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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. This one is close enough to 300 to go ahead and close it up and have a new one started. Remember, you losers and loserettes are allowed ONE thread to perpetuate with your cess influxed verbage. I am seeing more and more leaks lately and that makes me a sad panda. Keep your mess confined to one spot or I will do it for you and you won't like how I do things. Madmatt
  2. Relax, I have VERY good news to report. We are finishing up testing of the 1.01 patch and it looks like we have the CDV/TCP bug resolved. I can't guess when the patch will be ready as CDV of course has their own timeline but in the past they have been VERY quick to post patches that we send them once they are through testing. Assuming no new show stopper bugs are detected, I would say the patches should be ready very shortly. Madmatt
  3. The copy on sale directly from us online allows you to install the game in English, French or German. Madmatt
  4. The error you see "data error (cyclic redundance control)" is almost always caused by Virus Checking software (normaly McAfee) running in the background. Have you done as originally suggested and disabled it before running the install? Madmatt
  5. You of course are free to maintain whatever you want but my guess is Charles will not view this as a bug however I have directed him to look at this thread and the data that you have collected. We can never stress enough that the Quick Battle generator is meant for quick and easy to get into games. The autopurchaser likes to get a lot for its money and those lower experience troops have a mighty attractive lower price point attached to them. The AI can never match the skills (quality) of an accomplished player so it likes to make up for that with quantities when it can. Battles with full historical TO&E's should use the mission editor to create. Thats what it is there for. Another option is to let someone else purchase the AI's troops for you. Madmatt
  6. Apparently this mod was supposed to have gone up with the big batch of Matilda and Flak Truck mods posted last month. Well it didn't but its available now! Check it out! http://www.combatmission.com Madmatt
  7. Damn, took you losers long enough to find it didn't it? Actually, officially someone noticed it right after release but never followed up on what they thought it was on the forum. Yes, it is a little audio easter egg for ya. I thought you guys might get a kick outa it. You should have heard the ones we DIDN'T sneak in. As to the identity of the voice, nope, its not Germanboy...But your getting warmer.... Madmatt
  8. Actually, on some CD and DVD drives (Most notable on Dell Computers) it can take upwards of 10 minutes if not more for the drive to finish scanning the disc that first time. Just be patient, let the drive grind away for awhile and then it should be fine. It will look like your system is frozen, but its not, just sit back and it will eventually stop and begin the installation. Madmatt
  9. And to clarify even more, the manual gets installed along with the game and is called "CMAK Game Manual.pdf". For the Battlefront version there should also be a link to it in the new Battlefront Program group under the Start Menu. Not sure how CDV set up their program groups. Madmatt [ January 07, 2004, 04:28 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  10. Troops can not be inported from an autosave, it has to be from a save game created at the end of a battle. Maps can be imported from any save game. Madmatt
  11. Yes Mac Expo was what I think our ATI contact was referring to but since I don't think he is going I doubt the other ATI guys in attendance would have much to say (if anything) about the new driver. As to the smoke and dust, yes turning them off in the graphics options only affects their display, the game itself and all the units are still affected by them normally. Madmatt
  12. I am not sure what to say with regards to his comments about the Aussie and Kiwi voices. Both sets used native speakers (probably drunk too which is a requirement that the Finnish voice actors began in CMBB) for their respective countries. One rule I always enforce is that only native speakers for a country are used when I make or edit the samples. Oh well... Madmatt
  13. Glad you liked them. For a while we weren't sure we were going to be able to include any new background sounds at all in CMAK but I persisted and got in all the ones we could fit. Originally there were to be a few more backgrounds but were removed for a variety of reasons. I will be releasing those unused sounds as a modpack down the road. Madmatt
  14. Guys, I keep saying this, but people aren't getting the message. It is too EARLY to begin dicsusions on CMX2. When you see a dedicated CMX2 forum opening up, then it will be time. Madmatt
  15. Actually we had a pretty lengthy dicsussion all about Italian fall colors. In the end, it was decided that we would not have any autumn trees in CMAK and here is why as stated by Steve in an internal email. >>> Cool temps and moisture appear to be what causes color change. At least that is the theory. Truth is nobody really knows. In some areas of the US, which are far more temperate than Italy but far warmer than Maine, the leaves do change colors for about 5 minutes, then fall off the trees This is why we have "Leaf Peepers" traveling to New England to see the Fall foliage. Seriously, it is a a huge tourist business here. Therefore, Mid/Southern Italy certainly wouldn't have color changes at all, or at least enough to simulate. But I would guess that Northern Italy (Alps) would see this. However, the front wasn't really that far up North in the Fall of 1944. >>> Since it is unlikely any Allied forces would have been in areas where the tree's would turn colors in 1943 or 1944, we decided to leave them out. Madmatt
  16. Okay, thanks for the suggestions, we will certainly take them under advisement. I seem to have to remind people that it is still far too soon to begin discussions about CMX2 however. Madmatt
  17. There are no current plans for a CMAK retail release. Of course that may or may not change in the future. Madmatt
  18. I looked over the save games in this situation the jeep finds the road pretty well blocked by a stationary Sherman tank and another jeep. Therefore he does the only thing he can and replots around the perceived road blockage which is through some scattered trees to the roads side. Madmatt
  19. Please send me the save game(s) you have of this with any other info you have on the scenario (quick battle, autopurchased etc...) itself. Madmatt
  20. I have some more info from the ATI driver team. They looked over the remaining issues and see the problem with the dust and smoke rendering (alpha blending) but it looks like in order to code a fix in the drivers would break features in other shipping games. This all stems from some changes they made between the Rage128/Radeon and the 8500/9000 class of chips as well as changes to their rendering code. They did confirm that it was the hardware that was doing something *wrong* and not CM's code. Charles did look at changing things on our end as well but changes on our end, much like on the driver side, would introduce a batch of new graphics problems. So, what does that mean? Well basically that for all practical purposes the upcoming official Mac ATI driver extension won't fix anything in CM beyond what the beta driver(the one I have been passing around) fixes. That means no more pyschodelic colores yes but it also means the smoke and dust still look solid. Our ATI contact did say he was going to do some more testing but I wouldn't expect there to be any changes on this. All in all, this is good news, but not the best news we were hoping for. Right now ATI is getting ready for a big Mac show so they could not give us an ETA on when the final ATI driver will be released. If anyone would like the beta driver, just email me and I will happily pass it on. Once the driver goes official I will add a link to it and update the Troubleshooting guides. Madmatt [ January 05, 2004, 02:25 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  21. Are you sure? I just checked in the Unit Editor and I see the M5A1 halftrack available for 44 points singly in April 1945, Italy. This was for both Infantry and Mechanized forces. Madmatt
  22. The fix for this is listed in the online troubleshooting guide. Problem: Text in-game is unreadable (yellow on white) on a Radeon card when Anti-Aliasing is turned on. Cause/Solution #1: This seems to be a persistent bug with the ATI drivers and anti-aliasing and we usually advise to not use AA while playing however a workaround has been provided by a member of our forum which you may wish to try out. Download this file http://www.battlefront.com/misc/Radeon_text_fix.zip and follow the directions in the readme.txt to replace 3 small files in your CMAK\BMP folder which may resolve this problem. Cause/Solution #2: Disable Anti-Aliasing in your drivers control panel. To do that, set the AA level to x0 or select Application Preference which does the same thing.
  23. One of the many changes in the forthcoming CMAK 1.01 patch is that when you order a TC to button it will STAY buttoned for at least 1 minute. It supposed to be that way now, but we noticed that some TC's were popping a little early but not any more. If you want them to STAY buttoned (with the patch), simply give them the order again in the next turn. That means to issue the order twice, once to have them unbutton and then "Z" again to have them button up again. That will reset their internal timer to wait at least another 60 seconds. Madmatt
  24. Please send me a save game with orders plotted which show this and I will have a look and see whats going on. Madmatt
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