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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Discussions of No CD cracks or hacks are not permitted here but the online troubleshooting guide does offer some things to try which should help you out. See the sticky thread at the top of the forum list page for a link to it. Madmatt
  2. Okay, it is MUCH too early to have CMX2 discussions, so until we open up a dedicated forum about it, lets hold off on the questions and comments. Madmatt
  3. I already redid Last Defense in CMAK and it plays VERY WELL but it probably won't be included with the game, rather I will release it on CMHQ along with some other goodies once the game is out. Madmatt
  4. To add to what Martin said, there are also all sorts of new and expanded sound effects and of course many new voice samples. Don't think for a moment CMAK isn't packed full of juicy stuff, because it IS! Madmatt
  5. The 2nd CD includes two types of Mods, Standalone mods and CMMOS enabled Mods. Standalong mods are the type that you can just unpack and install into your BMP folder. CMMOS mods require installation using the CMMOS Mod Manager utility (which also comes on the 2nd disk). Both types of Mods can be used with the European version of CMBB but you might have to change some settings with CMMOS so it works properly as the .exe name of the game is different than the Battlefront version. See the CMMOS docs for more info on how to make that change. Madmatt
  6. Radeons won't show fog (desert or regular) in CMAK. Sorry. ATI has said that they will not ever support Fog Tables in their Windows drivers so its not likely to change until CMX2 when we will use a different technique to show it. Radeons will and do however show dust clouds (from vehicle movement, artillery barrages etc...), as seen in the recent After Action Report. CMAK actually has two *types* of fog now. Regular fog and something called Desert Fog. They affect units pretty much in the same way, reduced LOS and sound spotting. Desert Fog is actually very fine grains of sand in the lower atmosphere but in the game it is displayed like regular fog but with a more sandy coloration. Madmatt
  7. The CMBB:Special Edition is the same as the US version, so SS, (word and graphic) is intact. At least it was before I sent the master over to CDV to get duplicated. The CMBO:SE version, well, actually (heheh) that was a mistake. It was IIRC *supposed* to have been the original version but the wrong exe and rune graphic got used (the one with Waffen Grenadier) and no one noticed until, well just a few weeks ago. Not too bad since its been out since May! There are mods out that will put the SS runes back in so its not a big deal. Okay, I don't want this thread heating up over the SS issue though so I am going to lock it down in a pre-emptive strike. Madmatt
  8. That site apparently doesn't know anything either about how to properly resize images so they don't look all squished and smushed. Every so often a review like this pops up on some obscure game website. The sites that matter though, have always given our programs high marks. Madmatt
  9. We want to take a moment and welcome all the new people that have recently purchased the Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin Special Edition or the Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord Special Edition retail releases. There are a few points to clarify though. The most important point is this. The newly released Special Edition versions (available only at North American retailers) DO NOT NEED ANY PATCHES APPLIED. They already come pre-patched. While the Special Edition offers the same gameplay and enjoyment as the version we sell online, the technical support for it, however, is handled a little differently. First off, if you are having a problem you should read through the current Troubleshooting Guide located here: CMBB Troubleshooting Guide If you have to report a technical problem with the game or its physical media (CD, manual etc...) you will need to contact the publisher directly, which is CDV Software Entertainment-US. Here is the URL for them: CDV-US Homepage Be sure and note that you have the SPECIAL EDITION version of the game. Only they can provide replacements for defective CD's or manuals. If you do not get a response from them within a few business days you can try and email their support representative directly at: david.green@cdvus.com And he will help you as best he can! Gameplay questions, tactics issues, mod or CMMOS usage queries and issue like that can all be posted here normally. If you have a technical issue that requires immeditate attention you can also post to the Combat Mission Technical Forum which we run, located here: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum;f=8 and we will *try* and help you as best we can but primary support does need to come directly from CDV-US. Thanks again and we hope you enjoy the game! Madmatt [ October 20, 2003, 04:04 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  10. We want to take a moment and welcome all the new people that have recently purchased the Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin Special Edition or the Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord Special Edition retail releases. There are a few points to clarify though. The most important point is this. The newly released Special Edition versions (available only at North American retailers) DO NOT NEED ANY PATCHES APPLIED. They already come pre-patched. While the Special Edition offers the same gameplay and enjoyment as the version we sell online, the technical support for it, however, is handled a little differently. First off, if you are having a problem you should read through the current Troubleshooting Guide located here: CMBB Troubleshooting Guide If you have to report a technical problem with the game or its physical media (CD, manual etc...) you will need to contact the publisher directly, which is CDV Software Entertainment-US. Here is the URL for them: CDV-US Homepage Be sure and note that you have the SPECIAL EDITION version of the game. Only they can provide replacements for defective CD's or manuals. If you do not get a response from them within a few business days you can try and email their support representative directly at: david.green@cdvus.com And he will help you as best he can! Gameplay questions, tactics issues, mod or CMMOS usage queries and issue like that can all be posted here normally. If you have a technical issue that requires immeditate attention you can also post to the Combat Mission Technical Forum which we run, located here: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum;f=8 and we will *try* and help you as best we can but primary support does need to come directly from CDV-US. Thanks again and we hope you enjoy the game! Madmatt [ October 20, 2003, 04:03 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  11. With the Special Edition version of CMBB now arriving in retail across North America I think this forum will be heating up with lots of new blood soon enough. Remember, be nice! Madmatt
  12. This is actually something we did quite a bit of research on. In CMAK we have the M3 Grants with 7 men crews - two gunners,two loaders, driver, tank commander, and radio operator (he was also the spare driver). While we did find anecdotal evidence that at *some* point the radio operator's job might have been rolled over to the driver it seems that while the M3's were in combat they used 7 men, at least while in use by the US. Charles Lemons, curator of the Patton Museum, was also contacted to check our findings and he said much the same. Due to manpower shortages, the British may have fielded some M3's with 6 men, but again, finding proof of this has been difficult so we decided to be conservative and keep the crew at 7. Madmatt [ October 12, 2003, 11:40 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  13. Battlefront.com is proud to open up this dedicated discussion forum for our upcoming WWII tactical simulation Combat Mission: Afrika Korps. To help launch this forum The Wargamer website has posted part 1 of the multi installement CMAK After Action Report. You can find that here: CMAK After Action Report Part 1 UPDATE: the Wargamer now has the updated screenshots posted! Madmatt [ October 13, 2003, 10:59 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  14. There is an entire second CD packed with Mods but most (not all) of them can be found either on CMHQ or the CMMODS site for free. It also has a bunch of new scenarios and ops and again most of them were culled from the Scenario Depoit site. One thing to remember, the Special Editions are really aimed at attracting NEW customers. For you guys that already have the game, you might not get as much out of them. I don't want to keep you from buying it (yesss...buy!!!) but I also don't want you to think they are something they are not. Madmatt
  15. Subtitles won't work because many units are talking at the same time. There would be no easy way to know what units speech to display ,especially since the camera is likely to be moving all over the map changing views and padlocked units while the player reviews the action movie. We have said this before, using English voices for the other nations is a cop out and appeals only to the English speaking audience of the game. Calling another nations language "gibberish" is more than a little insulting as well I might add. If you want to understand what the enemy is saying, I suggest picking up a good foreign language software package and learning for yourself. Knowing what the units are saying (yours and the enemies) can be a very important tool to optimize your situational awareness. Using English for German or Russian voices would be like using a Sherman texture for a German Tiger tank in my opinion. Madmatt
  16. By using the various experience and fatigue and fitness levels, you can simulate anything from a diehard elite force to the rawest new recruites. There is no need for any national bias as such. Madmatt
  17. Sorry about that guys, that forum was an old one created well before the main Opponent Finder forums were built and mistakenly activated during the Lucky Loser spam attack a few days ago. It has been deleted and all SC opponent finder type messages should continue to be posted into the Opponent Finder Forums located here: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?category=9 Madmatt
  18. The easiest way to tell if you have the 2nd edition is to look at the last page. It should be numbereed 4/80. The 2nd edition unit tables should be current though and even includes some new 1.03 data in it as I recall. We are aware of some typos and that command icon mistake in the 2nd edition. What unit data do you see that is wrong? As to updating owners of the earlier versions, we did send EVERYONE that bought a 1st edition copy a 2nd edition free of charge. AS to the pictures,I know we were looking at posting them for download but I am not sure what came of that or if we even still had the originals to do so with. Madmatt [ September 27, 2003, 06:47 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  19. Assuming we still have a record of your original purchase, which we should, you won't need to buy the full game again. Just email sales@battlefront.com and tell them what you told me here. They will tell you what they need from you to look up the old order and how to go about getting a replacement disc. Madmatt
  20. If you bought CMBB from us online, contact sales@battlefront.com to get info on getting a replacement disc. If you bought it in retail, contact CDV at www.cdv.de Madmatt
  21. Make sure you are not running the game from the CD instead of from your hard drive. You can check this by looking at the properties for your game shortcut and see where it is pointing. If its pointing to your CD drive, change it instead to your CMBO directory on your hard drive. This does not apply to the Special Edition version though as it can not be run from the disc. Also remember that there are seperate lists for Scenarios and Operations and that new sceanrios will not show up at top of the list. The list is in alphabetical order. Madmatt Madmatt
  22. Try this from the online troubleshooting guide: Problem: Game seems to lock up or display a black screen immediately after game is loaded, you may hear the intro music or sound still. Video card is a Nvidia (GeForce, GeForce 2,3,4 or FX card) and you have newer drivers (41.09 or higher) installed for it. If you have a Radeon card see next Problem entry below. Cause/Solution #1: The problem is with the video drivers. They have a problem properly initializing the screen graphics when Anti-Aliasing is enabled. Turn off Full Screen Anti-aliasing for your video card. This can be done via the video cards display properties panel. Cause/Solution #2: Minimize CMBB by pressing Alt-Tab and then re-maximize it by clicking on its icon on the Taskbar. The display should properly refresh and everything should be visible again. Cause/Solution #3: Since those drivers will not correctly work when Anti-Aliasing is enabled you maybe able to install older video drivers which will work fine and allow you to use Anti-Aliasing.
  23. From the online troubleshooting guide (which no one ever seems to check first).. Problem: All in game text and scenario list appears blank. Video card is a Radeon or GeForce card. Cause/Solution #1: The problem is with the video drivers. They have a problem properly initializing the screen graphics when Anti-Aliasing is enabled. Turn off Full Screen Anti-aliasing for your video card. This can be done via the video cards display properties panel. Cause/Solution #2: Minimize CMBO by pressing Alt-Tab and then re-maximize it by clicking on its icon on the Taskbar. The display should properly refresh and everything should be visible again. Madmatt [ September 25, 2003, 12:08 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
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