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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. Excellent post Darwood. I have bought many computer games, starting way back with M1 Tank Platoon, actually, I think we bought the Starship Troopers game on cassette for our trs-80 back in the mid-80's. And there are only a few that stand out as actually being worth the money I shelled out. The CM games are two, Operation Flashpoint, TacOps, TOAW, a couple of others that I can't think of. If a small company like BFC can be helped by my purchasing an upgrade, or CMAK, then by all means, I will support them as much as possible. If you want continued quality releases, then I advise you to support BFC as well, and recommend it to your friends. If you want crap like GIC and WW2OL. then don't
  2. does anyone know if they are going to do this in CMAK or V2?
  3. So, this is where all the Pengers come to see how the other 1/8th lives? Hmm, that is alright I guess, I peeked in as well a while ago, and picked up a game with Prinz Eugen and Axe1212. I did expect better from SeanaChia-Pet though, mainly because I thought he was too short to climb from one thread to another. What have we sunk to my fellow Poolers? Really, Aren't you worried about Blood Borne Pathogens? Especially with Master Goodale "lathering" everyone up, it reminds me of that St. Bernard from the movie Beethoven. Boggsy !!!!! Welcome back, I hope everything is alright now, and you owe me a turn maggot.
  4. Don't forget the Velvet Elvises, and I think I have a tapestry of some adorable dogs playing poker that would be just darling on that southern wall. hmmm, and where are we going to put the neon Budweiser light that Jim-Boggs brought?
  5. I think, when it comes to Boo, he just has that natural love of growing things, and hair dressing that come when an individual is so gifted in the Interior Design arts. I think that is why Joe likes him so much, after all, if one must be separated by cruel fate from the center of culture, at least as Joe defines it, San Francisco, one can at least find kindred souls to discuss the finer points of flower arranging, Carson Daley's pecs, and the relative merits of Crisco versus extra virgin Olive Oil. not that there is anything wrong with that.
  6. As much as I hate to agree with the meat ball, he gives a valid point, and I don't mean the one on the top of his head. The SSN's need to be slapped around a bit, I had to suffer through that monstrosity known as "IL be seeing you". I want each and every SSN to suffer at least as much pain as I had to go through. Maybe we can have them write essays trying to find a point to the posts by SeanaChia-Pet.
  7. My favorite Sweatish Meatball, I would love to test wits against you again, oops, sorry, I forgot that the entire concept of "wits" was a sore spot for you. I will try and fit you into my busy schedule. Setup on the way. [ September 02, 2003, 11:39 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  8. Tea is what you drink when there's no alcohol available. In fact, tea is what you drink supplemental to alcohol. In fact, if the poms did do one decent thing, it was introduce the cuppa to the Commonwealth. Of course, you cultural philistines (impressive hey? I used words of more than 2 syllables) wouldn't know a good thing if it bit you on the bum. You bloody lot tipped a whole lot of it into Boston Harbour (forgetting to first bring the water to the boil, and letting the tea draw sufficiently before serving...bad, very bad). You could have at least stolen it and sold it on the black market. Nongs! But I digress, I'll have mine white, with two sugars. Mace </font>
  9. I think the great and powerful Joe Shaw is just upset that he didn't get to meet the "fab five" from Queer Eye on their last trip to the DustBowl, AKA Utah. I think if he writes to them, they will come visit, just like the time he wrote to N'Sync. Hey Joe Here is another pic for you to paste in your scrap book. After all, as Joe's favorite star says So go for it Joe, buy that Oscar De La Hoya life size cut-out for your bedroom, if it makes you happy, go ahead. We know how you like those hard-bodies.
  10. Many Thanks my Liege. Current status regarding the game, currently waiting for Lady Sedai's troops to stop scurrying around in the woods and COME GET THEIR WHOOPING. for the game with Nidan, Currently gazing fondly at the columns of smoke from his burning AFV's, and remembering a similar scene after a sound thrashing of the Sweatish Champion, SuRREal. In Real Life, Eagerly awaiting the birth of our twins, now confirmed to be both girls, and (as of now) to be named Anna Beverly, and Olivia Grace. Waiting for the final Yea or Nay from two Police Departments here in the holy land, also known as Wisconsin, just ask Seanachia-Pet about it, all the other Minnestroneanes seem to regard our hallowed fields, meadows, and lakes as their second home, since, apparently, their own burrows, pens, and warrens are too crowded. (I often wonder why denizens of state that boasts "Land of 10,000 lakes" feel the need to haul their spotty carcasses across the, [unfortunately not mined] interstate border and wallow in our lakes, rivers, and septic tanks.) Since all his fellow voters for a wrestler as governor seem to like it here, I am sure he has trundled his action figure like self across the border as well, if for no other reason than to gaze longingly at our own examples of the gnomish race, some of who top FOUR FEET IN STATURE. So, that is it. Just a reminder to all of you.... people, you smell funny. (ladies excluded of course) My deepest apologies for the lack of postings, but in the past week, I have driven 1,300 miles going to various job tests, interviews, doctor's appointments, and visits to the in-law's. [ September 01, 2003, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  11. Someone mentioned Steel Panthers. I loved the Steel Panthers III Brigade Command game, but I can't get it to run on my new HP Pavilion with Windows XP. Does anyone have any hints or tips? Sorry for the OT and wrong forum post, but I thought someone might have a way to get this thing to run on a 21st century system.
  12. Speaking of Mead, I am still checking my mail box every day, should I give up? In regards to the plight of Seanachia-Pet I have thought long and hard, and am going to donate the most valuable thing he will ever receive, no, it isn't money, no, this is much more valuable. Seanachia-Pet gets money every friday from donating his plasma, no, this is the Holy Grail of every true Minnestroneannie,Seanachia-Pet, I hereby dub you, honorary, junior, non-voting, almost Wisconsite. There, now he will have that glow that will cause the other Minnestroneannies to give him their daughters, cars, and of course, video cards. Alright, my work here is done. [ August 26, 2003, 08:41 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  13. Oh kay, I am sorry, I know I shouldn't take the easy bait. It is kind of like going hunting in a slaughterhouse, and then bragging about the huge steer you took down, but I can't resist. #1, wow your drivers permit, aren't you the big boy? Too bad they don't require a test before issuing internet access. Some kind of intelligence evaluation, but then, not only would little Spot Amongstus not grace my screen with his meanderings, but besides myself, Rune , and the Ladies of the Pool , the Peng thread would be a ghost town. #2, I have put up with your constant blathering about your little homo-erotic fumblings with the other boys, but this enough, go over in the corner and you can look at Dalem's rapier and he can exclaim in foppish wonder at just how sweaty you got at practice today. Maybe Spiro Royal can stop in and you three can take a Sauna together. While you luxuriate in the aroma of each other's sweat, you can regale them with your adventures, made possible with your brand new drivers permit +3 and Dad's Buick. Instead of lathering up your running back in the shower, you should jog on over to where you left your CMBB disk so you can SEND ME A FREAKING TURN. I am tired of thinking of your little Kraut eaters skulking about in the woods of Holy Mother Russia, and I wish to see their barbecued hind quarters laid across the barrel of my OT-34. So, chop-chop, get me a turn flopsy. [ August 20, 2003, 12:54 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  14. One more, I can't believe I forgot it. The Operational Art of War. Make sure you get the century of war version, it fixes the bugs in the previous editions. Also combines them. It is, as far as I am concerned, the definitive operational level computer wargame. With it, you can simulate any conflict of the 20th century.
  15. I agree with Stoffel, TacOps is a good game. Operation Flash Point is a good FPS. Strategic Command is alright. Other than that, I don't play computer games. Have you tried any board games?
  16. Ok, send me a setup. I'll be your Huckleberry. Whichever side you want is fine with me. oh yeah, grr, I am angry. :mad: :mad: lol, sorry, I felt the twins kick again this morning, and I can't even fake displeasure very well.
  17. Why the House of the unShaven Palm makes the Pasta Benders look good in 1940. This is a question which has long puzzled man (and gnome) kind. What, we ask ourselves, could possibly make the bumbling, Keystone Cop-like performance of the new Roman Legions look, at least adequate, if not actually competent. Well, the Shavings have managed to do it quite handily, thank you very much. How you ask? Three things, first, navigation. As you can see, even when in retreat, the Italians were able to find their way from Bardia to Soluch. The Shavings on the other hand, have considerable difficulty in finding their way to the shower, at least that is how the experts explain away the curious odor, ok, the technical term would be stench I guess, that seems to accompany them from garbage can to garbage can in their daily grazings. Second, and in direct linear progression (much like the Shavings family "trees") would be the issue of body hair control and hair care. As you can see, from this blended photo, there is a soldier from the Alpini division making up the left side of the model, and an unidentified [cough-joe-cough] Shavian making up the right. The typical Italian soldier of 1940 is hairy, no doubt about it. But the Italian lacks the genetic recessives typifing the Yeti-like characteristics of the average Shavian . The Shavians never turned away from the true evil of the mullet, exemplified by this unidentified photo of a member of the Shaving house, taken from a webcam advertised on "Hairy Hunks" website. Here we see a "Breeding Crew" from the Shaving house, doing their part to "recruit" another Mormon Wife. notice the trademark mullet on the leftmost thug? Third, the Shavenanigans have adopted the evil Swede Siderreal. Who, when he isn't corrupting young reindeer, or designing the perfect sauna, occupies himself plotting the downfall of local groundhog colonies, and trying to scare up mortgage business in Scandanavia for his liege. So as you can see, from this incomplete study, although a part of the European Axis, the Italians were much less of a threat to global civilization than the infamous "House of Shaw" [ August 15, 2003, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  18. I believe you, but now, the power is back. So sling some of your rancid Canuck anger this way, and lets see if it measures up.
  19. double [ August 14, 2003, 03:06 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  20. Great isn't it? Welcome to the deep end of the Gene Pool. I have played only a few games as much, or with as much enjoyment as these two. They are The Operational Art of War, and Operation Flash Point. That is it. Out of the over 100 computer games I have bought, only 4 are worth anything approaching "classic" status, at least as far as I am concerned. [ August 14, 2003, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  21. playing against Neutral Party. Also, tending to skimp on infantry in attacks, makes it hard to dig out the enemy infantry. Biggest individual mistake, using the Human wave against a trench with 2 squads of infantry and at least 1 HMG 42 in it, with several others covering the approach, and they were in reverse slope Defense, it was ugly, even uglier the third time. Those commissars just won't accept failure.
  22. In defense of my liege, although he is from Illannoy, he is, at least, a Bears fan, and that itself places him several evolutionary rungs above a Mortgage Banker, even one that works out of his basement. (Which is kind of creepy in and of itself) And in defense of Sirreal, he is after all Sweatish, so we have to make certain allowances. I mean, he labors under almost as many inherent handicaps as an Awestrainingalian. and speaking of the Slimy Swede, have you posted the AAR of our last battle to your little website? I noticed that you wasted no time posting your gamey and rather lucky "total victory" over me. One more thing, I still have this scenario "swamp runner" on my hard drive, did you guys want me to do anything with it? Or just poke it with a sharp stick every once in a while to make sure it hasn't crawled into a dark corner somewhere? Kind of like we have to do with the curiously Gollum-Like Seanachia-pet every so often, to keep him away from the good china and the furniture polish.
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