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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. I would really like to see the dud rate modelled. They have said in the past there is no good relevant information or data on the failure rate of dud rate of weapons and equipment for their old CMx1 WWII games. (Where they did not model the dud rate of ordinance.) Maybe there is more technical info this time around. Weapon and equipment failure and the dud rate for explosive ordinance really should be modelled. If the actual failure rate is known then my guess is to model that rate or % into the game engine should not be all that hard. (maybe) -tom w
  2. I would suggest it is NOT a high priority for the first release. sooner or later they have to nip "feature creep" in the bud or the development of this game (CM:SF) could easily go on for another 18-24 months. (right now they are suggesting spring 2006 as the release time frame) My guess is full movie re-play as you requested will not be featured in the first release of the new game engine. BUT this is JUST my uninformed opinion. -tom w
  3. Thanks again playing CMAK is like hooking up with an OLD friend! I have not played for quite some time! (almost a year) BUT this is still ONE great game. ALL the great scenario's and CM ETO mods and battles are REALLY what make this game GREAT for me. Its like CMBO but WAY better and tweaked perfectly. I am once again enjoying CMAK (sadly not on my OSX only G4 Mac powerbook ) but on a nice G4 iMac that does the trick for me JUST fine. I have been having fun with it all weekend, with all these new scenarios and CMETO mods its like getting a whole NEW computer game for FREE ! Many thanks to all who have posted here and the guy that did all the CMETO mods and that scenario pack too! Thanks -tom w
  4. OK Thanks for all the advice and suggestions See you at the proving-grounds.com -tom w
  5. Hi I am a Mac guy so I have had to ressurrect an old G4 with OS 9 to get my copy of CMAK back in action.... I have not played for quiet a while and I am not familiar with any of the newer or old CMETO scenarios I prefer to play the Americans and I an interested in hearing about any good (or GREAT ) scenario's for CMAK (Italy or ETO) where there is a GREAT tank battle where Shermans an/ or Hellcats go up against Tigers or Panthers. I have not played very many so please don't think "oh I won't suggest that because he has probably playyed it awhile ago" . NOT I don't really play all that much so I am looking for some REALLY good fun tank battle scenarios that I can play or find or download. I am specifically looking for GOOD scenarios I can play against the AI (solo) where I play the US and the German AI computer player (because it is a well written scenario) will give me a GOOD battle.... Any suggestions? Thanks -tom w
  6. Are the M551 Sheridan's still in service in Iraq now? Any chance we can have Sheridan All aluminium tank in CM:SF??? -tom w
  7. "this could be the last time, could be the last time I don't know..." (music jinggle, Stones or the Dead pick one) -tom w
  8. Spring, in the northern hemisphere lasts right up until about June 21st (longest day of the year) however.
  9. Steve's answer to an interview question From this interview at this web page -tom w
  10. better now sorry thinking talking and typing at the same time Doh! -tom w
  11. Thanks Steve... The use of the word "IS" (as in NOT saying "is going to be" or" we are trynig", or "we plan to" blah blah) is in and of itself VERY good NEWS. Woo HOO! "flightpath of the Javelin is probably accurate enough Raytheon/Lockheed Martin's engineers wonder if there is a leak of classified data" That sounds great! -tom w
  12. the Call of Duty 2 demo is out and there is a trailer here that looks pretty impressive for a computer game if you ask me.... Check it out trailer CoD2 here (this link is NOT an automatic download, you still need to click the link on this page to go to the download site nearest to your location/country/region) [ October 27, 2005, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  13. ....and the game is going to have the Stryker and the M1A1 Abrams in it! (or else) No matter what happens in Real Life in Syria it would seem this game is going to have a US Stryker Brigade in it no matter what. (thats ok with me) -tom w
  14. Isn't that the trade mark of the Javelin? Straight level flight then at the last minute it figures out how to climb, then curve over top of the target and come straight down on it? NOW that would be COOL to see in the game!. web page
  15. Where is it? When is it? Who will get it first? see the post below with thanks -tom w [ October 26, 2005, 10:53 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  16. AND M1A1 for the most obvious gamey combined force mix he he Yes, I am also hoping the Bradley IFV will be represented in its various flavours and versions, as well as the M1A2 Abrams which ought to be modeled almost for sure. -tom w I am hopeing this means that we will have both Strykers and M-113's in CM:SF so that we as players can make our own (humble) conclusions by employing either vehicle type and seeing how it plays out in the game for various situations. </font>
  17. from this web page: macnewz and rumours site. I don't really know what that might mean for CM:SF. :confused: -tom w
  18. I guess our problem is we are a miniority. But we shall be a VOCAL minority! :cool: Lets hope for the best, at least they are being practical about it, and we know the BFC team are not overtly "anti-Mac". -tom w
  19. There was something about Late Oct. or early Nov. when the Computer Gaming Monthly mag (?) hits the stands we would see something from them JUST before that ..... or something? any other news? -tom w
  20. "in my opinion" truer words have rarely been spoken on this forum. (even though it is a NOT a political discusion) -tom w
  21. The reviews sound great quotes from the link in the above post about this book are reviews from amazon.com I wonder if Steve and the scenario designers for CMx2 at BFC will find time to read this book?? :confused: -tom w
  22. How true is this? I don't know what military capability (boots on the ground) the US has left (in reserve). How many men/units/tanks/Strykers would it take to invade Syria? how much does the US have not committed Iraq and Afghanistan? Did they move the armour from Korea to Iraq? I remember hearing abuot a HUGE redployment of at least one whole armoured division from South Korea to Iraq? What's left to fight with? just curious -tom w
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