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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, whatever is the pool coming to? Jimmy Dean Dollar made a squire, Englishmen(?) named after ineffectual AT rounds being made in charge of said squires. Not a peep of protest? Seanachai hieing himself off into exile.... I must say that the decline in Western Civilization is quite disturbing. 37mm I must say that your defense of "The Last Ridge" tm is quite the masterwork of misdirection and misperception. Have you gotten your third group of reinforcements yet like I have? Where ever could you be hiding them? And that "Syria" scenario you came up with is quite the .....ahh, who am I kidding, it is an abortion, you know it, I know it, and we are just keeping a polite silence about the whole thing now aren't we? Leutnant Hortlund I applaud your chutzpah. Why, I am not sure, but I do applaud it. It goes well with your strong Scandinavian body odor. Dalem I believe that I am the only one allowed to use the term "sirrah" in the cesspool, I am sure that I saw that as a by-law somewhere. I demand an instant retraction. and take it back too. Mace, you sir are Australian, and I demand an apology for that, how could you be so unthinking? alright, that is about it. I do worry about the health of the cesspool though, maybe we should hire a full time nurse? alright, I can't get the freaking image to display, but it is a cute Japanese nurse, I must of spent too much time in Mississippi. Oh, the Army has cost me soooo much. ok, got it to work [ October 24, 2005, 06:17 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  2. My copy just arrived at home, my wife is sending it to me now. Hopefully it improves my play!!!
  3. I can confirm Nijis' comment. It seems that even the well to do countries such as Kuwait are covered in trash. I remember seeing a white porcelain toilet sticking out of the desert sand on the road to Udairi range complex near Camp Buehring, and across the border in Iraq, it is like they just set aside areas for dumping trash. There is still a burned out tank sitting in a fighting position about 200 meters outside of the Iraqi city of Safwan, looks like an old T-55. The kids use it like a jungle gym. The walled rural family complexes are very common in southern Iraq, most sit 200-1000 meters off the major highways such as MSR Tampa. Every time a convoy stops, even in the desert, within 5 minutes, you will have kids or even adults appearing from out of nowhere, like sand-people, trying to cadge free water, MRE's, whatever they can get. My driver is a hard core born again Christian, and he has to be dissuaded from handing out bibles or other non-Islam religious materials. There are also people trying to sell you stuff everywhere you go, from counterfeit Arabic porn, to Viagra, to bayonets or nasty Bahrainian cigarettes, they will climb on moving semi trucks to try and sell the stuff. And the convoy escorts try and keep them away in case they try slipping a bomb instead of carton of cigarettes into one of the trucks. We used to give the kids stuff, till a few of them didn't wait for the trucks to stop, and got run over, now we just try and chase them away. It also didn't help when we hear reports of Iraqi children putting straw on an American that a crowd had doused with gasoline and set on fire, to stoke the fire. Things like that makes us take a hard second look at the civilians. I imagine alot of this would be the same in a Syrian environment. Just a few observations from the area.
  4. Glad to see we are keeping political topics in the off site political forums.
  5. Are there any squires left? I thought that you had chased them all off with your unnatural requests involving Crisco Oil and a toilet plunger. When I cast my eyes about, all I see is OGSF raising his kilt again, and a few SSN's, hardly a one of them worth throwing a handful of BB's into the bucket of lukewarm spit.
  6. Hey, it's a game, go on a date or somefink.
  7. HI mom!!!!!!! by the way, the link doesn't even work, it says it is shut down.
  8. I always hear how somber and depressed the Scandinavians in general, and the Swedes in particular are. [damn it, the freaking Mosque is doing another freaking call to prayer, just like they do at 3 FREAKING AM!!!] I have never been able to figure out why they are so sad. I mean really, can't they find something to be [shut up Mullah, just shut up] happy about? And And And of course, for Moraine Sedai, Kitty,Madame Seanachai, and the other Ladies of the Pool I mean really, cheer up. By the way, it is really hard to find tasteful pictures of Swedish women. Tasty is easy, tasteful is harder. Candles on the head, not so hard, but hey, I guess you gotta have a hobby that close to the Arctic Circle.
  9. From first hand experience, before each mission (convoy escort) each and every crew is checked for individual body armor, kevlar helmet, sufficient ammo, medical supplies (cls bag), water, etc. Now this is mounted Infantry, actually, in our case, a Infantry Battalion, made up of Infantry, Engineers, and a Cavalry Troop (E Troop 105th Cavalry "Out In Front") and configured in an MP TO&E performing a Cavalry mission. I cannot speak for line infantry preparing for a stand up fight (rather than a bug hunt). The Army has learned at least some lessons from Mogadishu as we bring NVG's and extra supplies on every mission, even if it is a milk run just a short distance across the border. And for every movement, even in a friendly country such as Kuwait, the soldiers are required to have weapon and ammunition. just my $0.02
  10. Ahh yes, Blister, the warped demented love child of the Kitty/Mace union. I think we were drunk at the time of conception. Umm then again I think we were drunk ALL the time. Hey tho, I don't remember snow?! I thought when we created created it it was sans snow? How are the flames going to spread with all that snow? Huh? HUH?!!! </font>
  11. *ahem* Our flight. Lars can! Afterall he unloaded that slum of his recently. </font>
  12. Quoted from your link... The AI would have won this one as the germans without breaking into a sweat ... I mean come on the guy bought 6 flamethrower tanks for defence! I reckon you should be stripped of your title until you find a proper* Swede to challenge * I mean naked, beardful & blonde </font>
  13. because you aren't a saucy little wench!!! I used to play alot of games against a Swede, when I was still a SSN. Can't remember his handle right now though. Ah Ha, Sir Real was his name. Here is his website describing me spanking him, well once or twice anyway. http://www.linkdata.se/cmbb/Cavscout/Battle-3/aar.html [ October 16, 2005, 02:06 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  14. ok, thanks anyway. I suck at chess. much better at chest though.
  15. Whew, I was about to post something just full of bile, and anger, and all it totally serious. Wow, glad I caught that before hitting the add reply button. Maybe if the thread that got me all worked up hadn't been locked I would of posted it there, but, oh well. Ok you vile crew of reprobates. I currently have 4 PBEM games going, and I am still forced to spend literally hours a day sitting here twiddling my thumbs. Leutnant Hortlund I think you need to send me a setup, feel free to make it a night battle if you wish, since from your picture, it is obvious that coming out in daylight just isn't quite your thing. And hey, I get to drink coffee too..... Unfortunately I can't spice it up with a little Irish Cream or a wee dram of whiskey. [ October 16, 2005, 12:33 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  16. The link doesn't take me to anything, says 404 error.
  17. Well that is nice of you soldier . I have always liked wines with a little fruitiness, been drinking them since I was a yougun. Yep a bottle of Rune’s farm sounds mighty good laying up under a shade tree fishin with my worm dangling in the water. </font>
  18. Leutnant Hortlund First off, I do believe you are trying to taunt me with your consumption of alcoholic beverages. Second off, unfortunately not your head, but seriously with that picture dude, forget scaring kids, you can make camel spiders run away with that kisser. Regarding the decidedly southern intrusion into our little realm, I think one of Madame Seanachai's spurned paramours may of finally tracked her down. Or it is a thread regular posing as a new incarnation of Boo. I do find it highly suspic... supsic... suspec...ummm coincidental that Joe Shaw has returned at the same time that old Red decided to grace us with his presence. Hey, wouldn't milord Rune just love this guy as a member of the house of RUNE
  19. I just had to resurrect this old thread. Now that the Scenario Depot is out of commission for a while, can anyone email me the ASL and SL scenarios that have been converted for any and all of the CM games? It would be greatly appreciated. Also, any Market Garden scenarios for CMAK if anyone has them. Thanks in advance.
  20. Umm, I am currently carrying an M4 carbine with the M-68 Close Combat Optic and the M-203 mounted underneath with the new Day Night Sight. My gunner has the M-249 Saw with the shortened barrel, some of the other gunners have the SAW with the M-145 telescopic sight. Driver has just the M-4 but with a surefire taclight mounted on the rails. I have a picture of my M-4 with 203 if you would like to see it.
  21. Find your own camel. Should be plenty of them around where you are?! </font>
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