is the way he believes best represents their RL use. You're better off providing sources and reasoned arguments why you think this isn't the case than speculating on programming you only see from the output end.
  20. If you double-click the unit, the other units in it's platoon/section/etc. are selected, regardless of LoS. Not a perfect fix for your issue, but it works for me in the planning stage. Although I rarely go above the company(+) level in CM.
  21. Note that was over a month and a half: individual rifle companies weren't routinely wiped out in a single go, the way they are in CMx2.
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