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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. As to the question about specialized roles in the U.S. Army, I have to say, as a SGT. in Iraq right now, (actually, just south of Iraq, in a CSC (convoy support center) in Kuwait, but our missions take us over the border daily escorting convoys), I can say definitively that the modern U.S. Army has a heavy investment in cross training. Our drivers pull not just minor maintenance on our vehicles, but they do mechanic level repairs with supervision from the mechanics themselves. Our riflemen know how to use the machine guns, our machine gunners know how to use grenade launchers, etc. As a member of the Wisconsin National Guard, I am probably biased, but I would say that after pre-mobilization training, and a month or so in country, that our NG and reserve units operate at a level comparable with that of active duty units. I feel that reserve formations such as my national guard unit have an advantage in unit cohesion over the active duty units, because, we spend literally years together as a unit, whereas an active duty Bradley crew for example, can reastically expect to have maybe 18 months together before one or more members are transfered or get out of the Army altogether. Also, to the best of my knowledge, there are no Strykers in reserve formations, just active duty units.
  2. Thank you so much Lady Sedai. Unfortunately, I did become a casualty, I was just released from the hospital at Arifjan after a nasty attack of Appendicitis. I blame Seanachai for this, as I blame him for all that is wrong in the world. In fact evil Svirfneblin Seanachai, I challenge you to a battle, please be so kind as to send a setup, unless you have misplaced the pile of phone books you have to stack on your chair to reach the keyboard. Due to the healing time associated with an appendecto... um, apendico... um, addenpoti... um, having your appendix out, I am restricted to my tent for the next two weeks, so I seem to have some free time on my hands, so I believe that I shall remind Nidan that he and I have unfinished business in that QB we never completed, and I believe that he should send me a setup as well. As to the rest of you, I have found that a nice Morphine buzz makes reading the drivel you post slightly more tolerable, but I still feel the need to douse my screen with hand sanitizer after perusing your posts. On a side note, my unit is wearing the new ACU uniforms and I was impressed with how accurately BFC portrayed them in the screenies for CM:SF. Well that is all, if I have not been sufficiently acerbic, blame it on the Percocet.
  3. My, My, My, how the mighty have fallen, are we truly reduced to discussions of Lars' leg hair and stripper poles inserted into the colon's of those missing vital chromosomes? So, being stuck here in a tent, smelling 7 other guys sweaty socks, makes one think of the cess pool, and especially Joe Shaw. Although I do recall hearing that Dalem is rumored to sneak into the boys locker room at the local middle school and fondle certain sweaty undergarments as his breath comes faster and faster. Andreas, congratulations, may you have a blessed and fruitful union. Speaking of fruityness... OGSF, yon gibberish spouting kilt sniffer, you are no more coherent from the other side of the world than you were from home, now STAND STILL LADDIE, don't you have a warp engine to fix or sumfink? I used to feel a mild distaste for Australians, but after actually meeting some of them over here, They aren't half bad. Three quarters actually. And they do have a bit of an odor don't they? Ladies of the pool, good day. Seriously, thanks for the good wishes, we are keeping our heads down as well as possible, unfortunately, we have taken our first casualties. Two warriors who will be sorely missed.
  4. Well, here I am, in sunny Kuwait, just south of the Iraqi border. I tell you, things sure are tough in this mans army. I expect to have the internet in my tent in a few days, which means I can proceed to show my tent mates just how inept you lot are at this little thing we call Combat Mission, or "How Seanachai embarrasses himself". It is amazing, 6,000 miles away from home and I am still trying to crawl my way out of the cesspool. I blame Rune for no good reason but that he is an Illannoyingan. And I think I have found a new source of Mormon Wives, look, they are lining up for interviews. By the way, a fond hello or "marhaba" to the ladies of the pool. And if you ever have dusty little buggers begging for water at the side of your touring car, give a loud "imshee", wave a pistol in their general direction, and they will scatter like cockroaches in Joe Shaw's kitchen when he lights the kerosene lantern!!! I am thinking of purchasing the services of a small Iraqi boy to follow Hiram around and whisk the flies away, but that is like telling the tide to stop coming in isn't it? I can't really tout this area as the next tourist magnet, but where else can you be on the lookout for dead donkeys on the highway for fear that the insurgents have placed an Improvised Explosive Device inside of one in the hopes of killing your infidel ass?
  5. Just an update. I just finished my 2 months of mobilization training in Mississippi, that state could of seceded, I wouldn't of minded at all. I saw a spider the size of Seanachai's head (also noticed a glimmering of a family resemblence), and it is pretty bad when you hang up a wet uniform in the evening outside of your tent and the humidity is so bad that it is wetter in the morning than it was in the evening. The M-4 Carbine is a fantastic weapon, I advise shooting it if you get a chance. I have 5 days of leave and then we ship out to the sandbox next week. You all take care, hard to believe, but I will actually miss you nasty buggers, and of course the Ladies. By the way, the wife and I are expecting another baby. [ August 12, 2005, 06:25 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  6. Well, I know I haven't posted much lately, and I could tell how concerned all you wankers were from the veritable flood to emails that deluged my inbox querying me on whether I was alright..... but Real Life has thrown me a few curveballs lately, and I have been unable to devote the time to the Cesspool that it really deserves. And now, I must take my leave for approximately 18 months. The balmy sands of that garden spot of the Middle East call, yes, friends and neighbors, I get to go work on my tan in the lovely Iraq. sigh, this sucks. Alright, you all have a good year and a half, I am going to save up some doozies while away, and greatly look forward to unleashing them upon you. Rune, look after the store while I am away. Seanachai, try not to get lost in the tall grass. Moraine , keep being your lovely self, and try to keep these Neanderthals in line. edited because I can
  7. As Seanachai approached my front door, it seemed he would be on his best behavior. we had several cups of coffee, Seanachaisure does like his coffee... After meeting my daughter, It was off to Salvador's for breakfast. After eating, little Seanachai was soo full and tired, but he had a long way still to go, and like a brave little gnome, he was off.
  8. Ungrateful little gnome. All those travelocity commercials got you feeling high and mighty? A little big for your britches? Not one mention of the true highlight of your day, which was of course, breakfast in that gardenspot of the Midwest, Beloit, which should be bolded based solely on my residence therein. And I noticed that you cunningly timed your arrival so that I would be off duty, and not able to write you about 13 traffic citations, not the least of which would of been, "Driving while under the influence of Lutefisk", and "Traveling to Illinoisy with out your rabies, scabies, and ringworm vaccinations" and who are you more jealous of? Elvis or Berli?
  9. blah, blah, blah 1, 3, 6, 9, see, I can count, But if I count over 13, can I take off my shoes? Don't you have the Osmonds to Deify? Or a Choir to organize? or sumfink? You mentioned another Heroic National Guardsman? Where? Is he a SSN? Wait, an Officer is he? Too bad, I thought the class of folks in this joint was improving for a second, guess not. So, there is going to be a game where you can drive a T-72 into combat.... hmmm, what fun. Will there be scenarios where you can be a member of the Tawakalna division at the battle of 73 Easting? That would be fun. How long till there is 1985 mod, where you can be in the 3rd Shock Army and jump the Inter-German border? I want to take a Soviet Tank battalion and go up against a troop of the 11th ACR, that sounds like fun. Does the game ship with a scratch and sniff sticker you can put on your monitor that gives off the odor of burning crewman to really give you that "I Am In The Game" feeling? [seriously/] I have the 19th off, and don't have to be at Ft. McCoy until the morning of the 20th, so, I will see if I can make it to Chicago for the demo. [ March 07, 2005, 08:23 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  10. The list of things I am waiting for you to do is rather lengthy milord. hmmm, how about moving to a state that has some hills you flatlander!!! How about doing something to keep the likes of stinkypinkie and 20MM out of the holy cesspool. When is the preview for T-72? I have the 19th off, but have to be at Ft. McCoy on the 20th. Get with me with a timeline, and I will see if I can talk the boss into a trip to Chicago.
  11. you definitely will be after you drive through my little puddle of mud!!! *ha ha ha evil laugh* I will have to keep a sharp eye out for Minnestronean plates. Drop me a line, I will buy you lunch or a cup of coffee or sumfink if our schedules mesh, assuming you are taking 90 through Beloit on your oddysey... ummm odyysey... ummm odysseeyy... damn it, *trundles over to spell check* Odyssey, there it is. I curse you Greeks, with your illogical spellings, and great influence on Western Culture, from the bottom of my illiterate pit, I curse you. Lady Moraine I sense a lack in the force continuum that is the Cesspool, I haven't seen hide, nor hair, or even smelt for that matter, Ruyne, Leader of our great house, is he too busy with CMX2 to check on matters of state? Ok, I should really be out arresting reprobates, and not in here talking to them.
  12. I remember climbing in the BMP they had on display at Ft. Irwin back in 96 or 97. Made me VERY glad I wasn't a Soviet infantry man. Nothing like putting your fuel cells in the troop doors!!!!
  13. Because as an Evil Almost Genius,,,,, ummmm Evil Smart Guy...... ummm Evil Guy Smarter Than An Envelope, you know that any time 3 Minnestroneannies and a dog gather, Western Civilization itself is at risk.
  14. The airbag is deployed because someone must of been driving after drinking your mead, not me of course, BECAUSE YOU NEVER SENT IT!!!, not that I am bitter or anything. Funny story here, last night, I arrest a drunk driver, and he says he is going to get a lawyer and sue me, because I shouldn't of arrested him, because he made it into his driveway, after driving through his neighbors yard, just before I pulled in behind him, "and that makes me safe" Honestly, sometimes I almost despair at the future of the human race, then I see Boo and all hope is removed.
  15. I still think 9mm should be soundly thrashed, like a disobedient peasant by an impoverished Rumanian landholder taking out his frustrations.
  16. Imagine the bloody cheek of the bugger, thrash him master Peng thrash him, make him excercise, 15 minutes of cardio, and he would be at your mercy!!!!!
  17. I have never seen that, would you be willing to, if you still have it, send me a save file of that battle?
  18. That was *THE* most ignorant, stupid, pointless waste of time thing I have *EVER* been linked to on the net. :mad: :mad: You shall pay for that. You shall pay dearly... :mad: </font>
  19. That was *THE* most ignorant, stupid, pointless waste of time thing I have *EVER* been linked to on the net. :mad: :mad: You shall pay for that. You shall pay dearly... :mad: </font>
  20. Arab-Israeli wars? Korean War? Or maybe a what if Western Allies versus Soviet's? I am sure this has been covered before though, I just don't have time to read through the archives, although, that is a doctoral research paper in and of itself.
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