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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Well ok then perhaps I am dillusional or just forgetful but I cannot remember the last point, concept, issue or "thing' we disagreed about? (really :confused: ) -tom w
  2. but its a small request... Just toss in the T80 and the BMP-3 is all we are asking.... -tom w
  3. A handfull of BMP-3's and some T80's (he he) might make the game a little more interesting I would say.... (just for "What if..." sake! )
  4. Great post Scott!! Excellent reply by Steve as well. Perhaps this thread deserves a sticky to the top of the forum as well? -tom w
  5. OK! This was the essense of my first post and question. So far the only thing that makes sense is to use lots of arty (I sure hope the Syrian's have some too )and smoke and dust to obsure the advance. I am trying my best to figure out how these battles could be a fair fight. But the US with all the UAV',s Helo's, CAS, and arty AND fancy pants counter battery arty, (NEVER mind the stand off firpower of the M1A1) seem to me to be still quite invincible leading me to wonder just how one sided these battle's will be. If balance in the scenario's is to come from IED's and guerilla tactics including the possibility of suicide missions that might sort of become somewhat distastful. I can't wait to hear the cries of "gamey" tactics on the part of Syrian player, because "gamey" maybe be the only option for the underdog, and by gamey I mean use of IED's and suicide bombers and car bombs and truck bombs. I am trying to keep an open mind. The Demo should tell us a lot. Thank-you JasonC for your very interesting and informative reply! -tom w
  6. good question How many campaigns? how about replayability? curious? :confused: thanks -tom w
  7. cleary artillary, CAS and UAV's may tip the balance for the Yanks, but supposing arty et. al. is not always available I can easily see a balanced scenario. yes? -tom w
  8. even in 2007? are we talking about what works right now or what "should" work in 2007? :confused: -tom w
  9. OK but the Strykers that carry the infrantry over those 1-2km are ALSO vulnerable to the ATGMs. So this does this mean my inf advance over 1km without AFV's to make contact with the dug in inf with the ATGM? I am still trying to figure out how this whole thing will play out, sounds more and more like if the Syrians know what they are doing that it won't in fact be a "turkey shoot" in any way. -tom w
  10. OK! Exactly That is sort of what I was thinking. The range and the size of the map almost need to be about 10 times bigger then WWII scenarios. Except they say the emphasis is on urban terrain so lets see what the demo scenarios look like. Thanks -tom w
  11. Thanks to all. I just don't understand the whole "range" thing. Meaning that ranges for leathal kills from Anti tank missiles are about 10 times larger (give or take) then what I am used to in WWII. Dan, thanks its just that for me the 88mm flak is a "known" quanity I understand the 88mm and its accuracy and leathality. I have NO idea about how accurate the anti tank missile is or how long its range? But I am guessing they are VERY accurate and can be targeted out to 1-2 kms. I guess my point is that for me this is REALLY a whole new ballgame. I hope there is some form of scenario balance so that the underdog Syrian's actually have a chance to win in some scenarios. Thanks for the replies! -tom w
  12. um Except that the REALITY of this present day situation is that the M1A1's are in Iraq right now AND Iraq borders Syria so they should "theoretically" NOT be on a boat somewhere. IMO They should be immediately available despite the theory of how Stryker brigades "should" be deployed. -tom w
  13. OK I am one of those guys that "doesn't get" modern combat. Sorry my gaming experience is almost exclusively WWII. I just don't understand how to play or plan for infantry with TOW and anti tank missiles that have REALLY long ranges. So the point is that in CMx1 if you could stand your armour off say 200-250m the 'shreck's 'zooks 'fausts (whatever) could not really reach you. Maybe I JUST don't see this from the most appropriate perspective but it looks like Syria as a TON of infrantry based anti-armour assets and technology and I could be wrong but those things look like they can take out Abrams tanks with no problem. I am not sure of the range but 1-2km does not sound unreasonable. If I am wrong about this someone please tell me. I don't understand AT ALL how we can have a CM like game (somewhat like the CMx1 series) with leathal ranges for infantry based anti-tanks weapons leathal out to 1-2 km? Am I wrong? Please tell me how to play this game which appears to be Stryker based when the Syrians on defense (with HOME field advantage by the way Lets see how they model that!) will have plenty of infantry based anti tanks missiles with LONG ranges??? I don't get it? Thanks -tom w
  14. I think Steve said somewhere in this thread they would take a look at this:
  15. More OFP2 eye candy here I have to say it DOES look nice! (But there is NO Mac version IIRC) OFP2 Gallery of images -tom w
  16. First though off the top of my head.... What a GREAT way to NOT have to worry about eliminating BORG spotting. All units in Cmx1 had that intel sharing technology (platform specific or whatever) modelled PERFECTLY. (I do hope they will pay extreme attention to the detail of this particular issue with regard to relative spotting AND technology and C2 command and communications for BOTH side of the battel in as REALISTIC a way as possible!) -tom w
  17. Now thats INTERESTING! Great back story. Is Syria's military larger or more of a challenge than that of Pakistan? -tom w [ October 10, 2005, 06:44 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  18. I thought that "What If.." scenarios were what Military simulations are ALL about! How many times in CMAK and CMBB and CMAK have we hear all the those calls for "What if" scenarios???? (plenty) The venerable "What if" scenario is the foundation of all military planning and training. And this whole Syria thing seems to be as good a "What if" scenario as any at this point. Korean 2007 might be interesting as well but that one could get REALLY messy fast (as in escalate to the use of WMD's maybe). So.. It matters not to me if this particular game, or "What if" scenario, is probable or likely or not likely to become reality. But from the looks of it, it looks like it could provide a tactically challenging back drop to get a feel for modern MOUT combat using (mostly) today's current equipment and technology. So that should be interesting for a change of pace from CMx1. I don't care at all if it is real or possible or probable or likely to actually take place. I personally hope it does not. I just hope this simulation is tactically challenging and actually entertaining to play. -tom w [ October 09, 2005, 11:43 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  19. Thanks Perhaps, everyone here should read that AAR and stop and think, it was very sobering. IMO -tom w
  20. late Q1 2006 maybe Q2? 2006 April May June at the latest? Just guessing -tom w
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