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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Mac owners worldwide will be able to order directly from us online and will have the choice of French, German or English language versions. Madmatt
  2. John, settle down now, its seems you have some giant chip on your shoulder about this issue but have a listen for a moment please. Over the past several years we have always referred to game resources as either being "hard-coded" or "modable" With regards to Combat Mission (both CMBB and CMBO) the term "hard-coded" means that the data is stored in the main game execuatble itself in a proprietary or at least closed architecture format. Depending on the data it could be in some lookup table or it could be merely a variable in some long and complex formula or maybe a recipe item for some sort of Blood Ritual to Cthulhu that Charles has coded for, I don't know. Regardless, what it means is that bit of data is NOT modifiable by anyone other than us, or more precisely Charles (aka the brain in the jar). As to the models, they are each and every one created in a 3D rendering program, then that data is exported out into a format that Steve and Charles use on their Macs, then the 3D surface plots and positions are input into the code itself for every model. Its is a VERY long process and is the single biggest thing that we can't wait to re-write with a new engine. People need to understand that while much of CMBB is improved there is some that is still based on code that was designed 3-4 years ago. The model system is one such element although it was and still is more than adequote for our needs. Textures and sound effects are examples of resources that are modable, as they are of an open architecture format which is easily changed. That is all... Madmatt p.s. and by the way, next to Charles, myself, Steve, Martin and Dan, RUNE knows more about how CM works than any other human living or dead. Unless stated otherwise, believe what he says with regards to CM. [ September 04, 2002, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  3. Save the game and send me the file. I want to check this out personally. Madmatt
  4. Okay, this is right up my alley since I was the one that wrote the new scripts and coordinated getting all the new sounds make. First off some facts. In CMBO we had 6 nations with a total of 363 seperate "sayings". On average each nation had less than 60 sayings with Germans and Americans getting the lions share of course. In CMBB there are 7 nations represented audibly with 2018 seperate vocal quotes. Germans have 424 samples and Russians have 447 samples. In CMBO there were only tweleve *triggers* which intiated a verbal response. In CMBB there are 47 things that can happen to a unit which will make it say something. In CMBO, the average amount of variety in each of the voice catagories was for each nation was, I believe, 3. This means units only would say one of three sayings on average for the same event. In CMBB most of the sound catagories have between 6-10 different saying PER nationality. The voice samples in CMBB are over 220 megs in size when installed. In excess of 4 thousand seperate vocal sound samples were edited by me and submitted for inclusion to the game. Due to size restraints that amount was scaled down by 50% to the existing level (2018). That does not include samples that were edited by other parties prior to being sent to me. Each of the seven nationalities is represented in the game with up to 10 different voices all native to their country and with various regional dialects. I strove to maintain historical accuracy that what is being said IS what would been said in WWII. Just like Dan tries to make every texture he does the very best, so to did I with the voices in CMBB. I applied the same methodology to the weapon effects that I was able to update as well. Due to a very untimely hard drive failure my original translated voice scripts were lost but I going to have them re-done sometime in the future. At that time I will ask permission to post those scripts so people will be able to see EXACTLY what is being said. In the meantime I will try and dig up my Excel Spreadsheet which will tell you how the files are currently arranged as they are numbered sequentially by catagory and nationality. That should help modders as they will at least know what, in general, is being said. There will NOT, repeat NOT be an official mod to put English speaking voices into CMBB, at least not one that I will have any part of nor do we have the capability to input some sort of caption. The best alternative would be to play with Labels as you will see many of the important triggers (units breaking, low ammo, etc..) My suggestion to those that don't understand what is being said is to do some research and and broaden your language palette. You will find yourself appreciating history far more when you can understand the languages of the peoples you study. This will be easier to do once I release the catagory to file number list of course. If someone wants to mod the sounds in english then they can knock themselves out. Take it from me, its a BUTTLOAD of work! One last thing, If you don't speak or understand any of the languages and want them to speak in English wpouldn't all immersion be lost, as would a great deal of situational awareness, as everyone on both sides will be yelling in English... Just like CMBB encourages you to learn how to yeild your forces in a sound tactical fashion it now encourages you to LISTEN to what is going on around you. Thank you and I appreciate all the comments on the forum to date about the sound effects. I am very pleased that you like them. If you thought the stats above were impressive wait until I post the ones for the other sound effects. Madmatt
  5. The problem is that while this may make sense on really long maps, if you have those settings stick on smaller maps you may end up gazing into the horizon too much if you had upped the tilt already. Another problem is that, as you may have noticed, in some levels you can tilt far more than in others so that could also be a limiting factor. I will chat with Charles though and see if there is something we might be able to do but my gut feeling is that it is the way it is for a reason. Madmatt [ September 04, 2002, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  6. Charles has already reported to me that the bailed-crew-demo-crash issue has been fixed. We are looking at some other issues still and will more than likely post a demo patch in a few weeks. Madmatt
  7. Guys, everyone needs to chill out a bit here. We have heard your issues, discussed them internally and will see what we can do. Snipping at one another is not a good way to put your concerns forward. Now then, this issue is closed until you hear something more from us officially. Madmatt
  8. No plans, nor do we plan on doing so at any time in the future. Madmatt
  9. Make as many polls as you desire but the fact of the matter is that shockwaves were removed long ago and will not be returning. It was not a purely aesthic reason for their removal either. We are however looking at addressing the tracer issue which we feel is more worthy of our time. Madmatt
  10. There is already another topic which goes over this issue. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=000338 The simple fact is that shockwaves ARE NOT coming back however we are looking at a way to make the tracers easier to see at higher camera elevations. Madmatt
  11. Interesting. I am going to move this to the General Forum as I am sure there are people wanting to comment on it but its not really a CMBB issue at present. Madmatt
  12. First off negative 1000 points for using all caps in your topic. Next, this is not the place to get into discussions regarding the atrosities commited during WWII. While CMBB is a game which depicts the horrors of war it is not one which wants to go into details about what happended at such places, ne either side. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume your post was meant that you were interested in seeing such things in the interest of history. If however, it was because you find such things entertaining then you are certainly not welcome on this forum or in this community. Madmatt [ September 03, 2002, 08:48 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  13. Okay, since this topic has nothing to do with CMBB its getting locked up. As to the unfairness of your new order number? Life sucks sometimes don't it? Madmatt
  14. I am going to lock this thread up for now as I don't want any false rumors to start but we have heard NOTHING about our game being banned anywhere nor did a search of "Combat Mission Greece" show up anything relevant. If you have some proof of this then please email us with links to the material or at least tell us where you heard it from. Please email Martin directly at Martin@battlefront.com Thanks! Madmatt
  15. Two things I thought sure people would notice by now but have not apparently mentioned were the ability to change how the camera rotates (it can revolve around a fixed point or turn in a small circle, at least I think that was new, I can't even recall if thats in CMBO anymore!) and the ability to rotate around a moving and padlocked unit without breaking the padlock. There is nothing cooler than watching a tank as it barrels down a road at high speed and spinning the camera to watch as the scenery goes by at high speeds while keeping the tank as the focal point. I also like the enhanced panning depths and new x16 observation zoom mode. Can you tell I had much to do with the new camera stuff? Try it... Madmatt [ September 03, 2002, 08:06 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  16. Well for starters how about a brand new CMBB Demo mod from the Picasso of POTD's himself, Kwazydog... Looks like Kwazydog had some free time on his hands so he has whipped up a little CMBB Mod Lovin for you all. Check out this new PzIV-G with camo to see what he has in store for you. Extract the contents of the zip file into your CMBB Demo's BMP folder (under the Demo Data directory) and your Pz IVG's will sparkle with new camo glory. Enjoy! In other news, as you may know SuperTed has recently left the CMHQ family in order to devote time to other pursuits. He will be sorely missed. Filling his larger than life shoes will be non-other than Mod Catalouge Guru himself, Garry Kump. Garry is still getting up to speed on the asylum that we call CMHQ but I am sure that very soon you will all be seeing his mark throughout the site. Please welcome him aboard! The mod can only be found at CMHQ! Madmatt
  17. The minimum screen resolution supported is 800x600. In fact it should not even let you run in 640x480 and is supposed to give you a message saying that you have to be able to run in 800x600 in order to play. I will have to check why that message isnt popping up. Madmatt [ September 03, 2002, 07:18 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  18. No textures for them were in CMBO. They were hard coded and unmodable. Madmatt
  19. If he came under fire he may have run off the map. You need to be careful when you map hug your units. Madmatt
  20. Interesting. I just ran a large battery of tests and didnt see one single bogging in the steppes. I will keep my eyes open all the same. Madmatt
  21. Unlike the demo scenarios in CMBO these are meant to show you some of the new hurdles that will face you with combat on the Eastern Front as well as clearly show you how the new commands work and how they should be used. Neither battle is meant to be anywhere near as replayable as the original demo ones. If anything, this should be looked at more like a CMBB Primer to prepare you for the real game. Remember one thing. When the CMBO beta demo came out there was another 8 months before the game shipped. This time you have but to wait less than 3 weeks. Madmatt [ September 02, 2002, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  22. Yup, I can confirm that one. I will have Charles look into that one. Madmatt
  23. Mirage its not dead on my screen (1280x968), are you by chance playing in 800x600? If so then IIRC the scrolling was removed in the right corner because testers were complaining that the screen was moving when all they wanted to do was click the GO button. Madmatt
  24. You guys need to pay more attention to the forum posts. http://www.battlefront.com/products/cmbb/readme.html
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