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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Dust and Smoke use the same technology in the game to be displayed so you can turn the effects off all together or revert to FAST and COMPATIBLE mode for it. In that mode the dust becomes these big brown blobs (like the smoke which is a white blob) and is less intensive for older systems and video cards. Smoke and Dust display is controled via the Shift-I hotkey. Madmatt
  2. We had talked about this early on during CMBB's development but it wasn't implemented for technical reasons. Something like this will certianly be possible in the CMX2 engine though. Madmatt
  3. Redoing the infantry model is EXTREMELY time consuming and difficult to do. As such this is one of the major revisions that the CMX2 engine has, the ability to much more easily create a modify models. For CMAK, I dont think we will be making any significant soldier model changes, time is better spent in other areas. Madmatt
  4. The Church picture is from an EARLY build, they look different now. In fact, I might just take a few of the really old Alpha code screenshots down, now that I think about it. Madmatt [ August 22, 2003, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  5. Yes, you will be able to see dust rise from vehicles you can not see for yourself. The dust clouds kicked up by vehicles were often hundreds (if not more) feet high and as such the game will let you see them far before you can spot the tanks/vehicles that are creating them. It would also be a massive CPU hit to check for spotting of sand/dust clouds all the time due to their irregular shape and size. Madmatt
  6. With regards to the M10 in the desert, don;t worry as the TO&E's and vehicle available dates are still being worked on. Please note that both Crete and Italy can have some really arid and sandy like environments though. Madmatt
  7. (Edit) Just making this post sticky for anyone new to the forums. 8-21-2003 New CMAK screenshots posted. http://www.battlefront.com/products/cmak/gallery/index.htm Madmatt [ August 26, 2003, 01:08 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  8. You know how I despise whinners right? But I finally got a chance to shoot my new Sig Sauer P220 today so I am in a good mood. So here ya go, you said M3's you didnt say WHICH M3.... By the way, All bone screenshots do not neccesarily represent how the final textures will look. In fact, they will probably just get better.. MWAHAHAHAHA Madmatt p.s. Thats all the bones for this thread but I am working a more substantial one for you soon. Just don't bug me about it.
  9. This matter is CLOSED. See this post for details: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=008322
  10. Okay, this is utter and complete BULL****. Reinald, your banned. I warned you about having multiple accounts and yet what do you go and do? You create a new one. So your gone and good riddance you close minded arrogant idiot. Doggie, since your only point in being here seems to be take up the misled crusade of your pal Reinald, your gone as well. So long, don't come back. So, you guys got your wish, your banned from this forum. Yeah fun. What sort of losers must you be if that is how you get your thrills? "I got booted off the Battlefront forum for disobeying the rules and speaking my mind." Big Freaking Whoop! PEOPLE, it is time for a little sanity to come back here. THIS IS A GAME, a game which seeks as it's goal entertainment, enjoyment, a little challenge and if we did our job right perhaps a better appreciation for military history. If you can't differentiate between what you see in a GAME and what you see in reality then you need to seek professional help. They have a name for this type of disease. It's called insanity. I will not sit idle and let these two asses (and any one else that feels the same) come here, insult our intelligence and waste our time with some sort of moronic witch-hunt against mod authors and webmasters. Hey, if you don't like me, think I am an ass, fine. I don't work here and admin this forum in order to make friends. It's my JOB. Let me be honest, I AM an ass, and in more ways than most people will ever know but I am not for one minute going to let the innocent get drawn into your ugly web of twisted perceptions. You don't like Nazi's? FINE! Then stop acting like them! This issue is OVER! Madmatt [ August 19, 2003, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  11. They disapeared because you had no units under your control that could still see them. Madmatt
  12. Okay, time to put this one to bed. I expressed my thoughts on this matter as best I could already so there is nothing left to be said. Madmatt
  13. Indeed, this thread has now offered all points of view to be expressed and really has no more point. Since it is now taking up far too much time and effort I am going to close it. Reinald, you have said your peace as have I and others. You have been warned to change your recent behavior, it is your call to abide by the demands of the forum admin or to ignore them. I won't warn you again. SixthArmy, call me an ass if you want, but I would have you walk a mile in my shoes and see what it is like in person to admin a forum of this diversity and scale before you again award us with your dimestore analysis of my personality and conduct on this matter. Normally I would have booted you and reinhard both by now but I genuinely feel that this whole issue is one of a simple misunderstanding and a little too much fervent attitude so I am going to let it all slide, for now. You push again though and you will be out, not that it looks like you would care either way. Let me say this though loud and clear. The Battlefront.com forums will NEVER be a safe haven for those with a Nazi-centric attitude or agenda. This is a PRIVATE forum and one which we run as best as we can in the manner that we choose. ANYONE that preaches hatred, intolerance, servitude, genocide, racism, bigotry, fanaticism or engages in abusive, slanderous or libel attacks on other forum members will be dealt with in a manner deemed neccesary and acceptable by the duly appointed Admins. These forums exist to promote our GAMES and PRODUCTS, and we will do whatever is needed to maintain that. If banning certain individuals from continuing to post here is required, that is what will be done. You don't have to like our policy, but you all agreed to it when you signed up, so abide by rules or let yourselves out and save me the time to do it myself. All I ask, all that I have EVER asked of the membership is to just treat other members with a little bit of respect, tolerance, and maturity. If that is beyond your capabilites, you know where the door is. Thank you and have a good week. Madmatt p.s. reinald, in yet another violation of forum policy you have two different accounts. I am deleting the account with the lesser amount of posts as per policy. [ August 18, 2003, 12:57 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  14. Reinald, The only thing giving the game and community a bad name here is YOU and your sudden crusade against another person who's only crime is that he shares your appreciation and enjoyment of our game. You could have expressed your concerns on what you saw as Nazi glorification in private directly to Eichenbaum and gotten his point of view. Instead, you hijacked an interesting thread and accused another forum member of being a Nazi based solely on your perception of anecdotal evidence. Okay, so he has some swastikas in his website, that doesn't make him a Nazi anymore than it made me or those that help me with CMHQ a Nazi for having hosted graphics mods with swastikas on them in the past. Would you prefer that the past be erased completely and the children of future generations never see the symbols of such brutal and oppressive regimes in the light of day? I have always been opposed to any manner of revisionism and the fact of the matter is you have absolutely no right to tell Eichenbaum how to run his website anymore than I, or any other forum member has. As to restricting free speech here in the forum, hey get used to it because that right is NOT guaranteed here. Even so, since when does free speech allow for slander? Well, it never has and never will. What do you really know about this guy? Who the hell are you to pass judgment on he or his activities and the manner of which he chooses to run a website? Your own actions you have exhibited in these last few threads seem to parallel the very same methods that Nazi's used against innocent people. You confuse a GAME with reality. Using your point of view, would you say that everyone that plays on the Axis side is trying to perpetuate fascism? That is absurd yet it seems to be at the core of your argument. You want to go on a Nazi hunt, knock yourself out but your certainly not going to be allowed to do so on this forum in the manner you have chosen so far. Now, should I ban you or not? This is what you expect and who knows, maybe even want. If I ban you I am sure in your own mind this will prove your point and in some way vindicate you. Lets consider the facts. * You attacked another forum member that did nothing to you. * You purposely tried to derail an interesting thread and made serious acquisitions about another forum member. * You made the decision to ignore the warnings given to you about this subject by the Forum Admin. * You jumped down Juju's throat for his mods and called him a "covert-homosexual", not that it should make ANY difference what his sexual orientation happens to be. Now then, on to some other facts. You hate Nazis and their belief system. I applaud you for that, I and Battlefront.com hate Nazi's to but you must be careful where you wield that flaming sword of justice of yours lest you strike down the innocent. What bothers me to the extreme about this whole issue and the reason that, admittedly, took a more personal and angry tone with you is the precedent I see occurring. Eichenbaum should NOT have had to change his website just because you bitched about it. It is his to run as he sees fit. Issues that revolve around CM websites I take very personally as I have the oldest CM site around and did a great deal to try and build the community into what it is now. I don't want to see webmasters have to prove their sites "purity" because you don't particularly like what mods or graphics he has posted. Who do you think you are that you feel you can make such decisions for others? You said you worry about my last paragraph from the other thread. Here it is again: *** If you don't like his site, think it promotes Nazism or just don't like the guy that is your own burden to bare but it has no place here and I will not permit such personal animosity to run unchecked on our forum. *** That does not mean Neo-Nazism is of no concern to me, quite the contrary, but your OWN personal agenda on this matter is not acceptable forum behavior. Let me point out something from your very own website: "AND, if you don't like the Scenarios, just don't download and install them ;)" The EXACT same thing should apply to mods for the game. You take offense to a mod displaying a swastika, fair enough, its perfectly in your right to not want them in your game, so exercises your freedom of choice and DON'T DOWNLOAD THEM. You would take that very freedom of choice away from others though. Again I ask, who has granted you such a right to pass judgment on others? They played their money for the game, like you, they are adults (well mostly) like you. As such, they can choose to download whatever it is they want. People that donate their time and resources freely to run websites can choose to host whatever mods they want. A swastika by itself is nothing, it is just a jumble of right angles. It holds no power itself other than what you yourself place upon it as a symbol. A symbol of a Nazi construct that illustrates death and chaos and oppression and intolerance and pure hatred. But the fact remains that they are part of history. A terrible history to be sure, but a history that nothing we do now can ever change and it is that historical time that our game is set in. German Aerial recognition banners DID exist and many DID have swastikas on them. People love to mod their copy of CM with new graphics and some of the people that do this wish to model certain historical aspects of the war, that includes swastikas. As wargamers, we try and come to a deeper understanding of the past by reliving, as much as a game can provide, that past. If a game makes you stop and consider something from the past at a deeper level, well then were doing a better job than most school systems. What's frustrating by all of this to me is that you actually feel the same as everyone else here, including me. No one is saying "Yeah to Nazi's!" or spouting revisionist garbage. Your against Nazis and have made the choice to fight that everywhere you see it. I applaud you for that, I honestly do but my worry is that your fierce determination to do right, has blinded you a little. Back off the trigger a bit, don't become that what you hate so much. Don't turn into a unsympathetic intolerant bastard that judges indiscriminately. Respect the choices and decisions of others, and if you find issue with them then handle it in adult and open minded manner. You have since apologized to Eichenbaum and now I will do the same to you, I did call you an "idiot" when I should have chosen my words with a little more care. Your not an idiot, you are someone with a VERY strong set of beliefs and although I do not necessarily agree with all of them I do understand your conviction. Just don't let that conviction be served too hastily to those that share your interest in history and Combat Mission. No, I am not going to ban you reinhard, but I would ask you to please abide by the forum rules and that means that you can't just jump into a thread and call the guy that started it a Nazi. You also owe Juju an apology (which you might have already given above, not sure, this is taking a long time to write). You seem to have an equally strong set of view on homosexuality but again I need to warn you that INTOLERANCE or ABUSE of any type based on someone's personal life is not permitted here. Personal choices are just that PERSONAL, lets leave it at that. Madmatt [ August 18, 2003, 12:35 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  15. Reinhard, You are TOTALLY out of line here and your attack on Eichenbaum will not be permited or tolerated. He has never given us any reason to think that his site is anything but an attempt to promote and support the game. It is also not your place to post into our forum and accuse this guy of anything else. As a webmaster yourself of a CM site I would think you of all people would understand how much work goes into running a site and I am shocked by the uncalled for attack. It's hard enough to run a active site without some idiot giving undue grief. I have no tolerance of such activity. You WILL ceast and desist these claims of yours on our forum or I will boot your off this forum so quick it will make your mother dizzy. Eichenbaum has done nothing to you, and you attacked him unprovoked in a thread in which you had nothing to add. That in itself is a bannable offense but I have decided to just issue a warning at this point. If you don't like his site, think it promotes Nazism or just dont like the guy that is your own burdon to bare but it has no place here and I will not permit such personal animosity to run unchecked on our forum. Madmatt [ August 17, 2003, 05:27 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  16. If you have a Radeon or GeForce card, turn off Anti-Aliasing when you play CM. That should do the trick. Madmatt [ August 16, 2003, 10:42 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  17. I would recommend unistalling the drivers, then use the Detonator Removal tool (which you can find at www.guru3d.com) which will make sure all the old files are truly removed. Now Reboot, once the system comes back up you should go ahead and reinstall the new drivers. My guess is that there are remnants of old driver files still in your system that is causing DirectDraw to not properly intialize and hence only offer you the 640x480 option. Madmatt [ August 15, 2003, 07:05 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  18. One update, there is a well known issue with GeForce 3 Ti cards (the Ti200 and Ti500) and VERY slow boot times on Windows XP using certain drivers. These new drivers DO cause very long boot times (like 5 minutes) on Windows XP with my GeForce 3 ti500. The 44.03's did not but the earlier betas did. As such, I have reverted to the 44.03's. Nvidia knows about this bug so they will probably attend to it with the next driver revision. Madmatt
  19. Okay, I have finished my test of these new official drivers that were released today (8/13). Basically they are identical to the 44.03's in that when Anti-Aliasing is enabled all 2D text in game is not not shown. A quick alt-tab out and back in seems to fix it. I tested in x2, x4 and Quintex modes. Fog works fine and the display is crisp and clean. Frame rate is as good as it was in the 44.03's and maybe even a little quicker. I will once more alert Nvidia of the Anti-Aliasing bug which has been in place since the 30.87 series. Testing was done on a GeForce 3 Ti500 card on Windows XP Pro. I will report results with other cards (GF4 and FX's) once I get them. Madmatt
  20. I looked at the file. Here is what I found: *** You have them Assaulting (already a very tiring command) UP a steep rocky rough slope. That's about the absolute worst and exhausting terrain that infantry is allowed to move through. Remember, that an assault should only ever be used as a bold, violent, vicious attack at short range across decent terrain. A good example of when to use an Assault command is rushing a enemy held building or position from maybe 50 meters or so away. Notice too that the squad that Assaults up the slope but avoids the rough area manages to get into position in the woods and only becomes tired, and will recover in a minutes or so. *** Madmatt
  21. Rex, it is not your right to demand people answer your specific questions in this thread. You only started it, you don't own it. I also don't like to see someone call someone else's post "stupid". I have told you why the Mis-Id occured and that it is not a bug. You don't agree. Sorry to hear it but its not going to change. And with that, I am closing up this thread before it gets out of hand. Madmatt
  22. As Ian says above, some European versions of CMBB did slip through the cracks and various North American retailers did sell them, most notably CompUSA. You can tell if you have a European version of CMBB very easily. We never (at least not yet) sold it in retail, so if you bought it from a store, you are almost guaranteed to have the European (SafeDisc protected) version. Another way to check is that the European version is actually called 'Combat Mission 2: Barbarossa to Berlin', while we always call it Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin (no "2" in the title). Now, in a few months, retail stores will be carrying Combat Mission: Barbarrosa to Berlin SPECIAL EDITION. This will also NOT have SafeDisc on it. There is a chance that the title on the box may say "Combat Mission 2: Barbaroosa to Berlin Special Edition" but I am trying to have that number "2" removed from the title as its confusing enough already. Madmatt [ August 11, 2003, 01:41 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
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