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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. What the hell?!? Smell that? Yeah, thats a padlock... Madmatt
  2. This should go into the Tech Support forum but never the less, here is your answer! Problem: Video card is a Voodoo 5000/5500 and all in-game text is blank or white and unreadable. Cause/Solution: Issue is caused by a fault in the Voodoo Drivers. In order to fix this issue you will need to go into your Voodoo Control Panel and change the level of Direct 3D Full Screen Anti-Aliasing (FSAA) to any setting other than the default, which is normally set to Best Performance. That will clear up the text. Problem: Video Card is a Voodoo based chipset (4000/5000/5500 but could be others) and when game is minimized and restored with the ESCape key the display is corrupted. Cause/Solution: Caused by faulty Voodoo drivers. One solution is to select Single Chip Rendering Option from the Voodoo Control Panel. This will fix the corruption but game performance may suffer slightly. A workaround is to save the game while the graphics are corrupted, exit the game and then re-load. The corruption will be cleared.
  3. Sorry guys but we are a little busy actually trying to implement some ideas which closely approximate some of which has been discussed in here. A lot of it has been on the LIST for some time. Too early to talk about it just yet though. Madmatt [ 08-15-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  4. CombatMission2.com is the secure domain of our new ordering system. No secret there, go to the Products page and you will see the new order pages for all Battlefront.com products. Madmatt
  5. Just letting you know we are currently looking at something a little more streamlined in this area. As soon as I see in action I will report back how it works! Madmatt
  6. Moving to correct forum. Madmatt
  7. Guys, I had to lock up a few threads in order to get the forums working again. Just start them back up if you want. Madmatt
  8. I don't have the list of weather and temperature settings in front of me but thats all planned already. From subzero temperatures to scolding hot, yes. Madmatt
  9. Wrong forum, moving thread now. Madmatt
  10. Wrong forum for this discussion gents, moving now. Madmatt
  11. The assumption you make is that a mobility kill is just a single track hit when in reality it could be the engine or drive train destroyed, the road wheels jammed, the boggies knocked of kilter or any number of hunderds of other issues which would cause a vehicle to be able to NOT move at all. The abstraction we make in the game is that damage is suffecient to render the vehicle completely immobile. To add a new level of damage resolution will have to wait until we re-write the game code. Madmatt
  12. Feild, Some of it is in the readme but much of it is new I think and since I wrote the old readme I will take my word for it. Madmatt
  13. Hi, I have been working on combining the most frequent tech support issues into a new online document to be posted soon but thought you guys might want to have a look at it. You should probably use this as a reference for people that post of such issues. Troubleshooting Guide: Combat Mission v1.12 Install Issues: Problem: Setup halts part way through the install process. Indicates a problem reading a specific file or resource. Cause/Solution: Could be a dirty or scratched CD. Advise to do the following: Use some rubbing alcohol and dilute it with water (about a capful total) Dip a cotton swab into the solution and then gently rub the soaked swab across the shiny surface of the CD. Be sure to work any area that show smudges or scratches. Let the CD air dry. Re-insert the CD and try to re-install. You can also use any aftermarket CD Cleaning kit or Cleaning System to do the above. If that fails see below for Manual Game Installation Procedure. Problem: During installation on a Windows system setup prompts, "Please insert disk 0 that contains the file data 3.cab.” or any other disk and data.cab file. Cause/Solution: This occurs when a previous program leaves its setup files in the Windows Temp folder. Have the customer browse to their Windows Temp folder (default location c:\Windows\Temp) and delete all files and folders located there. Now rerun setup. If that fails see below for Manual Game Installation Procedure. Manual Game Installation Procedure (Windows): Create a directory somewhere on your computer called "CMBO" (Recommend C:\Program Files\CMBO). Now open Windows Explorer and browse to the Combat Mission CD. Copy the Wav, BMP and Scenarios folders into your new CMBO folder. Be sure that you copy the folder AND files inside of them! Now copy the Combat Mission.exe file from the CD to your new CMBO folder. Now launch the game from your harddrive. You will still need to have the CD in the CD drive to play the game (this is done for copy protection reasons) but all the files will be on your computer and it should be okay. General Issues: Problem: Saved games do not show up in the Scenario/Operation list at the Main Menu. Cause/Solution: Game is being run from the CD instead of from the installed location on the computer. Make sure you are running the game from the hard drive and not off the CD. While the CD being inserted is required to run the game you need to be sure that the game itself (the Combat Mission.exe) is being run from the installed directory location on your computer. If you run the game from the CD it will only show files on the CD and not the new ones being saved. Problem: Game reports that CD needs to be inserted in order to load the game. Cause/Solution: The CD DOES have to be inserted into the CD Drive in order to launch the game. Once the game has loaded the CD can be removed. Problem: Game locks up or displays a black screen immediately after game is loaded. Cause/Solution: Usually caused by a QuickTime conflict as the game tries to play the intro movie. In order to disable the intro movie playback you will need to hold down the SPACEBAR when the game is loading. That will toggle the movie playback on/off. Video Issues (Mac): Problem: On a G3, G4 or iMac the display of text in the game is blank or is all whited-out. Cause/Solution: This is due to a known bug in the video extensions for the ATI video card on those computers. There are two solutions available. #1 This problem was resolved with the release of MacOS 9.1. By upgrading to MacOS 9.1 (available for free from www.apple.com) the problem should be resolved. #2 We have included a standalone Universal Installer with the Mac Combat Mission v1.12 patch which will also fix this issue. You can download that file from: Mac Combat Mission v1.12 Patch Once that file is downloaded, just double-click on the "OpenGL 1.2.1" icon. It then mounts a "virtual disk" on the desktop which contains an installer. Problem: Mac system has a Geforce 2/3 video card and the sky graphic textures in-game are all black. Causes/Solution: Appears to be a conflict at some level with the Nvidia video extensions. There is no fix at this time however we are currently looking into a possible workaround Video Issues (Windows) Problem: When game is launched an Unhandled Exception: c0000005 at address: 0053d978 & 005419e5 (can also be some other addresses but they always start with c0000005) error occurs. Cause/Solution: At some point a DirectX component file has become corrupted or is no longer correctly functioning. In order to resolve this issue you should re-install DirectX. Recommend the latest version, which is now DirectX 8.0a and can be obtained directly from Microsoft at the following url: http://www.microsoft.com/directx/homeuser/downloads/default.asp Problem: Video card is a Voodoo 5000/5500 and all in-game text is blank or white and unreadable. Cause/Solution: Issue is caused by a fault in the Voodoo Drivers. In order to fix this issue you will need to go into your Voodoo Control Panel and change the level of Direct 3D Full Screen Anti-Aliasing (FSAA) to any setting other than the default, which is normally set to Best Performance. That will clear up the text. Problem: Video Card is a Voodoo based chipset (4000/5000/5500 but could be others) and when game is minimized and restored with the ESCape key the display is corrupted. Cause/Solution: Caused by faulty Voodoo drivers. One solution is to select Single Chip Rendering Option from the Voodoo Control Panel. This will fix the corruption but game performance may suffer slightly. A workaround is to save the game while the graphics are corrupted, exit the game and then re-load. The corruption will be cleared. Problem: Video Card is a Nvidia based one (Geforce, Geforce II etc..) and in-game text is blurry or flickering. Cause/Solution: This issue appears in various Nvidia reference drivers including the newest 12.xx based Detonator 3 drivers. Older 6.50 based drivers seem to work better. Changing the level of Full Screen Anti-Aliasing (sometimes turning it off all together) will also resolve this issue. UPDATE: For Windows 2000 systems the new beta 14.40 drivers seem to fix all corruption. For ME/XP/95/98 sopme corruption with this latest release is still evident. To find a list of downloadable video drivers please visit: http://www.guru3d.com/ as they have the most comprehensive list I have seen to date. Madmatt p.s. If anyone has any addition please reply below. I didnt cover to many audio issues for example as they seem pretty rare. [ 08-11-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  14. ONE REPLY?!? I post a new mod and I only get ONE reply back? Geez I remember when a CMHQ update could generate 20-30 posts in just under an hour...Woe is me.... Madmatt
  15. That idea is interesting but it is much too minute' in detail for the overall scope of Combat Mission which is really designed for Company engagements and larger. Besides, in order to properly sneak up on a sentry would take several minutes to prepare (to get the sentries patrol pattern down) and then a few more minutes to stealthly approach and dispatch the guard. DO you really want to play a game where for 10 tunrs in a row you watch a single guy walk around when you could instead be blowing up tanks and stuff?!? Not gonna happen my friend. Madmatt
  16. The rumors of my demise have been greatly exagerated a once great man said. Perhaps if they had used hollow points...Ah but I digress. Although work on CMBB is proceeding full speed ahead and pretty much dominating all my time I still wanted to get this nice new Mod from Paul posted. Its is a an excellent rendition of a 3 color tone Panther G with Zimmerit paste applied. Have a go with it!
  17. And don't scream at me you when you have already been warned. All I see is your shining lack of discussion skills. Since you didn't heed my warning and its obvious you have no desire to change your ways its time to say goodbye. Maybe I am overreacting, doesn't matter as last time I checked it had ADMINISTRATOR next to my name and next to yours it said "SMART ASS PUNK THAT RUBBED THE WRONG PEOPLE THE WRONG WAY". I guess you know what happens when I see that? You are hereby banned from posting here on the forum. You have repeatedly broken the agreement that you made when you registered here. As such you will no longer be permitted to post. If you try to circumvent this ban and post anyway we will contact your ISP and all other online agencies and report you for spamming which is illegal. Madmatt
  18. This needs to go in the General Forum. Foobar, you should know better ***Slaps Foobar with a wet hamster*** Madmatt
  19. Lets kill this thread early and start a new one. I will be available for new title review for about another hour. Please email me with suitable title suggestions and do no start a new thread until I give you the go ahead. I should aslo be available on my chat system. Madmatt
  20. Shootdodge, In less than three pages you have managed to show yourself as arrogant, rude and ill-manered. There are people here that have taken hundreds of posts to prove that to me. Okay, it *appears* that all the ill-will in this thread was just caused by youthfull ignorance so assuming you can behave properly you will be allowed to stay. Let me be clear on a few points. You are in OUR home, your abuse the rules and your gone, no ifs and or butts. This is your first and ONLY warning, I don't screw around anymore and its much easier for me to just ban a person than have to police the forum 24/7. I see another vulgar word come out of your mouth in a post and again, it's bye bye. If your really 10 than you have plenty of time to grow up and learn to properly use bad language my son, here ain't the place. So, behave yourself shootdodge and show some respect to those people that you flamed with a blantent disregard for etiquete. They know far more than you do. Madmatt
  21. Guys, just what the hell is going on in here? I go and try to make CM2 the game of the new millineum and you guys forget the very charter that the Peng Thread MUST abide by in order to continue. You guys have GOT to step back and remember that this whole thing is meant to be FUN. I dont wanna see posts calling each other dickheads or racists or anything else like that for that matter. I also dont want to see posts which ARE rascist or dickheadish. ARE WE CLEAR GENTLEMEN? You don't wanna play by the rules then go somewhere else. Stuka and Stalins Organ you guys are hereby warned. Make up offline or dont chat with each other but I dont want to see anymore of this crap here. The rest of you, let this stand as a little warning that your in OUR house and you WILL abide by the rules. Some have said that the Peng threads outlived their usefullness months ago, dont give me reason to believe them. Now I will give you guys one more chance to self moderate this whole mess and get back on an even keel, otherwise I will take measures and my paybacks are an eternal bitch. Madmatt
  22. Never mind...I thought the new beta 14.40 drivers fixed this issue once and for all but it seems they still have some graphic anomalies as well. Madmatt [ 08-07-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
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