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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. Hey there Stukey, no need to run, I won't hurt you....... I have been in the desert a looooong time after all. Just try to relax, I am going to close my eyes and think of Jessica, you close your eyes and think of the Queen, or maybe Queen the band would be more appropriate?
  2. You can download WinSPMBT for free, granted it is IGO-UGO, but it does allow pretty much any post WWII conflict to be simulated, since there are no "Fulda Gap 1985" modules planned for CMX2 that I am aware of, I guess it stays on my hard drive for a while yet. if you need a link, email me, or just google it.
  3. MrPeng well, they are close to falling off from disuse, and in exquisite irony, the Army decided to inflict a class on the prevention of Sexual Harassment on me this evening. Quite necessary they assure me, after all, I am in an all male Infantry battalion in a base guarded by two all male Infantry companies.....
  4. MrPeng, setup is winging its way through the ether to you, I even used the large type in deference to your status as an Olde One. Speedy is not the libation blessing enough in and of itself? Stuka I hope you gave Jessica Alba due attention in Sin City, she is truly worth a 2nd, yea verily a 32nd, look.
  5. I see several choices Madame Sedai first, slap Hiram repeatedly across the face, from left to right, when your palm goes numb, switch hands. second, send me another batch of delicious cookies. third, email me your address, and then check your mail box for a lovely scarf from Iraq. (I know it was on the package you sent me, but I seem to of thown the box away, all I remember is it was somewhere down "souf".) any of these methods should work handily, but I am leaning towards the first myself. Peng I can always tell when our blessed progenitor enters the thread, there is a pervasive odor of bog water, or is it bong water? If you can stop verbally diddling with Sir 37mm, (is he your long lost son? Or just the newly introduced "Duality" portion of your little psuedo religion?), you might stir yourself from your throne of musty velvet coated with strange organic fluids and send me a setup.
  6. Seanachai is begging insults of us all? Poor Seanachai, we know it is just a desperate cry for help, a plea for attention. Never fear Garden Gnome of Doom, we all hold a spot for you near our hearts, well, I actually keep it in the tuft of hair growing from my big toe, but it is the thought that counts isn't it? As for Ms. Hazell, she is passable I suppose, no Phoebe Cates circa Fast Times at Ridgemont High, but acceptable. Ok, who am I kidding, I am starting to look longingly at the women in Burka's giving us the sign against the evil eye as we drive by, Ms. Hazell is quite delicious.
  7. Bears all the way. It was so nice to see the Packers get smoked. Where is my song Seanachai
  8. And you will have the privilege of being near Bono, and really, there is no better example of humanity than Bono is there? Aren't they going to make Bono Chief of Everything Right and Good over at the U.N.? Right after Bono negotiates an end to Third World Debt, ends the AIDS crisis in Africa, and buys a new set of sunglasses. Shouldn't take but a day or two for Bono. We should all bow down before Bono since Bono so exemplifies all that is admirable in the human condition. Bono's sensitivity, compassion, musical ability and fashion taste should be a beacon to us all. baaah Also, they are sending me on another long mission so you lot will have to try and struggle through the pointless hell your existence becomes when I am absent. hold your laughter till I exit the room please. And where is the Gnome? I desire a song from Seanachai, something catchy and light hearted, so he can dance a jig as he sings it.
  9. And I for one am glad to hear it! The latrine needs mucking out, so here's a shovel. Now go to it, big guy! Michael </font>
  10. Currasier and Vixen, I am what I would call an Intermediate level player, if either or both of you would be interested in a PBEM game, I would be game, my email is in my profile. Just email me, either with a set up or I can pick one if you prefer. If not, no problem.
  11. Someone might want to explain that to the Czechs, the Poles, the Danes, the Slovaks, the Japanese, the Bulgarians, the El Salvadorans, and the Iraqis I see here on a daily basis. Still, I would love to see a Panzer Grenadier battalion rolling down the highway in their Marders. On another note, can anyone recommend or disqualify the Panzer Campaign games by HPS? The wife authorized me to get a couple of new games, and I was looking at them online today. Unfortunately Grognards isn't ready for purchase yet, neither is Drop Team, and I already own all three CM games. Oh, speaking of secrets, Nidan is a gamey Bastiche who kills innocent pixeltruppen from ambush, and uses all kinds of unrealistic gamey stratagems while mopping the board with me.
  12. Women in uniform can be quite fetching. I can't believe how many beautiful soldiers you see here. There was this Danish LT in the mess hall a week or so ago. wow.
  13. I found a picture of a hotel in Oddstraylia. Look, they guard it and everything. That must be where they keep the beer!
  14. Losing a loved one is the hardest thing I have gone through in this life Seanachai. I don't know if I ever told you lot why I dropped off the board back in 2003. We lost one of our daughters. Anna's twin sister Olivia was still born. things like the board took a back seat to grief. It took over a year before I came back. I am sorry for your loss Seanachai. [ November 27, 2005, 02:44 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  15. Hush, now! Like anyone jumped to your fecking defense, you silly bastard! Mind, I'm after being glad to know that you're alright. When are you coming home, you bugger? When you arrive, I'd be honoured to drive over to that hell-hole of a border town you call home, and buy you breakfast, and such. </font>
  16. I extend my thanks to the members of the MBT for leaping to my defense. I really didn't mean to disparage our brave troops by my post. Of course if the SSN had bothered to read my profile it might of kind of leaped out at him that I am one of those brave troops.... well one the troops anyway. Oh well, SSN's, what can you do with them? No really, what can you do with them? I have heard that they are quite good after being baked and stuffed with a nice pimento and sage dressing! Also, happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone. I spent the day stuffing myself with prime rib and turkey. It was a very hip-hop Thanksgiving just north of Baghdad. The Army decided we needed a DJ in the messhall to serenade us while we ate. I never really thought of "Fifty-Cent" as Thanksgiving music, maybe Sweetest Day or Arbor Day, but not really Thanksgiving, that has always been more of an "NWA"/"Snoop Dogg" kind of holiday for me. Joe Shaw I didn't have any idea what they were talking about either, I just saw that they were Oddstraylans and assumed that they were either discussing mugging Koala Bears for beer money or buggering Kangaroo's. Upon further investigation, I do believe that they are discussing Soccer. You know, that game that is played by girls here in the States. [ November 26, 2005, 09:16 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  17. To add pictures, go to the full reply form and click on image. The picture has to be posted on the internet first though, try http://imageshack.us/ or www.imageshack.com it is a free pic hosting site.
  18. Plane ticket paid for by US Govt from US to Kuwait: $2,500 Set of PVS 14 Night Vision Goggles: $3,000 Uparmored M-1114 HMMWV: $50,000 Seeing an Insurgent IED emplacement team blow themselves up at the side of the road: Priceless
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