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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. You know what is really unimpressive JPuddy? And when I say really unimpressive, I mean really unimpressive...not as unimpressive as NG Cavscouts win/loss ratio in CMBB of cource, but almost...well you get the idea. Its when people who cant be funny on their own accord rip quotes from old Blackadder episodes and pass them off as their own. </font>
  2. Hey, who let management in? Sheesh, what ever happened to standards? Common Decency? The bouncer at the door? Lady Yeknodathon, did you forget to pay the lad again? sigh, if you want something done right.... *grumblings fade into the distance*
  3. If I know Boo (and ashamedly I think I do) I can safely say that we won’t enjoy his scenario one bleeding bit, hopefully it’ll be one of those 15 turns games… as for my scenario I'm currently testing to see whether my IED's work </font>
  4. Wonder what Zemke and Pheasant Plucker will say?
  5. How about it Cavscout; you up for playing two games conseq... conseker… consuecit… at the same time? Of course that would be dependent on Boo sending me his damned scenario again as I seem to have both 'misplaced' the file & the email… </font>
  6. Damn it, now do we need to start a Peng thread in the CMC forums as well? With lack of posts from you wankers, I doubt we can keep two of these monstrosities afloat!!
  7. please resend, I never got it.
  8. well Rune hmm, this might explain why I am still awaiting a response to that email you requested, you cad.
  9. Excellent, now I shall whine for screenies, and demo, and soviet women in hot peasant dresses!! Seriously though, is the release planned prior to, after, or concurrent with CMx2? And how many late night drinking sessions at BFC have been fueled with laughing over how you think all the little forum inhabitants are going to react to corporate announcements?
  10. Ok, so is CM campaign the second CMx2 game? or is it updates and support for the CMx1 games? or did I just really, really, really miss something?
  11. How about either "guerilla radio" or "bombtrack", both by Rage Against The Machine.
  12. From a strictly materialistic/cold blooded effectiveness stand point, you might have a point, but no army operates on just the physical realm. As Napoleon said (i paraphrase here) "the moral is to the physical as 3 is to 1". (I think I got the gist of the quote). There is also the fact that no western nation, especially the U.S. will stand to see its soldiers executed on television, nor will they put up with watching the bodies desecrated by screaming hordes (the black hawk down syndrome). They will demand action, either revenge, or withdrawal. Military action dictated by emotion is seldom a good idea. This, combined with a soldiers love for his comrades leads to a understandable reluctance on the part of battlefield commanders to ensure the enemy doesn't get a chance to do these things. I do feel that loss of allied POW's to Syrian or Insurgent forces should have a VP cost at least as great as that of KIA's. [ October 13, 2005, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  13. As a fire team/crew leader currently serving on convoy escort missions in the ITO, I can emphatically confirm that ensuring no Coalition wounded or dead are left behind on the battlefield is of the Highest priority to US commanders, down to the squad and fire team levels. It is unconceivable for an US military unit to fall back or evacuate an area without 100% accountability of all personnel. There has been only one MIA confirmed captured by insurgent forces in Iraq and that was SPC Ken Maupin, who is still listed as MIA, although many believe him to have been executed by his captors. Any commander who allowed his unit to leave a combat area without one of its soldiers, living or dead, would be cashiered. Unless there was a catastrophic breakdown in the support channels, and there was an actual over running of US positions by insurgent forces, it would never happen. I have just discussed this with my fellow team leaders, and they agree, that it would, realistically, never happen in this conflict. In an actual "stand up" fight against regular Syrian forces, it would be slightly more conceivable, but it still would be incredibly rare. This would also be affected by the level of professionalism exhibited by Syrian troops, but from the Army's experience with Third World militaries, and especially in the mid-east, we don't expect the enemy to treat our soldiers with humanity, so we do our utmost to ensure that they don't have the opportunity to decapitate our troops on Al-Jazeera, or to mutilate and desecrate the bodies of our dead. Just my .02$
  14. Kiss me arse. I sent you a fecking turn earlier this life-cycle. What the hell world is this I'm in now?! Like I didn't already have enough issues with the Universe, I'm looking at a 'Near Future/Speculative' Game based on war with Syria? What the **** is that all about? Like we could actually mount a military operation against Syria at this point?! We already have a father of two who's a member of this Thread who's been called up, and we're supposed to imagine extending the war into Syria? Christ, when I registered for the draft in High School, you'd have been looked at as if blood were shooting out of your arse like a fountain if you'd suggested that married guys with two kids would be called up for active duty. And now they routinely are, and yet we're supposed to imagine we've got the resources to extend the war into Syria? Will there be flying mutant kangaroo death-tanks too? Man, I just don't know. On top of everything else, none of you are any fecking smarter than the last time I was here. Maybe we should get behind a program of nutrition and early education? </font>
  15. We flew in the middle of the night, and then we went to Camp Buehring, and then to Camp Navistar. We go directly on our missions about 1 mile north, and then we are in Iraq, where our missions are. Not much sense escorting convoys in Kuwait. Navistar is about 5 miles south west of Safwan
  16. Not sure, haven't heard of it. I really loved the time we had a convoy stopped for a possible IED, and an Iraqi bus rolled up, and the driver rolled out of the door, stinking drunk, and proceeded to throw up on himself, the road, and his bus. He is lucky we didn't light him up, luckily, he came to a stop far enough away that we weren't worried about him being a VBIED.
  17. I am stuck in Kuwait, in the only Army in the area which actually expects its soldiers to remain COMPLETELY SOBER while deployed here, in the interests of not offending Muslim sensibilities, as we try to convince the Muslim merchants that no, we can't buy that bottle of Jack Daniels, or [sob] Jim Beam which mixes so beautifully with Lime Coca-Cola and Ice....
  18. Got it this time. You continue to writhe in the grip of my superior play. </font>
  19. Ah yes, but if a UAV nails a friendly vehicle in a designated training area, does the operator still walk away with a slap on the wrist? </font>
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